Record Deleted from RI Item Upload Report

Purpose: Use this report to review item upload records that were deleted at the Work with Retail Item Upload Screen.

This report sorts in request date/request time/sequence number sequence.

How to print: Select Process File at the Work with Retail Item Upload Screen to process the RI Item Upload Table (RIIUPP).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Request date: The date the item upload record was created.

Request time: The time the item upload record was created.

Request type: a code indicating the type of information processed through the item upload.

A: Add

C: Change

D: Delete

Record type: The code and description of the type of information processed through the item upload.

01: Item/SKU

03: Item/Offer

04: SKU/Offer

05: Item Price

06: SKU Price

07: Vendor Item

08: Item UPC

09: Item Coordinate

Sequence number: The sequence number associated with the item upload record that was deleted.

Item: A code for the item associated with the item upload record.

SKU: A code for the SKU associated with the item upload record.

Changed by user: The user ID of the person who deleted the item upload record.

Total number of records deleted: The total number of item upload records that were deleted.

ME13_02r Serenade 5.0 March 2015