PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate the version of the receiving worksheet to print.

System name field: Enter the program name to generate the PO receiving worksheet. See PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0167, POR0167BC) and PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0740, POR0740BC). The valid values are:

POR0740: generates the PO receiving worksheet (POR 0740) without barcodes (see the sample report )

POR0740BC: generates the PO receiving worksheet (POR0740BC) with barcodes (see the sample report )

POR0167: generates the PO receiving worksheet (POR0167) without barcodes (see sample report )

POR0167BC: generates the PO receiving worksheet (POR0167BC) with barcodes (see sample report )

Set this field to POR0740 or POR0740BC to generate a PO receiving worksheet, which includes:

• each primary location for the item within its primary warehouse, listing the on-hand quantity of the item in each

• a line for entry of the country of origin

Set this field to POR0167 or POR0167BC to generate the PO receiving worksheet, which includes:

• just the primary primary location specified in the SKU table

• room for entry of the:

• Control info

• Receiver

• Entry date

• Ship #

• Entry #

• POs

• Cartons

• Weight

• Cube

• Units

• Ship date

• Ship via

• Receipt date

• Count date

• lines for entry of each additional charge created through Working With PO Additional Charges (WPAC)

If this field is blank, no receiving worksheet prints.

Barcode formats: The settings in the FormTypeMapping Properties File control the barcode format. You can include a barcode for the PO number or Item/SKU, or both.

IN03_07 Serenade 5.0 March 2015