Siebel Finance Guide > Managing Households >

Setting the Household Privacy Option

United States law requires that financial institutions disclose their privacy policies regarding the sharing of nonpublic personal information with third parties, and fair credit reporting, that impacts the sharing of nonpublic personal information with affiliates. End users can specify a privacy level by making a selection from the Privacy Option field.

The Privacy Option field is for registering the privacy level requested by the household; it does not impact record visibility in any way.

To set the privacy option for a household

  1. Navigate to the Households screen, then the List view.
  2. To specify a privacy level, scroll down to the Privacy Option field and select one of the following:
    • Opt-In. Sharing of nonpublic personal information is allowed without restrictions.
    • Opt-Out - Affiliates. Sharing of nonpublic personal information with affiliates is not allowed.
    • Opt-Out - Third Party. Sharing of nonpublic personal information with third parties is not allowed.
    • Opt-Out - All Parties. Sharing of nonpublic personal information with any affiliate or third party is not allowed.
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