Type of RF Location to Search Third (F14)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the type of location for the system to select last when using the Staging Warehouse/Location Placement process during PO Receipts.

Code field: Enter the location type the system should search last when using the Staging Warehouse/Location Placement process during PO Receipts. Typically, the last type of location to search is bulk locations because you will want to first fulfill your backorders and primary location.

System control value settings: You must enter one of these values in this field to have the system suggest inventory placement if you use a Default Staging Warehouse (E15) and Radio Frequency:

*BACKORDER = Suggest to fulfill backorder locations last during Staging Warehouse/Location Placement.

*PRIMARY = Suggest to fulfill primary locations last during Staging Warehouse/Location Placement.

*BULK = Suggest to fulfill bulk locations last during Staging Warehouse/Location Placement.

Leave this field blank if you do not want the system to select a third location type when suggesting placement if you use RF in your warehouse.

This system control values work in combination with the Type of RF Location to Search First (F12) and Type of RF Location to Search Second (F13) system control values. See the description of the Type of RF Location to Search First (F12) for a more in-depth discussion of the Type of RF Location to Search... system control values.

IN03_07 Serenade 5.0 March 2015