2 Discover Microsoft .NET Framework Targets in Cloud Control

This chapter describes how to discover your Microsoft .NET Framework target with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

The following topics are provided:

2.1 Discovering Microsoft .NET Framework Targets

After successfully deploying the plug-in, follow these steps to add the plug-in target to Cloud Control for central monitoring and management:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

  2. Click Setup, then Add Targets, and finally Add Targets Manually.

  3. Select Add Non-Host Targets by Specifying Target Monitoring Properties. From the Target Type drop-down, select the Microsoft .NET Framework target type. Click Add Manually.

  4. Provide the following information for the properties:

    • Name: Unique target name across all the Cloud Control targets, such as .net_Hostname. The name represents this .NET target across all user interfaces within Cloud Control.

    • Host: Full name (inclusive of domain, such as machineA.com) or the IP address of the host

    • Username: Host user name (must be an Admin account). Required only for remote Agent monitoring.

    • Password: Password for the user name. Required only for remote Agent Monitoring.

    • Agent Location: "Remote" specifies that the Agent monitoring .NET Framework targets is not on the same computer as the target being monitored. (See Configuring a Remote Agent for more information.) "Local" specifies that the Agent monitoring the target is on the same computer as the target being monitored.


      • The agent chosen must also be an agent running on a Windows host.

      • The "remote" and "local" identifiers are case-sensitive and should be lowercase.

  5. Click Test Connection to make sure the parameters you entered (such as the password) are correct. If the test was successful, proceed with adding targets.


After you deploy and configure the plug-in to monitor one or more targets in the environment, you can customize the monitoring settings of the plug-in. This alters the collection intervals and threshold settings of the metrics to meet the particular needs of your environment. If you decide to disable one or more metric collections, this could impact the reports that the metric is a part of.

2.2 Verifying and Validating the Plug-in

After waiting a few minutes for the plug-in to start collecting data, use the following steps to verify and validate that Enterprise Manager is properly monitoring the plug-in target:

  1. Click Targets, then All Targets. On the All Targets page, click the Microsoft .NET Framework target link from the Monitored Targets table. The Microsoft .NET Framework home page appears.

  2. Verify that no metric collection errors are reported in the Metrics table.

  3. Ensure that reports can be seen and no errors are reported by selecting the Reports property page.

2.3 Configuring a Remote Agent

The steps for deploying the plug-in are the same for remote Agent monitoring and local Agent monitoring. However, if the Agent is on a remote computer from the plug-in target, certain configuration changes are required to access the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data on the computer where the plug-in target resides.

In a scenario where computer A runs the Agent, and the target is installed on computer B, do the following to set up computer A:

  1. Go to the Windows Control Panel and select Administrative Tools, then Services.

  2. Select the Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent service from the listed computer where the Agent is running.

  3. Right-click the service, then select Properties.

  4. Click the Log On tab. By default, this service is started with the Local System account.

  5. Change the default account by selecting the This account radio button, and provide an account and password that exist on both computer A and computer B.

    Note that the account should be a member of the Administrators group, and the account should have administrative privileges on computer B. The password should not be left blank.

  6. Click OK, then restart the Agent service.

  7. Ensure that the Windows Management Instrumentation Service is up and running on both computers.

The Agent should now be able to collect data from the remote plug-in target computer. If the configuration above is not initiated, metric collection errors can appear for the plug-in target's metrics.

To ensure that metric collection errors do not occur within Enterprise Manager, Oracle recommends reviewing the Microsoft documentation on the WMI setup. Refer to the Microsoft documentation from the Microsoft website for additional configuration details.


For a remote Agent, the platform to which the Agent is installed can be any Windows type that may not be supported for .NET Framework. For example, if .NET Framework is running on Windows 2003, you can install the remote Agent on Windows XP to monitor it.