Default Additional Charge Code for Inbound Returns (H64)

Purpose: Use this screen to specify whether to refund return postage for a return, and to identify the additional charge code to use when adding return postage to a return received from CWCollaborate.

Code field: Enter a valid additional charge code in this field to specify the additional charge code used to add return postage, as a negative additional charge, to an order. If you enter a valid additional charge code for this system control value, return postage is added to the order even if the associated line has already been returned.

If you do not enter a valid additional charge code in this field, return postage is not added to an order even if passed to CWSerenade from Collaborate. However, the return postage passed from CWCollaborate is logged in the CFS Transaction Table (FLCSFT) regardless of whether you enter a code in this system control value.

About return postage: If you use the CWCollaborate interface to process drop ship orders, you may allow some vendors to enter return postage for returns, whether the return is initiated from the vendor or pre-authorized in CWSerenade and returned against the return authorization. If you enter a valid additional charge code in this system control value, CWSerenade adds the return postage passed from the vendor as a negative additional charge on the order, and increases the total of the return by the return postage amount.

Example: Your CWCollaborate vendor has authority to enter return postage and create returns without a return authorization from CWSerenade. A customer sends merchandise back to the vendor without first calling for a return authorization. The vendor creates a return and enters return postage of $2.98. CWCollaborate sends the return to CWSerenade. If you have entered an additional charge code for the Default Additional Charge Code for Inbound Returns system control value, CWSerenade adds an additional charge of -$2.98 to the order, and increases the total of the return by $2.98. If you have not entered an additional charge code for this system control value, CWSerenade does not add a negative additional charge to the order or increase the customer’s refund, but does log the amount in the CFS Transaction Table (FLCSFT).

Example: Your CWCollaborate vendor has authority to enter return postage. A customer has called to inform you she is returning merchandise. You have decided to send an immediate refund to the customer, without waiting to receive the merchandise, so you have processed a complete return (entered, received, and credited) for the merchandise. The return is still sent to the vendor via the CWCollaborate interface, and when the vendor receives the merchandise he adds return postage of $2.98 to the return. When the vendor’s return information is passed to CWSerenade, the customer’s order is updated with a negative additional charge of -$2.98 if you have entered an additional charge code for the Default Additional Charge Code system control value. The system creates another invoice for the customer’s order to refund the return postage. If you have not entered an additional charge code for this system control value, CWSerenade does not add a negative additional charge to the order or increase the customer’s refund, but does log the amount in the CFS Transaction Table (FLCSFT).

For more information: See:

Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).

CWCollaborate Processing for more information on CWCollaborate drop ship processing.

IN03_04 Serenade 5.0 March 2015