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Siebel CRM Siebel Mobile Guide: Connected
Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Rev. D
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Reviewing Notification Messages in Siebel Mobile

You can receive notification messages from time to time. Notifications provide a way for administrators, managers, and other users with access to the Message Broadcast view in Siebel CRM to send important information directly to user screens.

You review notification messages in Siebel Mobile by tapping the exclamation icon, which is shown in Figure 4-1, on the application banner. Note the following:

To review notification messages in Siebel Mobile  

  1. Tap the exclamation icon on the application banner.

    The Notification Summary list opens. Note the following:

    • The messages that you have not read appear at the top of the list.

    • The messages that you have already read appear in the Previously Read section. A grayed-out message means that you have already read the message.

    • The vertical line next to a message, which is color coded, indicates the severity level of message, as shown in the following table.

      Severity Level Color of Vertical Line Next to Message
      Normal Grey
      High Yellow
      Urgent Red
      Urgent with Alert Red

  2. Tap a message to open and review the details of the message. All notification messages are read-only.

    1. Tap any attachment that is part of a message to open and view the attachment.

    2. Tap any hyperlink that is part of a message to navigate to the associated view.

    3. Tap the message again to close it after you have read it.

      After you read a new message, the following happens:

      • The message moves to the Previously Read section on the Notification Summary list.

      • The counter beside the exclamation icon on the application banner decreases accordingly.

    4. Tap Delete (the X icon) to delete a message after you read it.

      After you delete a message, the message disappears from the Notification Summary list.

  3. Tap Mark as Read (the check icon at the top of the Notification Summary list) to clear all unread messages and mark them as read.

Modifying Notification Messages

Administrators can modify the code internally for notification messages on either the client or server-side using the following APIs:

  • AddNotification. Creates a notification and returns the Row_Id of the notification.

  • DeleteNotification. Deletes a notification using the Row_Id.

  • UpdateNotification. Updates a notification using the Row_Id.

  • ReadNotification. Returns the notification details using the Row_Id.

For more information about these APIs, see Configuring Siebel Open UI.

The following procedure shows you how to create new and modify existing notification messages in Siebel CRM by navigating to the Administration Communication screen, then the Message Broadcast view.

To modify notification messages in Siebel CRM  

  1. Log in to the Siebel business application as administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration Communication screen, then the Message Broadcast view.

  3. In the Message field, edit the existing message or type the text to create a new message.

  4. Use the Recipient Position and Recipient Division fields respectively to select the positions and divisions associated with the users to whom to send the notification message.

    For more information about modifying notification messages in Siebel CRM, see the topics about creating and modifying a message broadcast in Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

    After you update an existing or create a new notification message in Siebel CRM, the updated or new message is sent directly to mobile application screens and the counter beside the exclamation icon on the application banner increases to indicate that a new message has arrived. If the new message waiting to be read has an Urgent with Alert severity, then the exclamation icon also blinks on the application banner.

Related Topic

"Configuring Notification Settings for Siebel Mobile"