Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Using Siebel Pharma Handheld > Managing Samples in Siebel Pharma Handheld Applications >

Scenario for Managing Samples in Siebel Pharma Handheld

This topic gives one example of how you might manage samples in Siebel Pharma Handheld applications. You might manage samples differently, depending on your business model

Near the end of the quarter, a sales representative in the U.S. prepares for FDA-mandated inventory reconciliation. The sales representative is required to take a physical inventory of their samples and make sure the quantities match the electronic inventory. To do so, they need to make sure that all of their sample transactions are up-to-date for the current period before submitting the inventory count.

The sales representative remembers that they made a sample disbursement mistake earlier in the day. They accidentally had a physician sign for 10 samples when really only five were dropped off. Therefore, the sales representative needs to make a samples adjustment for this transaction.

In Siebel Pharma Handheld, the sales representative finds the sample transaction record. Then, the representative selects the adjust quantity feature, which automatically shifts the transaction status to In Progress for the new adjustment record and to Adjusted for the already-submitted sample transaction. When the representative submits the adjustment record, Siebel Pharma Handheld updates their inventory to reflect the lower quantity that was disbursed and changes the sample quantity for the actual call from ten to five.

The sales representative also had some samples that had expired, which they physically mailed back to their samples administrator. The representative now has to record this transaction into their electronic inventory. In the Samples Transfer view, the representative creates a new record, then adds three new sample line item records, and selects the Submit button. This changes the status to submitted, locks the records, and updates the inventory for the Siebel Handheld application to reflect the transfer.

The sales representative is now ready for the actual inventory count. While physically standing in their personal samples closet with their handheld device, the representative opens the Samples Inventory Count view. From this view, they see the products listed in their personal inventory according to the electronic count. They go down the list, product by product, lot by lot, counting each product and lot number combination.

The sales representative enters the actual quantity that they find into Siebel Pharma Handheld (using their handheld device) and notices that the application automatically updates the difference field to reflect discrepancies between the on-hand and electronic inventory. When finished, the representative verifies that the differences are zero. The representative is now ready to submit their inventory count. Submitting causes a new inventory period to open, displaying the current date and time.

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