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Siebel CRM Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2015
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Partner Program Administration

After you have created partner programs and enrolled members, partner programs are maintained in the following ways:

Updating Partner Program Membership Records

When a partner is approved for the partner program, a membership record is automatically created. This record is populated with the following data:

  • Begin Date. The day the membership begins.

  • End Date. The day the membership expires. After this date the Membership Status automatically changes to In Grace Period.

  • Renewal Begin Date. The date after which the partner can apply for renewal.

  • Renewal End Date. The date after which the partner cannot apply for renewal. When this date passes, the Membership Status changes to Expired and the partner must reapply.

  • Renewal Ineligible. A check box that, when checked, makes the partner ineligible to renew. This field is unchecked by default.

  • Member Status. Values are Current Member, In Grace Period, Expired, and Terminated. This field is read-only.

  • Active. This read-only flag indicates whether the partner is an active member in this program.

When any of these fields requires an update, you can type over the existing data to change it.

To view or change partner membership information  

  1. Navigate to Partner Program screen, then the Membership Administration view.

  2. Select and drill down on the partner program and then click on the Membership tab.

    Program membership data such as membership status and program begin and end dates appears.

  3. To change existing data, click on each field you want to change and type in the new data.

Performing Mass Updates of Partner Programs

Brand owners can add or remove lists of partners to or from partner programs. The Mass Update functionality is a means to create a partner list to add or remove program members. This task can be performed manually or can be set up in Oracle Business Intelligence.

There is a user property called MassUpdateLimit on the PPR Partner Program Partner business component (buscomp).The default value of this parameter is 500. The value in this user property determines the maximum number of records that can be processed at one time. This user property only applies to mass updates, and not to eligibility administration for partner programs. For more information about buscomps and user properties, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

You can create a mass update list for a partner program by entering data manually or using Oracle Business Intelligence. It is recommended that you use the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load process when you need to import many partner record based on many criteria. For information on setting up Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load process, see "Using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load".

Creating a Mass Update List Manually

Use the following procedure to create a mass update list manually.

To create a mass update list manually  

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view and drill down on the program.

  2. Click the Mass Update tab.

  3. In the Mass Update list:

    • Click Add and select the records you want to add.

    • Click Delete to delete the partner from the Mass Update list.

  4. Optionally, you can use the Add List button to import a list of partners that must be defined in a list on the List Management, Partner List.

Creating a Mass Update Using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load

Use the following procedure to set up a mass update using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load.

To create a mass update list using an Oracle Business Intelligence report (brand owner) 

  1. Navigate to Partner Program screen, then the Membership Administration view and drill down on the program.

  2. Select the Mass Update Data Load record that appears in the Eligibility Administration list, then click on the Location field, and then select an Analytics report from the picklist.

  3. Click Activate and scroll down to the Load History list.

  4. As the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load task runs, click Refresh to update the status value and select an Analytics report from the picklist.

    For the procedure for scheduling a Mass Update data load, see "Creating a Refresh Schedule."

Executing a Mass Update List

Use the following procedure to execute a Mass Update list.

To execute a mass update list 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, Membership Administration, and then Mass Update view.

  2. Select a partner record or multiple records.


    The following processes are background processes; you can continue to use the PRM application while the mass update is executing.

    • To add this partner as a member to the program, click Add as Members.

    • To remove this partner from the program, click Remove from Program.

      The record is not physically deleted, but its Membership Status field is changed to Terminated.


      When you add a partner as a member to the program, the partner is also added to the access group that was automatically created when the program was created.

  3. Click the Membership tab to view the status of each partner.

Associating MDF Programs with Existing Partner Programs

Brand owners can associate one or more Market Development Fund (MDF) programs with an existing partner program. This association makes partners in the program eligible to receive these MDFs.


This procedure applies to the Advanced MDF option only. For more information, see "The Advanced MDF Option".

