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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Working With IHE Profiles User's Guide
Release 3.0

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7 Deploying the IHE Profiles Application

This chapter provides procedures on how to deploy the IHE Profiles Application to the WebLogic application server and how to run HL7 v2 and HL7 v3 sample data through the IHE Profiles Application.

This chapter includes the following section:

Deploying an IHE Profiles Application

Deploy an IHE Profiles Application project on the application server through the server's web administrator console. This starts the IHE service.

To Deploy an EAR File from an Admin Console

  1. On the left panel of the WebLogic Server Administration Console, under Domain Structure, select Environment and then select Deployments.

    The Summary of Deployments panel appears.

  2. On the right side of the panel under Deployments, click Install.

    A Summary of Deployments panel with a Deployments table containing a list of EAR files appears.

  3. Locate your application EAR and click Next.

    The Install Application Assistant page appears in the right panel.

  4. Locate the deployment you want to install and prepare for deployment.


    Select the file path that represent the application root directory, archive file, exploded archive directory, or application module descriptor that you want to install. You can also enter the path of the application directory or file in the Path field.


    Only valid file paths are displayed. If you cannot find your deployment files, upload your file(s) and/or confirm that your application contains the required deployment descriptors.
  5. Click Next.


    When deploying an MPI EAR file through the WebLogic Admin Console, under Security make sure that you select DD Only. If you select one of the other options, you will not be able to log into the MIDM.
  6. Click Finish.

  7. Launch Master Index Data Manager (MIDM).

  8. From a web browser, enter the following:

    • For IHE Profiles Application: http://localhost:7001/PatientMIDM

    • For MPI Application: http://localhost:7001/PersonMIDM


      The "Patient" portion of PatientMIDM or the "Person" portion of PersonMIDM is from the object name that you previously set. "Patient" is mandatory for an IHE Profiles while "Person" could be another object name.
  9. Log in using your user name and password.

Running Data Through the IHE Profiles Application

Oracle provides both HL7 v2 and HL7 v3 sample data for you to run through the PIX/PDQ system to help you get started with the applications. To enter the HL7 v2 sample messages, you need an HL7 simulator. There are several available on the internet. The HL7 v3 data is provided in the form of test cases that are run from the soapUI project.

The sample data illustrates several scenarios for data processing. You add new records, update existing records, find assumed matches in the Master Person Index, perform PIX queries for associated local identifiers, perform demographic queries, and perform merges. The data was designed to be run in a specific order to get the expected results from PIX and PDQ queries.

Before you can run these tests, you need to run a database script to add system information to the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM) database, as described in the following section. Without this data, the sample tests will fail.


You can modify the HL7 v2 sample files and the HL7 v3 test input files to insert additional records into the Master Person Index database. If you modify the HL7 v2 sample files, ensure that you use an editor, such as UltraEdit, that does not automatically convert \r to \r\n.

Use the steps in the following procedures to add the required systems to the database, and then to run HL7 V2 and V3 data.

To Add Required Systems to the Database

  1. Navigate to the location where you installed OHMPI, and then to samples\ihe\databasescripts\.

  2. Log in to the mpi database from a SQL prompt or editor as the mpi user.

  3. Run the following files against the database:

    1. clean_ihe_ohmpi_sample_data.sql

    2. create_ihe_ohmpi_sample_data.sql

To Run HL7 V2 Sample Data

Before you begin, ensure that:

  • Your application server is running, and your OHMPI IHE enterprise application is configured and deployed correctly.

  • Your HL7 V2 service lifecycle model is deployed and started correctly.

  • Your HL7 v2 client simulator is configured and starts correctly.

You can use any HL7 v2 compliant client to send and receive HL7 v2.5 and v2.3.1 sample data. Configuring the HL7 v2 client simulator is specific to the type of the simulator you select. Generally, you should only need to configure its environment to use HL7 v2 listening URL, which is defined in the oracle.hsgbu.ohmpi.ihe.hl7v2.url property for the OHMPI IHE HL7 V2 lifecycle module (by default hl7://localhost:4447), or in the hl7service.xml configuration file.


Each group of sample data files has a readme file that you should review to learn how each sample data file should be processed and what expected results should be.
  1. Navigate to the OHMPI installation directory and then to samples\ihe\hl7v2.

    This folder contains a complete set of HL7 v2 sample data files. It also contains subdirectories, that each containing a use case. A use case contains a subset of data files that perform specific functions. It contains database scripts for preparing the database to run HL7 v2 sample data. A readme file in the use case directory explains what the use case is and how to run sample data files and the expected results.

  2. To process additional records into the system, first backup your sample data files and modify the message data as needed, then use the HL7 v2 simulator to complete the procedure.

  3. After processing sample data files from a use case, you can:

    • View the response message or the acknowledge message.

    • Review records from an OHMPI Master Person Index using the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM).

    • Review audit records and message tracing, content, and extensions.

To Run HL7 V3 Sample Data

Under the samples\ihe\hl7v3 directory of your OHMPI installation, there is a soapUI sample project that you can use to test your PIXv3 and PDQv3 web services. A readme file explains the test case scenarios.

Before you begin, ensure that the application server is running, your OHMPI IHE Profile Application has been deployed, and soapUI has been installed properly.


To install soapUI, go to, click Download Free Open Source, download the latest version (currently 3.6.1) for your platform (for example, Unzip the file after downloading it.

For best results, run the tests in the order they are displayed in the project. This shows you a full spectrum of PIX v3/PDQ v3 processing. If the tests are run out of order additional errors will occur because the response from the Master Person Index will be different.

  1. Adjust web service URLs in the sample soapUI project, if necessary.

    The soapUI sample project provided is based on an IHE Profile Application deployed on WebLogic with default configuration, that is, the PIX Manager v3 and PDQ Supplier v3 web services are assumed to be running at http://localhost:7001/PIXManager_Soap12/PIXManager_Service and http://localhost:7001/PDQSupplier_Soap12/PDQSupplier_Service, respectively. If your IHE Profile Application is running on a different host or a different port on WebLogic, then you need to adjust the preceding two URLs in the soapUI sample project accordingly. To adjust the URLs, open the samples\ihe\hl7v3\pixpdqv3-samples-soapui-project.xml in your favorite editor and replace all instances of the preceding two URLs based on the following instruction:

    • The web service URLs must be in the following format (the default port number on WebLogic is 7001):

      • http://<host_name>:<port_number>/PIXManager_Soap12/PIXManager_Service

      • http://<host_name>:<port_number>/PDQSupplier_Soap12/PDQSupplier_Service

  2. To start soapUI, go to the ${SOAPUI_HOME}\bin directory and load soapui.bat.

  3. To import the PIXV3/PDQV3 soapUI project, click File, select Import Project, and then select pixpdqv3-samples-soapui-project.xml from the samples\ihe\hl7v3 directory.

  4. Expand the PIX and PDQ v3 Samples node in the project tree.

  5. Double click TestSuite-PIXv3 or TestSuite-PDQv3 node to show the Test Suite Editor.

  6. Click Run to run all the test cases in the test suite.

  7. After running a test suite, you can:

    • Check whether the tests passed or failed within soapUI.

    • Review records using the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM).

    • Review audit records and message tracing.