Siebel Finance Guide > Managing Financial Needs Analyses >

Generating Recommendations from a Needs Analysis Session

After performing a needs analysis, end users can generate a list of recommended products or a proposed mix of investments.

For more information on performing a needs analysis, see Performing General Needs Analysis for Companies or Contacts and Performing Investment Needs Analysis for Contacts.

To generate a recommendation from a needs analysis session

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view.
  2. In the Contacts list, drill down on the contact for which you want to generate a recommendation.

    NOTE:  If the contact does not exist, add it. For more information about adding contacts, see Adding Contacts.

  3. Click the Needs Analysis view tab.
  4. In the Needs Analysis form, select the link for the needs analysis type, and click Recommend.
  5. Scroll down to see the generated recommendations.

    For an Investment Needs Analysis, the application generates a recommended asset and fund distribution. The Asset Distribution and Fund Distribution display information in either lists or charts.

    For other types of needs analysis, the recommendation list displays a score (a relative ranking), a product name, and a description.

  6. In the Recommendation list, drill down on the Product Name field to view further information about the product.

After customers have determined the product or products they are interested in, the end user can select the Apply field for those specific products. If the Auto Application feature has been set up, the end user can then use the Auto Application feature to automatically create a new application for the customer. The Application is prepopulated with the company and product-related information already captured in this screen. For more information about creating an application, see Managing Siebel Finance Applications.

You select products recommended in all Needs Analysis views in the Contacts screen, except the Investments view.

Selecting a Recommended Product Using the Apply Field

Use the following procedure to select a recommended product using the Apply field.

To select a recommended product using the Apply field

  1. If necessary, return to the generated Recommendation list based on the needs analysis.
  2. Click to place a check mark in the Apply field to the left of each product for which the customer wants to apply.

    There is no limit to the number of products that can be selected.

    NOTE:  If the customer wants to apply for more than one product (for example, a checking account and a mortgage loan), you can go to a different Needs Analysis view for each product type, perform the needs analysis, and apply for additional products. When you select Auto Application, you are taken to the Application screen, where you can fill out applications for all the selected products.

  3. Leave the record containing the checked Apply field.
  4. Select Auto Application by doing one of the following:
    • Click the Auto Application icon in the upper left corner.
    • From the application-level menu, choose File, Auto, and then Application.
  5. In the first Application view, click the select button in the Product Name field.

    The recommended products appear in the Applications view.

  6. In the Products dialog box, select the Primary field for the product whose name appears in the Product Name field.

For more information about filling out applications, see Managing Siebel Finance Applications.

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