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Siebel CRM Siebel Mobile Guide: Connected
Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Rev. D
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Integrating Siebel Mobile with Native Device Features

This topic describes how to integrate Siebel Mobile with native device features. It includes the following information:

Overview of Siebel Mobile Integration with Native Device Features

You can access and use the following native device features from Siebel Mobile, provided that you download and configure the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel app) first from either the Apple App store if using an iOS device or from Google Play if using an Android device:

  • File System Access. From Siebel Mobile, you can access the native device local hard disk space to read data from and write data to files stored locally on the device using either relative or absolute paths, or the file URL (file://host/path). Depending on mobile application set up and on whether you are using Siebel Mobile connected or disconnected, Siebel Mobile routes commands to the Siebel Server (if online) or local resources (if offline) as required.

  • Location Services. From Siebel Mobile, you can use the native device location services to obtain more accurate location data. For more information about using location services on a mobile device, see "Displaying Location Details in Siebel Mobile" and "Configuring the Privacy Settings for Native Device Feature".

Note :

This release of Siebel Mobile uses WkWebView for iOS devices (instead of UIWebView), which improves performance and communication between the application and web page.

This release of Siebel Mobile uses SQLite (and not WebSQL):

  • SQLite implements the SQL database system and its query language is a simplified version of SQL.

  • SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine and it reads and writes to ordinary disk files.

  • Whereas WebSQL implementations have a 50 megabyte data download limit, this limitation does not apply to SQLite.

Downloading and Installing the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel App)

This topic shows you how to download and install the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel app) on your mobile device. You need the Siebel app to dynamically link to a Siebel Mobile server so that you will be able to access and use the following native device features from Siebel Mobile:

  • Local file system

  • Location services

Downloading and Installing the Siebel App from the Apple App Store

The following procedure shows you how to download and install the Siebel app (Siebel.ipa file) from the Apple App Store for iOS devices such as iPad. If you want to create and deploy your own customized Siebel app, then ignore this procedure and see "Using the Siebel Mobile Archive MAA File (Administrator Task)" for more information.

To download and install the Siebel app from the Apple App Store 

  1. Start your iOS mobile device.

  2. Go to the Apple App Store (http://store.apple.com/us) and search for the following app: Siebel.

  3. Tap FREE to download the Siebel app.

  4. Tap INSTALL to install the Siebel app.

  5. Enter your Apple ID password to install the Siebel app on your mobile device.

  6. Configure the Siebel app.

    For more information, see "Configuring the Siebel App on iOS and Android Devices".

Downloading and Installing the Siebel App From Google Play

The following procedure shows you how to download and install the Siebel app (Siebel.apk file) from Google Play for Android devices such as Samsung Galaxy tablet. If you want to create and deploy your own customized Siebel app, then ignore this procedure and see "Using the Siebel Mobile Archive MAA File (Administrator Task)" for more information.

To download and install the Siebel app from Google Play 

  1. Start your Android device.

  2. Go to Google Play (http://play.google.com/store) and search for the following app:


  3. Select the Siebel app and then tap INSTALL.

  4. Follow the on screen instructions to install the Siebel app on your mobile device.

  5. Configure the Siebel app.

    For more information, see "Configuring the Siebel App on iOS and Android Devices".

Using the Siebel Mobile Archive MAA File (Administrator Task)

Instead of downloading the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel app) and installing it on a mobile device as described in "Downloading and Installing the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel App)", administrators can download the Siebel Mobile archive file (Siebel.maa) from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud (https://edelivery.oracle.com) and use the archive file to create and deploy a customized Siebel app for iOS and Android devices.

For more information about how to use Oracle JDeveloper to create a new Mobile Application Framework (MAF) application from an archive (.maa) file, how to deploy the mobile application, and customize the application (for example, replace the application images), see the supporting documentation for Oracle JDeveloper:


Setting Up the Host Server for Siebel Mobile

The following procedure shows you how to set up the host server where Siebel Mobile connected applications are located. This is a required task if using Siebel Mobile version 2.0 or later.

