Order Broker Status Summary Table

The following table summarizes the status codes displayed at the screens in the Working with Order Broker (WOBR) menu option.

CWSerenade status

Locate status

Order types


A (Accepted)

Accepted or Picked

Brokered backorder or store pickup

The location assigned to fulfill the order has accepted it, or has accepted the order and is preparing it for shipment or pickup.

C (Closed)


Brokered backorder

You canceled the request when its status was R (Ready), before it was submitted to the Order Broker.

E (Error)


Any order type

The Order Broker has returned an error response. See Troubleshooting the Order Broker Integration for information on some possible errors.

F (Picking)

New_Order or Picked

Retail pickup, delivery, or ship-to-store

The pick slip has been printed.

I (In Process)


Retail pickup or delivery

The order was received from the Order Broker and created without error.

J (Rejected)

unknown (order reassigned to new fulfilling location)

Retail pickup or delivery

The order was sold out after creation in CWSerenade.

K (Acknowledged)


Brokered backorder or store pickup

The Order Broker has received the order request, assigned a request ID, selected a fulfilling location (brokered backorder), and created the order in its database.

L (Partial Fulfill)

Partially Fulfilled

Retail pickup, ship-to-store, or store pickup

The customer has picked up one or more items on the order, but not the complete order.

N (New)


Retail pickup or delivery

The order was received from the Order Broker but is in error.

P (Polled)


Brokered backorder or store pickup

The assigned fulfilling location has polled the Order Broker for new orders and been notified of this order.

R (Ready)


Brokered backorder, store pickup

Brokered backorder: The request is ready to be sent to the Order Broker, but the BROKER process has not yet generated the request message.

Store pickup: CWSerenade attempted to send the order to the Order Broker, but Locate has not responded. In this case, CWSerenade retains the order information in the Store Pickup tables until communication with Locate resumes.

S (Received by Store)


Retail pickup or ship-to-store

The order has been received by the store location but not yet picked up by the customer.

T (In Transit)


Retail pickup or ship-to-store

You have confirmed shipment of the order to the store.

U (Unfulfillable)

N/A (brokered backorder) or Rejected (store pickup)

Brokered backorder or store pickup

Brokered backorder: the Order Broker has not found a location able to fulfill the order based on the rules set up in Locate. When it receives a response indicating that the Order Broker cannot fulfill the order, CWSerenade returns the order line to standard backorder processing.

Store pickup: the assigned store location has rejected the order.

W (Waiting)


Brokered backorder

The order request message has been sent to the Order Broker, but CWSerenade has not yet received a response.

X (Completed)


All order types

• Brokered backorder: The fulfilling location assigned by the Order Broker has shipped the item to the customer. When CWSerenade receives a status update indicating that the order line has been shipped, it bills the order line and saves the ship via and tracking number, if indicated in the response message, to the Order Transaction History table.

• Delivery: You have confirmed shipment of the order to the customer.

• Retail pickup, ship-to-store, or store pickup: The customer has picked up the entire order.

Y (Pending Cancel)


Brokered backorder, store pickup, retail pickup, delivery, or special ship-to-store

Brokered backorder: You have canceled the order line (including the Order Broker request), or you have canceled just the Order Broker request at the Work with Order Broker Screen, but you have not yet received a confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker.

Store pickup: You have canceled the order, but you have not yet received a confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker

Retail pickup, delivery, or special ship-to-store: You have voided the pick slip through the generic pick in API and the Cancel Reason (Pick In) (L86) system control value specifies a cancel reason, but you have not yet received a confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker.

Z (Canceled)


Brokered backorder, store pickup, or special ship-to-store

You have requested that the Order Broker order be canceled, and the Order Broker has confirmed the cancellation.

LO01_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015