8 Provisioning Oracle Real Application Clusters One (Oracle RAC One) Node Databases

This chapter explains how you can provision Oracle Real Application Clusters One (Oracle RAC One) node databases using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control). In particular, this chapter covers the following:

8.1 Getting Started with Provisioning Oracle RAC One Node Databases

This section helps you get started with this chapter by providing an overview of the steps involved in provisioning Oracle RAC One node databases. Consider this section to be a documentation map to understand the sequence of actions you must perform to successfully provision Oracle RAC One node. Click the reference links provided against the steps to reach the relevant sections that provide more information.

Table 8-1 Getting Started with Provisioning Oracle RAC One Node Databases

Step Description Reference Links

Step 1

Understanding the Deployment Procedures

To provision Oracle RAC One node databases, you will need to run two deployment procedures.

  • To learn about the deployment procedures to run for provisioning Oracle RAC One node databases, see Section 8.2.

Step 2

Understanding the Usecase

This section lists the use case to provision Oracle RAC One node databases.

  • To understand the usecase for provisioning Oracle RAC One node databases, see Section 8.3.

Step 3

Meeting the Prerequisites

Before you run any Deployment Procedure, you must meet the prerequisites, such as setting up of the provisioning environment, applying mandatory patches, and setting up of Oracle Software Library.

  • To learn about the prerequisites for provisioning Oracle RAC One node databases, see Section 8.3.1.

Step 4

Running the Deployment Procedure

Run the Deployment Procedure to successfully provision Oracle RAC One node databases.

  • To provision Oracle RAC One node databases, follow the steps explained in Section 8.3.2.

8.2 Deployment Procedures for Provisioning Oracle RAC One Node Databases

To provision Oracle RAC one database using Cloud Control, use the following Deployment Procedures:

  • Provision Oracle RAC Database + Create Oracle Database

Use the Provision Oracle RAC Database deployment procedure to provision Oracle RAC database software and then run the Create Oracle Database deployment procedure to create Oracle RAC One databases.

8.3 Provisioning Oracle RAC One Node Databases

This section describes how you can provision Oracle RAC one Node databases.

This section covers the following:

8.3.1 Prerequisites for Provisioning Oracle RAC One Node Databases

Before running the Deployment Procedure, meet the following prerequisites:

Prerequisites for Designers

Following are the infrastructure-related prerequisites to be met by the administrator who creates the infrastructure for provisioning deployment procedures:

  • Ensure that you meet the infrastructure requirements described in Chapter 2.

  • Meet the hardware, software, and network requirements for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC installation on the target hosts. For information about the hardware, software, and network requirements for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC installation, refer to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2).

  • Discover and monitor the destination hosts in Cloud Control. For this purpose, you need the latest version of Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) on the destination hosts. For more information refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. Ensure that the agents are installed in the same location on all hosts.

  • Set up the Oracle Software Library (Software Library). Ensure that the installation media, database templates, or provisioning entities are available in the Software Library. For information about creating them, see Section 4.3. Alternatively, use a provisioning profile to store the database template. For information about creating a database provisioning profile, see Section 4.3.5.

  • Store the operating system credentials of the destination hosts as preferred credentials in Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository) or use Named Credentials.

    If you are using SUDO, PowerBroker, see Section 2.3 for information on setting up these authentication utilities.

  • The user configuring the deployment procedure will need to be a member of the groups specified below. If these groups do not exist, then the Deployment Procedure automatically creates them. However, if these have to be created on NIS, then you must create them manually before running the Deployment Procedure. For information about creating these operating system groups, refer to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2).

    The Oracle Database user (typically oracle) must be a member of the following groups:

    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL) as the primary group

    • Database Administrator (OSDBA)

    • Database Operator (OSOPER)

    The Grid Infrastructure user (typically grid) must be a member of the following groups:

    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL) as the primary group

    • ASM Database Administrator (ASMDBA)

    • ASM Instance Operator (ASMOPER)

    • ASM Instance Administrator (OSASM)

    The Oracle RAC Database user must be a member of the following group:

    • ASM Database Administrator (ASMDBA)

  • Ensure that you use an operating system user that has write permission on the following locations:

    • Oracle base directory for Grid Infrastructure where diagnostic data files related to Grid Infrastructure can be stored.

    • Oracle base directory for database where diagnostic data files related to database can be stored.

    • Grid Infrastructure software directory where Grid Infrastructure software can be provisioned.

    • Database software location where database software can be provisioned Working directory where cloning-related files can be staged.

  • Ensure that you have Operator-Any Target privileges in Cloud Control.

Prerequisites for Operators

Following are the deployment procedure-related prerequisites to be met by the operator who runs the provisioning deployment procedures:

  • Ensure that as an operator, you have permissions to view credentials (set and locked by the designer), view targets, submit jobs, and launch deployment procedures.

