G/L Detail Purge Days (M17)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days old a General Ledger Detail record needs to be in order to be eligible for purge through the PURGEGL G/L Detail Purge periodic function.

Number field: Enter the number of days old a General Ledger Detail record needs to be in order to be eligible for purge through the PURGEGL G/L Detail Purge periodic function (program name PFR0123).

The system creates general ledger detail records if the Capture General Ledger Detail (E71) system control value is selected.

Leave this field blank or enter 0 if you do not schedule the purge of general ledger details or if the Capture General Ledger Detail (E71) system control value is unselected.

For more information: See Displaying the General Ledger Interface (DGLI) for more information on reviewing the contents of the General Ledger (G/L) Interface table and General Ledger Detail table.

IN03_14 Serenade 5.0 March 2015