To set up the host server for Siebel Mobile 

  1. After installing and configuring Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), copy the mobileapplist.lst file from SWSEHome to the host Web server root path.

    For example on Microsoft Windows (IIS), navigate to Local Disk (C), inetput, wwwroot and paste a copy of the mobapplist.lst file in this location. On UNIX, copy the .lst file to the Web server root and make sure it supports the .lst MIME type. .

    The following table summarizes the Web server paths for different operating systems.

    Field Web Server Path
    Windows C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
    Linux <Build Installed directory>/web/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/htdocs
    Solaris <Build Installed directory>/ web/ https-localhost/docs
    HP-UX <Build Installed directory>/ web / htdocs
    AIX <Build Installed directory>/ web / htdocs

  2. Open the mobileapplist.lst file in a text editor.

    An example of the content in the file is as follows:

    "1":{"id":"1","name":"Siebel ePharma Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","url":"http(s):// webserver_hostname/epharmam_LanguageCode/"},
    "2":{"id":"2","name":"Siebel Service for Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","url":"http(s):// webserver_hostname/servicem_LanguageCode/"}
    "3":{"id":"3","name":"Siebel Sales Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","url":"http(s):// webserver_hostname/salesm_LanguageCode/"}
  3. Edit the mobileapplist.lst file as follows:

    1. Change LanguageCode to the language in which you want to run the application. For example, change LanguageCode to enu to run the application in English.

    2. Depending on your deployment, use http or https for the Siebel Web server URL.

    3. Change epharmam_LanguageCode and servicem_LanguageCode to (for example) epharmam_enu and servicem_enu respectively.

      When finished, the content in the mobileapplist.lst file appears similar to the following:

      "1":{"id":"1","name":"Siebel ePharma Mobile","lang":"enu","url":"http(s):// www.webserver.com/epharmam_enu/"},
      "2":{"id":"2","name":"Siebel Service for Mobile","lang":"enu","url":"http(s):// www.webserver.com/servicem_enu/"}
      "3":{"id":"3","name":"Siebel Sales Mobile","lang":"enu","url":"http(s):// www.webserver.com/salesm_enu/"}
    4. Save and close the mobileapplist.lst file.

  4. Change the MIME type for mobileapplist.lst as follows:

    1. Open Internet Information Services Manager.

    2. Navigate to the Features view and double-click MIME Types.

    3. Right-click the .lst MIME type and select Edit.

    4. In the MIME Type field, type in text/plain, and then click OK.

Customizing the Application Icons in the Siebel App

You can customize the icon associated with each application listed on the Home page (Application List screen) of the Siebel app.

To customize the application icons in the Siebel App 

  1. Open the mobileapplist.lst file in a text editor.

    An example of the content in the file is as follows:

    "1":{"id":"1","name":"Siebel ePharma Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","url":"http(s):// webserver_hostname/epharmam_LanguageCode/"},
    "2":{"id":"2","name":"Siebel Service for Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","url":"http(s):// webserver_hostname/servicem_LanguageCode/"}
    "3":{"id":"3","name":"Siebel Sales Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","url":"http(s):// webserver_hostname/salesm_LanguageCode/"}
  2. For each application definition in the mobileapplist.lst file, add the following:


    Where appname is the name of the application. When finished, the content in the mobileapplist.lst file appears similar to the following:

    "1":{"id":"1","name":"Siebel ePharma Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","icon":"epharma.png", "url":"http(s):// www.webserver.com/epharmam_LanguageCode/"},
    "2":{"id":"2","name":"Siebel Service for Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","icon":"service.png", "url":"http(s):// www.webserver.com/servicem_LanguageCode/"}
    "3":{"id":"3","name":"Siebel Sales Mobile","lang":"LanguageCode","icon":"sales.png", "url":"http(s):// www.webserver.com/salesm_LanguageCode/"}
  3. Save and close the mobileapplist.lst file.

Configuring the Siebel App on iOS and Android Devices

This procedure shows you how to configure the Siebel app on iOS and Android devices, which involves the following:

  • Dynamically connecting to a Siebel Server by entering the Siebel Mobile host server address.

