Default UPC Type for Slotting New Items (L84)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the UPC type the system uses when creating a UPC code using the Generating New Item Slotting Data (GNIS) menu option.

Code field: Enter the UPC type code the system uses when creating a UPC code using the Generating New Item Slotting Data (GNIS) menu option.

Valid UPC types are:

E13 = EAN-13, indicating a 13 position UPC code; however, CWSerenade does not validate the UPC length.

E8 = EAN-8, indicating an 8 position UPC code; however, CWSerenade does not validate the UPC length.

UA = UPC-A, indicating a 12 position UPC code; however, CWSerenade does not validate the UPC length.

UE = UPC-E, indicating a 6 position UPC code; however, CWSerenade does not validate the UPC length.

Leave this field blank if you do not use slotting.

For more information: See Work with UPC Codes Screen for more information on UPC codes.

IN03_03 Serenade 5.0 March 2015