Siebel eService Administration Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Siebel Public Sector eService > Managing Cases >

Viewing the Status of Appeal Requests

An agent can accept or reject an appeal request in the Siebel Public Sector application. To accept the appeal request, the agent changes the Status field for the activity record associated with the appeal request from Active to Approved, the agent might enter text in the Description field of the activity record to explain the reason for accepting the appeal request, and the agent creates an appeal case for the citizen's original case. After the agent completes these acceptance tasks, the following changes occur in the Siebel Public Sector eService Web site:

  • The Appealed field for the original case is checked to indicate the original case is appealed.
  • A new appeal case appears in the My Cases applet.
  • The Status field for the activity record associated with the appeal request changes from Active to Approved.
  • The Summary field for the activity record associated with the appeal request changes to include text that the agent enters to explain the reason for accepting the appeal request.

To reject the appeal request in the Public Sector application, the agent changes the Status field for the activity record associated with the appeal request from Active to Declined. The agent also enters text in the Description field of this activity record to explain the reason for rejecting the appeal request. If the agent rejects the appeal request, then the citizen can request another appeal for the case. For more information about accepting or rejecting appeal requests for cases, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

To view the status of an appeal request

  1. In the Siebel Public Sector eService Web site, click the Service tab.
  2. In the Quick Links applet, click the Check Case Status hyperlink.
  3. (Optional) To find a specific case, click Query, enter the search criteria in the fields in the My Cases form, and click Go.

    NOTE:  For the form fields in which you can type text, you can use a wildcard to search, which in this case is an asterisk (*). For example, you can type *Arson* in the Name field to find all cases that contain the word Arson in the case name. The search logic is case sensitive, so the word Arson might yield different search results than the word arson.

  4. In the My Cases applet, note the designation in the check box for the Appealed field for the case for which you requested an appeal.
    • If the check box is checked, then an agent accepted the appeal request, and created a new appeal case that you can access.

      The Name field for this appeal case is the name of the original case followed by Appeal text and a date. This new appeal case contains information about the appeal of the original case.

    • If the check box is not checked, then an agent either rejected the appeal request or has not yet accepted or rejected the appeal request.
  5. In the My Cases applet, click the hyperlink in the Case number (#) field of the case for which you want to view more information about an appeal request.
  6. In the Activities applet, complete the following steps:
    1. Note the value in the Status field of the appeal request.
      • If the value is Approved, then an agent accepted the appeal request.
      • If the value is Declined, then an agent rejected the appeal request.
      • If the value is Active, then an agent has not yet accepted or rejected the appeal request.
    2. If the Status field value is Approved or Declined, then note any additional text the agent entered in the Summary field to explain the reason for acceptance or rejection.
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