    You must set up the host server as shown in "Setting Up the Host Server for Siebel Mobile". After the host server is set up, you can connect to multiple applications in a single Siebel app.

  • Clearing the application cache for an application.

This procedure assumes that you have already downloaded and installed the Siebel app from either the Apple App Store for iOS devices or from Google Play for Android devices as shown in "Downloading and Installing the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel App)".

To configure the Siebel app 

  1. If not already done so, set up the Host Server where Siebel Mobile connected applications are located as shown in "Setting Up the Host Server for Siebel Mobile".

  2. Start your iOS or Android device and then tap Siebel to start the Siebel app.

  3. In the Host section, type in the host server address where Siebel Mobile connected applications are located, for example, as follows:


    You will be connected directly to this host server whenever you log in to an application located at this host server address.

  4. If this is your first time starting the Siebel app on your mobile device, then accept the end-user license agreement.

  5. Tap the right arrow next to the host server address to go to the Home page (Application List screen) of the Siebel app.

    The Application List screen lists the applications that you can connect to on the host server address. You can connect to multiple applications using the Siebel app.

    The Application List is populated from the mobileapplist file that you must configure as shown in "Setting Up the Host Server for Siebel Mobile".

    Each application in the Application List has a unique icon. You can customize the icon associated with each application as shown in "Customizing the Application Icons in the Siebel App".

    There is an Edit button and right arrow next to each application in the Application List. Use the Edit button to log in to the application and clear the application cache. Use the right arrow to return to the application (having navigated back to the Home page).

  6. Connect to an application as follows:

    1. Tap the Edit button next to the application that you want to connect to.

    2. Type in the Username and Password credentials for the application, and then tap Sign In.

      After successful login, the application starts and is rendered as normal in the Siebel app. The following icons appear on the top, right side of the screen (under the application banner) and persist for all views in the application:

      • Refresh icon for refreshing the page in the browser.

      • Attachment icon for going to the Attachment Download Manager view. For more information, see "Managing Attachment Downloads Using the Siebel App".

      • Home icon for returning to the Home page (Application List screen, described in the previous step) of the Siebel app.

  7. To clear the application cache for an application, see "Clearing the Application Cache for Applications Using the Siebel App".

  8. The Identifier does not apply to Siebel Mobile connected applications.

Clearing the Application Cache for Applications Using the Siebel App

Application cache files improve the way applications work on your mobile device by encouraging pages to load faster. Too much cache information, however, can cause application performance in general to slow down. To prevent a deterioration in application performance, it is recommended that you check the browser cache size and clear the application cache data accordingly from time to time.

The following procedure shows you how to clear the application cache for an application by using the Siebel app on iOS or Android devices. Clearing the application cache involves doing one or both of the following:

  • Deleting the attachment files downloaded to a device.

  • Removing all mobile application cookies, application cache, and web database data from a device.

To clear the application cache for an application using the Siebel app 

  1. Start your iOS or Android device and then tap Siebel to start the Siebel app.

  2. Tap the right arrow next to the host server address to go to the Home page (Application List screen) of the Siebel app.

  3. Log in to the application where you want to clear the cache.

    For more information about using the Siebel app to log in to an application, see "Configuring the Siebel App on iOS and Android Devices".

  4. Tap the Edit button next to the application where you want to clear the cache, and then do the following:

    • Tap Clear Downloaded Attachments and tap OK when prompted for confirmation to delete all downloaded files for the selected application.

    • Tap Clear Downloaded Data and tap OK when prompted for confirmation to delete all cookies and data for the selected application.

The application cache will be cleared when the application is restarted.

Related Topics

"Disabling Private Browsing"

"Clearing the Browser Cache"

"Checking the Browser Cache Size"

"Configuring the Privacy Settings for Native Device Feature"

Resetting the Host Server Using the Siebel App

The following procedure shows you how to reset the Siebel Server or host server for an application using the Siebel app on iOS or Android devices. When you reset the host server, all applications configured on the host server are reset.

