Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions > Process of Managing Account Promotions (End User) >

Associating Baseline and Shipment Data with Promoted Products

Account managers can associate baseline and shipment data with promoted products. You can associate a baseline record or shipment record with more than one promoted product. For example, if you add the same product to two account promotions, each for the same account and each with the same shipment start and end dates, you create two promoted products that are associated with the same baseline or shipment record.

When you click the Baseline or Shipment button, if the application is running on a server, the request is sent to Server Request Manager (SRM), the SRM II is populated, and the Execution status is set to Pending. You can navigate away after clicking the button. You can refresh the UI to see the execution status as follows:

  • In Progress means the process has started.
  • Finished means the process is done.
  • Error means the process failed with error.

If the application is not running on a server, SRM is not involved. You can navigate away from the screen only if the process (by way of object manager) is complete. This processing for the Baseline and Shipment buttons is applicable to other background process-supported buttons.

When you associate baseline data with promoted products, the product baseline data is retrieved from sales volume plans, appears in the Promoted Products Baseline view. The volumes roll up to promoted products, promoted categories, and account promotions, but not to plans. You associate baseline data with promoted products before the account promotion is implemented. For information about viewing baseline data in sales volume plans, see Viewing SVP Data (End User).

This task is a step in Process of Managing Account Promotions (End User).

To associate baseline data with promoted products

  1. Navigate to the Promotions screen, then the Account Promotions List view.
  2. Drill down on the Promotion field hyperlink for an account promotion record.
  3. Click Baseline.
  4. In the Promoted Categories list, select the category that contains the promoted product or products to which you associated baseline data.
  5. In the Promoted Products list, select a product record.

    The Promoted Product Baseline view shows the baseline data applicable to the account as well as the shipment start and end dates for the promoted product. The default dates depend on the Volume Planning Type field value at promotion. Shipment dates are used for Sell-In. Consumption dates are used for Sell-Out. If no volume planning type is specified, then the shipment dates are the default.

    NOTE:  For more information about configuring the dates for baseline data retrieval to the promotion start and end date or the consumption start and end date, see Changing Dates for Baseline Data Retrieval.

    The following table describes some fields.



    The time period of the record for the promoted product baseline.


    The estimated volume of product that would have been sold without an account promotion.

    PY Baseline Volume

    For the prior year, the estimated volume of product that was sold.

    PY Baseline Revenue

    For the prior year, the revenue for estimated volume of product that was sold.

    Target Baseline Volume

    The expected volume of product to be sold.

    Target Baseline Revenue

    The expected revenue for the volume of product to be sold.


    This percentage accommodates situations in which the first and last week of a promoted product record are not the same length as a full week for the corresponding baseline record.

    If the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the promoted product baseline record matches the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the promoted product record, this field is populated with 100%. Otherwise, this field is populated with a percentage that is calculated as follows: (the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the promoted product record divided by the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the promoted product baseline record) multiplied by 100.

    Promotion Baseline

    Baseline multiplied by (% divided by 100).

    Predict Lift %

    This field is populated when you click the Predict Lift % button to simulate an account promotion. For more information about lift factors, see Process of Simulating High-Level Promotions and Account Promotions (End User).

    Promotion PY Baseline

    PY Baseline Volume multiplied by (% divided by 100).

    Promotion PY Revenue

    PY Baseline Revenue multiplied by (% divided by 100).

    Promotion Target Baseline

    Target Baseline Volume multiplied by (% divided by 100).

    Promotion Target Revenue

    Target Baseline Revenue multiplied by (% divided by 100).

    Est Off Invoice Spend

    The expenditures that are associated with a invoice reduction that you provide to the customer as compensation for participating in an account promotion. For a promoted product, you can change a field value that affects the calculation of the Est Off Invoice Spend field, and then click the Spread button to allocate the new value in the Est Off Invoice Spend field for the promoted product to the Est Off Invoice Spend field for promoted product baselines.

    Est Bill Back Spend

    The expenditures that are associated with a payment provided to the customer as compensation for participating in an account promotion. For a promoted product, you can change a field value that affects the calculation of the Est Bill Back Spend field, and then click the Spread button to allocate the new value in the Est Bill Back Spend field for the promoted product to the Est Bill Back Spend field for promoted product baselines.

