A/P Purchases Journal

Purpose: Use this report to review the invoices that are posted to A/P on a specified date.

How to print: Select OK at the Print Purchases Journal Screen (PPJN).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• activity date: the date when the invoices were posted to A/P

• batch number. This number appears only if you use batch entry of A/P invoices.

• the general ledger account number credited by posting the invoices, and its description

• vendor number and description

• A/P invoice number. Vendor charge back credits end with CR, and invoice charge backs end with CI. See Vendor Charge Back Overview for more information on vendor charge backs, and see Entering A/P-PO Invoices, for more information on invoice charge backs.

• invoice date and due date

• total invoice amount. Credit balances end with CR.

• matching purchase order or drop ship invoice number

• for each item or charge on the invoice:

• line number on the invoice

• general ledger number to be debited for the item or charge, and its description

• extended A/P cost. The extended cost is calculated by multiplying the unit cost by the quantity.

• total for the vendor

• total for the batch, if batching is in effect

• grand total for the activity date

AP02_06r Serenade 5.0 March 2015