  • Ensure that the operating system groups you specify for the following groups already exist on the hosts you select for provisioning. The operating system users of these groups automatically get the respective privileges.

    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL)

    • ASM Database Administrator (ASMDBA)

    • ASM Instance Operator (ASMOPER)

    • Database Administrator (OSDBA)

    • Database Operator (OSOPER)

    • ASM Instance Administrator (OSASM)

  • Ensure that you have Operator-Any Target privileges in Cloud Control.

8.3.2 Procedure for Provisioning Oracle RAC One Node Databases

To provision Oracle RAC One node database, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a designer, and from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.

  2. In the Database Procedures page, select the Provision Oracle RAC Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Oracle RAC Database provisioning wizard is launched.

  3. In the Select Hosts page, if you want to use a provisioning profile for the deployment, choose Select a Provisioning Profile and then, select the profile with previously saved configuration parameters.

    In the Select destination hosts section, click Add to select the destination host where you want to deploy and configure the software.

    In the Select Tasks to Perform section, select the platform, the version for the process, and the components you want to provision:

    • To deploy Grid Infrastructure, select Deploy software and configure to provision Oracle RAC databases.

    • To deploy database software select Deploy and create a RAC One Node database which creates a new database and configures it after installing the Oracle RAC database.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role. For more information about the lock down feature in deployment procedures, see Section 4.1.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Configure page, click on the Setup Hosts link.

  5. In the Specify OS Users page, specify the operating system users and groups required to provision the database.

    For Database User and ASM User, select the Normal User and Privileged User to be added to the OS group.

    Click Next.

  6. In the Specify OS Groups page, specify the OS Groups to use for operating system authentication. Ensure that these groups already exist on the hosts you select for provisioning.

    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL)

    • ASM Database Administrator (ASMDBA)

    • ASM Instance Operator (ASMOPER)

    • Database Administrator (OSDBA)

    • Database Operator (OSOPER)

    • ASM Instance Administrator (OSASM)

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the destination hosts, the Setup Hosts task will have a Configured status.

  7. Click on the Deploy Software link.

  8. In the Select Software Locations page, specify the locations where the software binaries of Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC can be placed, that is, the $ORACLE_HOME location. As a designer, you can click on the Lock icon to lock these fields. These fields will then not be available for editing in the operator role.

    In the Source section, select the Software Library location for the Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database binaries.

    In the Destination location, specify the following:

    • Oracle Base for Grid Infrastructure, a location on the destination host where the diagnostic and administrative logs, and other logs associated with the Grid Infrastructure can be stored.

    • Grid Infrastructure Home, a location on the destination host where the Grid Infrastructure software can be provisioned. This is the Oracle home directory for Grid Infrastructure. Do not select a location that is a subdirectory of the Oracle Base for Grid Infrastructure or database. Select Shared Grid Infrastructure home to enable Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home on shared locations. Ensure that the directory path you provide meets the requirements described in Section

    • Oracle Base for Database, a location on the destination host where the diagnostic and administrative logs, and other logs associated with the database can be stored. This location is used for storing only the dump files and is different from the Oracle home directory where the database software will be installed.

    • Database Oracle Home, a location on the destination host where the database software can be provisioned. This is the Oracle home directory for the database. Select Shared Database Oracle home to enable Database Oracle Home on shared locations.

    In the Additional Parameters section, specify the Working Directory on the destination host where the files related to cloning can be staged temporarily. Ensure that you have approximately 7 GB of space for this directory. For Installer Parameters, specify any additional Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) parameters you want to run while provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure. For example, -force (to override any warnings), -debug (to view more debug information), and -invPtrLoc <Location> (for UNIX only). Ensure that the parameters are separated by white space.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the source and destination location for the software, the Configure Software task will have a Configured status.

  9. Click on the Configure Grid Infrastructure link.

  10. In the Select Storage page, select the storage type for Grid Infrastructure and database as Automatic Storage Management or File System to indicate the storage type for storing voting disk and Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR). Voting disk and OCR are used by Oracle Clusterware to manage its resources. You can choose from the following options:

    • Automatic Storage Management for both Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC Database

    • Automatic Storage Management for Grid Infrastructure and File System for Oracle RAC Database

    • File System for both Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC Database

    • File System for Grid Infrastructure and Automatic Storage Management for Oracle RAC Database

    As a designer, you can click on the Lock icon to lock these fields. These fields will then not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  11. In the Configure GI page, in the Basic Settings section, specify the Cluster Name, SCAN Name, and SCAN Port. The default SCAN port is port 1521, but you can specify another port of your choice. The deployment procedure verifies that the SCAN port provided is a valid port number, and is not used for any other purpose. After installation, a TNS listener listens to this port to respond to client connections to the SCAN name.

    In the GNS Settings section, select Configure GNS and auto-assign with DHCP and specify the GNS Sub System and GNS VIP Address if you want virtual host names outside the cluster to have dynamically assigned names.

