Use Standard Tax Calc if Tax Interface Communication Fails (J13)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to use CWSerenade’s standard tax calculation if it does not receive a timely response from Vertex.

Yes/no field: Select this field to have the system use the company’s standard tax calculation logic if CWSerenade does not receive a response from Vertex. This setting applies only if you are using the generic tax interface. In this situation, the system displays a message in order entry or order maintenance:

Standard Tax Calculation used.

This setting applies only if the Use Generic Tax XML Interface (J10) system control value is selected.

Tax exceptions: When the system uses the standard tax calculation as part of billing a shipment or processing a return, it creates a Tax Exception record. You can use the Tax Exception report to track these tax amounts. See Printing the Tax Exception Report (PTER) for more information.

Leave this field unselected if:

• you are using the generic tax interface and do not want the system to calculate any tax for an order when CWSerenade does not receive a response from Vertex; or,

• you are not using the generic tax interface.

Note: If this field is unselected, the Tax Exception Report is not available.

For more information: See CWSerenade/Vertex Interface for more information.

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015