VCB Default "To" Location (D87)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the location code that defaults at the Vendor Charge Back Detail screen.

Code field: Enter the code representing the “To” location you want to default on the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back). The “To” location is the location where the inventory will be transferred when you process the charge back. If you do not specify a “To” warehouse and location, the system will perform a return to vendor (V) rather than a transfer (T) inventory transaction when you process the charge back. You can override the default “To” location at the Vendor Charge Back Detail screen.

The location code is a 7-position, alphanumeric code, defined in and validated against the Location table; see Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Leave this field blank if you do not want a location code to default.

IN03_11 Serenade 5.0 March 2015