12 Disaster Recovery

This chapter provides high-level information for configuring for disaster recovery on the Exalytics Machine.

You can find information about disaster recovery in the following sources:

  • For Oracle Business Intelligence, see "Recommendations for Oracle Business Intelligence" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery Guide.

    Note that disaster recovery of an Oracle Business Intelligence deployment on an Exalytics server to an Oracle Business Intelligence deployment on a non-Exalytics server (IBM, Dell, and so on) is supported. When using rsync, a file synchronization program to synchronize data between the two servers, ensure that you exclude the NQSConfig.INI and the biee-domain.xml files. Table 12-1 shows the configuration files you must exclude.

    Table 12-1 Files to Exclude When Synchronizing Data

    Configuration Files



  • For Oracle TimesTen, you must carefully manage the way in which an Oracle BI repository and aggregates are replicated from the main site to the disaster recovery site. You must exactly mirror on the disaster recovery site system the sequence of operations that you apply on the production system for the repository and aggregates, in particular: