No Entry Audit Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the item locations or LPNs in a physical inventory that do not yet have entered counts.

How to print: Select Print Physical Inventory No Entry Audit at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen. You will also need to select a control and batch number at this screen. The system also produces this report when you accept a batch if any of the item locations or LPNs have unentered count quantities for the accepted count. When you accept a batch this report will print, but not contain any records, if:

• all item locations or LPNs in the batch had been counted in a previous count, but

• you did not enter count quantities for each item location or LPN in the batch for the count you have just accepted (for example, you entered count quantities only for an item location where you found a discrepancy).

The system submits the job PI_NO, which produces this report.

The first, second, and final count quantities will each be zero.

RF physical inventory: Counts being entered in RF Physical Inventory (records in the Physical Inventory Upload New table) display on this report as uncounted. In order to include counts done in RF Physical Inventory, you must first accept the count to upload the records from the Physical Inventory Upload New table to the Physical Inventory table.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Control/Batch #: The control and batch number for the physical inventory.

Warehouse: Warehouse code and description.

Item: Item code.

SKU: SKU code.

Location/Class: Location code and location class.

Type: Location type. Valid values are:

B= bulk

P = primary

S = secondary

T = temporary

LPN: LPN number; if the items are not assigned to an LPN, the LPN is 0.

1st Count: First count quantity.

1st Count ticket: First count ticket number if you use tickets.

2nd Count: Second count quantity.

2nd Count ticket: Second count ticket number if you use tickets.

Final Count: Final count quantity.

Final Count ticket: Final count ticket number if you use tickets.

O/H Qty: On-hand quantity of record before generating the physical inventory (if the item location includes both LPN and “loose” units, the total on-hand quantity minus the quantity assigned to LPNs will appear under LPN 0).

The first, second, and final count quantities will each be zero.

WH01_07r Serenade 5.0 March 2015