To add MDF programs to a partner program 

  1. Navigate to the Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view.

  2. Drill down on the name of the desired partner program

  3. Click the MDF Program view tab.

  4. Click Add and select one or more MDF Program records.

  5. Check the Auto Create Account flag if you want an MDF Program account to be created automatically for the selected MDF Program when the partner is approved for membership.

  6. Drill down on the MDF program name.

  7. Click the Partner Programs tab.

  8. Click Generate Program Participants.

  9. Click the Program Participant view tab.

  10. In the Program Account view, click Generate.

    New MDF program accounts are generated for these members of the Partner Program.

Adding Agreements with Partner Program Members

You can add agreements that apply to partners who are already members of a partner program.

You can do this if there is some new agreement that applies to members of a program. For example, a new agreement might be needed because your product line has changed.

You can also do this if you did not add needed agreements to the partner program application.

Agreements can be added to the application before approval if it is approved manually in the partner program inbox. If the application was approved automatically or if the partner was added to the program by a partner manager, you can add agreements to the membership. For more information about agreements, see "Adding Program Entitlements to Partner Agreements".

To add an agreement with a partner program member 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, Program Members Administration, and then Agreements view.

  2. Add new records, as described in "Adding Program Entitlements to Partner Agreements".

Terminating a Partner Program Membership

You can remove a partner from a partner program using this procedure.

To display all partners in a program and terminate memberships 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view.

  2. In the Partner Programs list, drill down on the name of the desired program.

  3. Click the Mass Update view tab.

  4. In the Mass Update list, select the records of partners to be terminated from this program and click Remove from Program.

Partner Program Membership Renewal

Partners can use the Partner Portal to apply to renew their membership during the renewal period.

When the renewal period begins, send an email to the partner saying they must apply to renew their membership; you can set up a workflow to send this email automatically, as described in "Notifying Partner of Application Approval by Email". The member has until the Renewal End Date to renew the membership. The partner remains a full member of the program until the Renewal End Date.

The partner applies for renewal on the Program Membership view of the Partner Portal, by selecting the appropriate membership record and clicking the Renew button.

. The partner must complete the application and accept the terms and

When the partner applies for renewal, the Siebel Business Application creates a new Activity record for the partner of the type Renewal Application.

If this is a program whose applications must be approved manually, the partner administrator at the brand owner company must look at the activity records regularly to see if there are any new activities of the type Renewal Application. If there are, the partner administrator reviews and approves these applications in the inbox, as described in "Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs".

When membership expires or is terminated, the status of agreement line items is automatically changed, so partners no longer have the entitlements that they had as members of the program. When the application renewal is approved, the agreement line items for the renewed membership are added based on the agreement line items in the previous membership for the partner program, updated so they are effective during the begin and end dates of the partner's new membership.

The Member Status field in the Partner Programs screen, Program Members Administration view changes automatically. It can have the following values:

  • Current Member. This value is automatically set when the partner is added to the Partner Program as a member. The Agreement Line Item Status field is automatically set to Current.

  • Expired. This value is automatically set when the Renewal End Date of the Member record has passed. The Agreement Line Item Status field is automatically set to Expired. Any Entitlements based on the Partner Program Entitlement Templates have the End Date automatically set to the system date.

  • Approved Member. This value is automatically set if the renewal is approved but original membership has not expired yet. After the original membership has expired, the status changes to Current Member.

  • In Grace Period. This value is automatically set when the Membership End Date of the Member record has passed, but the Renewal End Date has not passed, meaning that membership has expired but there is still time to renew. There is no affect on Agreement Line Item Status.

  • Terminated. This value is automatically set when the user clicks the Remove From Program button in the Mass Update view. The Agreement Line Item Status is automatically set to Cancelled.


    If the Partner Program end date passes, a workflow sets the Partner Program Status to Inactive, but there are not automatic changes to the Agreement Line Item Status field. If you want the Agreement Line Item Status to change automatically, you must configure this workflow.