To reset the Siebel Server or host server using the Siebel app 

  1. Start your iOS or Android device and then tap Siebel to start the Siebel app.

  2. Tap Reset All, and then tap Yes when prompted with the following message:

    Application Data will be reset. This will take effect when the application is restarted.

    The next time you start the Siebel app, the connection field or host server address field will be empty.

For more information about connecting to the host server, see "Configuring the Siebel App on iOS and Android Devices".

Managing Attachment Downloads Using the Siebel App

If you are using the Siebel app with Siebel Mobile version 2.0 or later, then you can manage the download of attachments using the Attachment Download Manager view.

The Attachment Download Manager view lists all the attachments that have either finished downloading or are scheduled to download and includes the following information for each attachment record:

  • Check box. If checked, this indicates that the attachment record is selected. If unchecked, the attachment record is not selected.

  • List Order. A number in the List Order field indicates the rank or sequence number for the attachment record. You can drag and drop each row to change the record sequence or key in a number manually in the List Order field.

  • Entity. The attachment type.

  • File Name. The name of the attachment record.

  • Size (KB). The size of the attachment file.

  • Progress. The attachment download status, which can be one of the following: Not Downloaded, Queued for Download, Downloaded, File not Available, Downloading.

    Downloading indicates that the attachment is actively downloading and a progress bar shows the progress of the download.

  • Speed. The attachment download speed.

  • Time Left. The duration of time to complete the attachment download.

The following procedure shows you how to manage the download of attachments using the Attachment Download Manager view in the Siebel app. The Attachment Download Manager view is available in online (connected) mode after the initial full download is complete, and in offline (disconnected) mode where attachments are downloaded during the synchronization process. .

Note :

The attachment functionality is supported in both online (connected) and offline (disconnected) mode. In disconnected mode, attachments are supported when customers download the Siebel app or use the Siebel Mobile Archive MAA file to create and deploy a customized Siebel app for iOS and Android devices. For more information, see "Using Attachments in Siebel Mobile" and "Downloading and Installing the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel App)".

To manage attachment downloads using the Siebel app  

  1. Start your iOS or Android device and then tap Siebel to start the Siebel app.

  2. Log in to the application where you want to manage attachment download.

    After successful login, the application starts and is rendered as normal in the Siebel app. The following icons appear on the top, right side of the screen (under the application banner) and persist for all views in the application: Refresh, Attachment, and Home. For more information about these icons and about using the Siebel app to log in to an application, see "Configuring the Siebel App on iOS and Android Devices".

  3. Tap the Attachment icon on the top, right side of the screen to open the Attachment Download Manager view.

  4. If required, reorder the attachment list by typing in a number in the List Order field.

  5. Select one or more attachment records for download by tapping the check box next to each record.

  6. Configure the following Download Settings as required:

    • Download Only on Wi-Fi. Tap this check box to indicate to download attachments only on Wi-Fi.

  7. Choose one of the following download options as required:

    • Download. Tap Download to queue the selected attachment records for download.

    • Remove. Tap Remove to delete attachments belonging to the selected attachment records from the mobile device, and cancel any future downloads of or updates to the selected attachment records.

Configuring the Privacy Settings for Native Device Feature

To use native device features such as location services with your Siebel Mobile connected application, then you must configure the privacy setting for the feature on your mobile device accordingly as shown in the following procedures.

Configuring the Privacy Settings on iOS Devices

The following procedure shows you how to configure the privacy settings on iOS devices.

To configure the privacy settings on iOS devices 

  1. Start your iOS device.

  2. Tap Settings, tap Privacy and then tap Location Services to turn on the setting.

  3. The map functionality is now enabled for Siebel Mobile. For more information about using the map functionality, see "Displaying Location Details in Siebel Mobile".

Configuring the Privacy Settings on Android Devices

The following procedure shows you how to configure the privacy settings on Android devices.

To configure the privacy settings on Android devices 

  1. Start your mobile device.

  2. Tap Google Settings, tap Location and then tap Location Reporting to turn on the setting.

  3. The map functionality is now enabled for Siebel Mobile. For more information about using the map functionality, see "Displaying Location Details in Siebel Mobile".