Use Data Warehouse (G94)

Purpose: Use this screen to control whether to capture information on activity in CWSerenade for transfer to the CWData data warehouse.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to capture information for transfer to the CWData data warehouse.

Leave this field unselected if you are not using CWData.

About CWData: CWSerenade retains comprehensive data on the transactions and other activities that make up your business. This wealth of data is essential to support a range of business processes, and it is structured in a way to facilitate extensive transaction processing; however, it can be cumbersome for you to select and analyze the information you need for strategic decision-making, especially if you need to consider the same body of information from multiple viewpoints. CWData provides a means to extract key information for your company, consolidating and transforming it so that you can perform powerful, efficient analysis, because it facilitates a multi-dimensional view of the data.

Example: The inquiries and reports available in CWSerenade allow you to review the specifics of order activity for production purposes. You might use the data warehouse to monitor trends and tendencies in order activity because it enables you to view the same data from geographic, demographic, or seasonal perspectives.

For more information: See the CWData Overview.

Note: Contact your MICROS representative for information on purchasing CWData.

IN03_05 Serenade 5.0 March 2015