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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Monitor Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0

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B Policy Monitor Script

This appendix provides a description and examples of the Policy Monitor script.

B.1 Policy Monitor Script and Command Line Examples

This section provides a description of the Policy Monitor script, and then provides command line examples.

B.1.1 Description of the Policy Monitor Script

usage: arr -propertyfile <propertyfile> -command <command> <...args>

Use the above script to start and test an instance of Policy Monitor (use CTRLîC to stop the server).

B.1.1.1 Commands


Ensure the following property is available and encrypted in the input property file:
  • arr.jdbc_password

  • create-tables

    Creates the required Policy Monitor database tables and sequences.

    • Options

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type, for example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database URL.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database user name.

  • checks-tables

    Checks the required audit server database tables and sequences.

    • Options

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type. For example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database URL.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database user name.

  • drop-and-create-tables

    Drops and recreates the Policy Monitor database tables and sequences.

    • Options

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type. For example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database URL.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database user name.

  • parse-audit-msg

    Tests the validity of an audit message.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing an audit message.

  • parse-syslog-msg

    Tests the validity of a syslog message.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

  • send-tls-msg

    Sends a syslog message to a Policy Monitor supporting TLS.


    Ensure the following properties are available and encrypted in the input property file:
    • arr.keystore_password

    • arr.truststore_password

    • arr.keymanager_keystore_password

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

      • -arr.hostname

        The host name of the syslog server.

      • -arr.port

        The port of the syslog server.

      • -arr.keystore

        The client keystore.

      • -arr.truststore

        The client truststore.

  • send-udp-msg

    Sends a syslog message to Policy Monitor supporting UDP.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

      • -arr.hostname

        The host name of the syslog server.

      • -arr.port

        The port of the syslog server.

  • start-tls-server

    Starts a TLS Policy Monitor running on a given port.


    Ensure the following properties are available and encrypted in the input property file:
    • arr.keystore_password

    • arr.truststore_password

    • arr.keymanager_keystore_password

    • Options

      • -arr.port

        The port to listen on (6514 is the standard port for syslog over TLS).

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type. For example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database URL.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database user name.

      • -arr.keystore

        The server keystore.

      • -arr.truststore

        The server truststore.

  • start-udp-server

    Starts an UDP Policy Monitor running on a given port.

    • Options

      • -arr.port

        The port to listen on (514 is the standard port for syslog over UDP).

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type. For example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database URL.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database user name.

  • start-tcp-server

    Starts a TCP Policy Monitor running on a given port.


    This command is not recommended for production use.
    • Options

      • -arr.port

        The port to listen on.

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type. For example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database URL.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database user name.

  • send-tcp-msg

    Sends a syslog message to a Policy Monitor supporting TCP.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

      • -arr.hostname

        The host name of the syslog server.

      • -arr.port

        The port of the syslog server.

B.1.2 Examples of Policy Monitor Commands

  • create-tables

    > arr -propertyfile -command create-tables

  • check-tables

    > arr -propertyfile -command check-tables

  • drop-and-create-tables

    > arr -propertyfile -command drop-and-create-tables

  • parse-audit-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command parse-audit-msg -arr.input_file test_audit_msg.txt

  • parse-syslog-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command parse-syslog-msg -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • send-tcp-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command send-tcp-msg -arr.hostname localhost -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • send-tls-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command send-tls-msg -arr.hostname localhost -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • send-udp-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command send-udp-msg -arr.hostname localhost -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • start-tcp-server

    > arr -propertyfile -command start-tcp-server

  • start-tls-server

    > arr -propertyfile -command start-tls-server

  • start-udp-server

    > arr -propertyfile -command start-udp-server