Pending RF Physical Inventory Batches Report

Purpose: Use this report to review physical inventory batches that exist in the Physical Inventory Upload New table. The system creates a record in this table when you enter counts for a physical inventory batch in RF Physical Inventory; the records remain in this table until you accept the batch and upload the records to the Physical Inventory table.

How to print: Select Pending RF Physical Inventory Batches at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen if you use RF Physical Inventory.

Selecting a batch: You cannot select a batch for this report; if you enter a control number and batch, the system displays an error message: Both Control and Batch numbers must be 0. The system submits the job PNDRFPI, which produces this report.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: The report sorts in ascending control number\batch number sequence. Within batch, the report sorts in ascending count, item, SKU, location sequence.

Control\Batch: The control number and batch number associated with an RF Physical Inventory that has not yet been accepted.

Count: Indicates if the count that has been started in RF Physical Inventory is the first, second, or third count.

Item: The item being counted in RF Physical Inventory.

SKU: The SKU code for the item.

Location: The location being counted in RF Physical Inventory.

LPN: The LPN number being counted in RF Physical Inventory. 0 displays if the stock is not associated with an LPN.

WH01_07r Serenade 5.0 March 2015