    Est Variable Spend

    Est Off Invoice Spend plus Est Bill Back Spend.

    Fixed Slot Fee

    The fee that the retailer charges to you for placing the promoted products for the account promotion on the retailer's shelves. You can enter a value in this field for an account promotion, promoted category, or promoted product, and then click the Spread button to allocate that value to the Fixed Slot Fee field for promoted product baselines.

    Other Fixed Spend

    The other fixed expenditures that you pay to the retailer to encourage the retailer's participation in the account promotion, for example, a fee that you pay to include your products in the retailer's weekly catalog. You can enter a value in this field for an account promotion a promoted category, or promoted product, and then click the Spread button to allocate that value to the Other Fixed Spend field for promoted product baselines.

    Est Fixed Spend

    Fixed Slot Fee plus Other Fixed Spend.

    Est Total Spend

    Est Variable Spend plus Est Fixed Spend.

    List Price

    The price of the product without an account promotion.

    Promoted Price

    The promoted price of each item in the deal.

    Bench Price

    The standard retail price.

    Warehouse Withdrawal Cases

    The number of cases withdrawn from a warehouse in using the inventory on hand.

    Warehouse Withdrawal Units

    The number of units withdrawn from a warehouse in using the inventory on hand.

    Forward Buy Cases

    The additional number of cases that a retailer might purchase over and above that cases sold to consumers, so that the retailer can buy additional volume on a sale to increase the profit margin.

    Forward Buy Units

    The additional number of units that a retailer might purchase over and above the units sold to consumers, so that the retailer can buy additional volume on a sale to increase the profit margin.

    Est Incremental Sell-Out Cases

    The delta of cases that a retailer does not buy from a wholesaler or manufacturer even though the retailer plans on selling more to consumers, because the retailer wants to reduce warehouse inventory.

    Est Incremental Sell-Out Units

    The change in number of units that a retailer does not buy from a wholesaler or manufacturer, even though the retailer plans on selling more to consumers, because the retailer wants to reduce warehouse inventory.

    Est Sell-Out Total Cases

    Baseline Cases plus Incremental Sell-Out Cases.

    Est Sell-Out Total Units

    Baseline Units plus Incremental Sell-Out Units.

    Net Revenue

    Net Revenue is calculated by multiplying the volumes by list price to customer and subtracting trade spend (fixed and variable spends).

    Gross Revenue

    Gross Revenue equals list price multiplied by total volume.

When you associate shipment data with promoted products, the product shipment data is retrieved from sales volume plans, appears in the Shipments view. The volumes roll up to promoted products, promoted categories, account promotions, and plans. You associate shipment data with promoted products after the account promotion is implemented to evaluate the account promotion. For information about viewing shipment data in sales volume plans, see Viewing SVP Data (End User).

To associate shipment data with promoted products

  1. Navigate to the Promotions screen, then the Account Promotions List view.
  2. Drill down on the Promotion field hyperlink for an account promotion record.
  3. Click Shipment.

    Applicable shipment records are identified and associated with the promoted products in the account promotion.

  4. In the Promoted Categories list, select the category that contains the promoted product or products to which you associated shipment data.
  5. In the Promoted Products list, drill down on the Product field hyperlink, and click the Shipments view tab.

    The Shipments view shows the shipment data applicable to the account as well as the shipment start and end dates for the promoted product.

    The following table describes some fields.



    The period of time recorded for the shipment.


    The estimated volume of product that would have been shipped without an account promotion.


    This percentage accommodates situations in which the first and last week of a promoted product record are not the same length as a full week for the corresponding shipment record.

    If the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the shipment record matches the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the promoted product record, this field is populated with 100%. Otherwise, this field is populated with a percentage that is calculated as follows: (the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the promoted product record divided by the number of days that are designated by the start and end dates for the shipment record) multiplied by 100.

    Promotion Shipment

    Shipment multiplied by (% divided by 100). This field is populated when you click the Shipment button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Promotion Shipment Revenue field in the Shipments view with product shipment data from sales volume plans. The revenues roll up from this view to promoted products, promoted categories, account promotions, and plans. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

    Shipment Revenue

    The revenue that is associated with the volume of product that would have been shipped without a promotion.

    Promotion Shipment Revenue

    Shipment Revenue multiplied by (% divided by 100).

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