    In the GI Network section, by default, the network interfaces that have the same name and subnet for the selected destination hosts are automatically detected and displayed. Validate these network interface configuration details. From the Usage column, select Public to configure the interface as public interface, or Private to configure the interface as private interface.

    Click Add to add an interface and specify the Interface Name and Interface Subnet and click OK. Select the Usage as Public, Private, or Do Not Use if you do not want to use the interface.

    If you have chosen storage type as Automatic Storage Management for either or both Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC Database, in the ASM Storage section, select from the ASM Disk Groups that have been discovered by Cloud Control and are displayed in the table. Click Add to add an ASM Disk Group. In the Add/Edit Disk Group dialog box, specify the Disk Group Name, Disk List, and specify the redundancy as Normal, High, or External. Click OK. Select the OCR/Voting Disk to store cluster registry and voting disk files, and specify the ASM credentials for ASMSNMP and SYS users.

    If you have chosen storage type as File System for Grid Infrastructure or Oracle RAC database, in the File System Storage section, specify the storage location for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and voting disks. Select Normal or External to indicate the redundancy level, and specify their locations.

    As a designer, you can click on the Lock icon to lock these fields. These fields will then not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the storage options for the Grid Infrastructure and database, the Configure Grid Infrastructure task will have a completed status. Click Next.

  12. The Custom Properties page will be displayed only for user customized deployment procedures that require custom parameters. Specify custom properties for the deployment, if any. Click Next.

  13. In the Schedule page, if you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is, One Time (Immediately). If you want to run the procedure later, then select One Time (Later) and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. Click Next.

  14. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment.

  15. In the Database Procedures page, select the Create Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Create Oracle Database provisioning wizard is launched.

  16. In the Database Version and Type page, select the database Version and select Oracle RAC One Node Database.

    In the Cluster section, select the cluster and Oracle Home provisioned earlier. Select a reference host to perform validations to use as reference for creating the database on the cluster.

    Select Cluster Credentials or add new. Click the plus icon to add new credentials and specify User Name, Password, and Run Privileges and save the credentials.

    Click Next.

  17. In the Database Template page, choose the database template location. The location can be Software Library or Oracle home. The template selected must be compatible with the selected Oracle home version.

    If you have selected Software Library, click on the search icon and select the template from the Software Library. Specify Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s). This location must be present on the reference node that you selected earlier.

    Click Show Template Details to view details of the selected template. You can view initialization parameters, table spaces, data files, redo log groups, common options, and other details of the template.

    If you have selected Oracle Home, select the template from the Oracle home. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  18. In the Identification and Placement page, select nodes on which you want to create the cluster database. Specify Global Database Name and SID prefix. Specify the Database Credentials for SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP. Select the type of Oracle RAC database, whether Policy Managed or Admin Managed. Specify the Service Name.


    Database Service Name is used by applications to connect to the Oracle RAC One Node database and to facilitate online relocation.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  19. In the Storage Locations page, select the storage type, whether File System or Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

    In the Database Files Location section, specify the location where data files, temporary files, redo logs, and control files will be stored.

    • Select Use Database File Locations from Template to select defaults from the template used.

    • Select Use Common Location for All Database Files to specify a different location.

      If you select Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), in the Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files section, you can specify locations to store duplicate copies of redo logs and control files. Multiplexing provides greater fault-tolerance. You can specify up to five locations.

    In the Recovery Files Location section, select Use Flash Recovery Area and specify the location for recovery-related files and Fast Recovery Area Size.

    In the Archive Log Settings section, select Enable Archiving to enable archive logging. In the Specify Archive Log Locations, you can specify up todata files nine archive log locations. If the log location is not specified, the logs will be saved in the default location.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  20. In the Initialization Parameters page, select the memory management type as Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management. Select Specify Memory Settings as Percentage of Available Memory to specify memory settings as percentage of available physical memory. For Automatic Shared Memory management, specify Total SGA and Total PGA. For Automatic Memory Management, specify Total Memory for Oracle.

    In the Database sizing section, specify the Block Size and number of Processes. If you have selected a database template with data files in the Database Template page, you cannot edit the Block Size.

    Specify the Host CPU Count. The maximum CPU count that can be specified is equal to the number of CPUs present on the host.

    In the Character Sets section, select the default character set. The default character set is based on the locale and operating system.

    Select a national character set. The default is AL16UTF16.

    In the Database Connection Mode section, select the dedicated server mode. For shared server mode, specify the number of shared servers.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  21. In the Additional Configuration Options page, select custom scripts from the Software Library. If you have selected a Structure Only database template in the Database Template page, you can also view and edit database options. Click on the Lock icon to lock the field. Click Next.

  22. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Procedure Instance Name and a schedule for the deployment. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is Immediately. If you want to run the procedure later, then select Later and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. Click Next.

  23. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment.

  24. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.