Batch Number for Retail Channel Orders (I78)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the order batch number the system assigns to retail channel orders received into CWSerenade that are in error.

Number field: Enter the order batch number to assign to retail channel orders received into CWSerenade that are in error.

Note: This number cannot be greater than 5 positions. If you enter a number greater than 5 positions, the system uses the last 5 positions of the number to create the order batch. For example, if you enter 5212006, the system creates order batch 12006.

What is a retail channel order? The system identifies an order as a retail channel order if the Internet order field in the Order Header table is P. You can receive retail channel orders into CWSerenade in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN); the order_channel field in this message is set to P to identify the order as a retail channel order.

Orders received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) go through an edit process. Any orders that fail this edit are placed in error (E) status, and assigned to the batch number you specify here. Additionally, the system generates the Phone Errors report, so you can review the errors on particular orders.

You should use batch order entry periodically to check whether any orders are in error, and to correct the errors.

When the retail order is accepted, the system clears the batch number from the order header if the batch number matches this system control value.

Batch orders: If the retail channel order received into CWSerenade is identified as a batch order, the system does not assign the order batch number defined in this system control value to the order. Instead, the system assigns the retail channel order to an order batch number, using the next available number in the Order Batch number assignment value. See Batching Orders Through the Order API for more information receiving batched orders through the Inbound Order Message.

Leave this field blank if you want to assign the order batch number defined in the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) system control value to retail channel orders received into CWSerenade that are in error.

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015