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Siebel CRM Anywhere Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Rev. A
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Creating a Delta Patch File

The following procedure describes how to create a delta patch file for use in a delta installation type of Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit. A delta patch file contains information about how client executables have changed between two specific versions of Siebel CRM.

This task is a step in "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

For example, you could create a delta patch file that contains information about how Siebel CRM client executables changed between version or version and version 15.0. In this example, to upgrade Siebel CRM version or version client executables to version 15.0, you could use a delta installation type of Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit that contains that delta patch file.

For general information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits".

To create a delta patch file for use in a delta installation Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit  

  1. On a computer that has client software for the new release already installed, use a text editor to inspect the siebdp.rtc file.

    This file is typically located in the BIN subdirectory for the client software. For example, if the client software was originally installed in C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1, then the siebdp.rtc file would be located in C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1\BIN.

  2. If your Siebel Business Applications implementation contains files or directories that you do not want inspected for changes when the delta patch file is created, then add those files or directories to the siebdp.rtc file, and then save the file. The correct location for your additions is after the files and directories that are already listed in the following section of the siebdp.rtc file:

    IGNORE *.log, *.err, *.cfg, *.fileIGNORE *_setup.regIGNORE Uninst*.batIGNORE upgrade*.txtIGNORE siebupg2.exeIGNORE siebupg1.exeIGNORE *.spfIGNORE *.tmpIGNORE bin\ssceolrs.dllIGNORE bin\ssupgpures.dllIGNORE bin\siebdp.rtcIGNORE bin\siebdp.rtct IGNORE bin\siebdpnew.rtdIGNORE install.platformIGNORE lan.rspIGNORE lan.rsp.sbsIGNORE lan.rsp.sbsIGNORE en.rsp IGNOREDIR _uninstIGNOREDIR UPGRADEIGNOREDIR packagerIGNOREDIR tempIGNOREDIR localIGNOREDIR log IGNOREDIR cfgtoollogsIGNOREDIR CLASSESIGNOREDIR diagnosticsIGNOREDIR installIGNOREDIR inventoryIGNOREDIR jdkIGNOREDIR jrIGNOREDIR OPatchIGNOREDIR ouiIGNOREDIR XMLP; You may customize the following section to include/exclude folder and files.; To ignore file, use: IGNORE $filename; To ignore directory, use: IGNOREDIR $directoryname


    Do not change the entries in the earlier part of the siebdp.rtc file. Changing the earlier entries can prevent the correct creation of the delta patch file.

    If you want to add a comment to the file, then place the comment on its own line, and use a semi-colon (;) as the first character of the line.

  3. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the BIN directory for the installed client software (which includes siebdp.rtc and siebpatch.exe), such as the following:


  4. In the Command Prompt window, enter a command like the following, substituting the appropriate path to the directory that contains the siebdp.rtc file and substituting your applicable language (one of the languages installed on the Siebel Mobile Web Client):

    siebpatch /l fra /c C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1\BIN\siebdp.rtc

    The Siebel Patch Utility window appears.

  5. Use the information in the following table to respond to the prompts in the Siebel Patch Utility, and then click Next to start the creation of the delta patch file and display progress indicators.

    Siebel Patch Utility Field or Prompt Comments
    Location of the current Siebel client Enter the path to the directory where the older version of the Siebel client software is installed (the version that your users have now).
    Location of the new Siebel client Enter the path to the directory where the newer version of Siebel client software is installed (the version to which your users will upgrade).
    Language If you are creating the delta patch file for the base (language-independent) portion of a Siebel client installation, for a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, then select BASE.

    If you are creating the delta patch file for the base portion, plus all language-specific portions, of a Siebel client installation, for a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, then leave this field blank.

    If you are creating the delta patch file for a language-specific portion of a Siebel client installation, for a Siebel Client Executables__language-code upgrade kit, then select the appropriate language code.

    Output File Specify a path and file name for the delta patch file you are creating. (This is the file that will be included in the upgrade kit.) Use RTP as the file name extension for this file. If you want, you can click the Browse button to navigate to the directory where you want the file to be placed.

    Note: If you specify filename.rtp as the name for the delta patch file, then both filename.rtp and filename.rtd are automatically created. The RTD file is a text file that provides information about the files that have changed between the two specified versions of the software, along with information about any compression of those files that occurred when filename.rtp was created.

  6. When the Siebel Patch Utility displays a message that the output package has been generated successfully, click Finish to exit from the utility.

  7. As needed, repeat this entire procedure to create a separate delta patch file for use in each of the following upgrade kit types:

    • Delta installation Siebel Client Executables (language-independent base upgrade kit)

    • (Optional) Delta installation Siebel Client Executables__language-code (for each language that is used in your Siebel Business Applications implementation)