Oracle® Communications Calendar Server

Release Notes

Release 8.0


March 2021

This document provides release notes for Oracle Communications Calendar Server Release 8.0:

New Features Delivered in 8.0 Patch Sets

This section lists the feature enhancements released in Calendar Server 8.0 patch sets.

Calendar Server is Now Certified on Oracle WebLogic Server (Patch Set 4)

From patch set onwards, Oracle Communications Calendar Server is supported and certified only on Oracle WebLogic Server.

For more information, see:

  • Calendar Server Installation and Configuration Guide

  • Calendar Server System Administrator's Guide

  • Calendar Server Security Guide

WCAP Support for Storing External Attachments (Patch Set 2)

A new WCAP parameter is introduced for storing external attachments. See WCAP Developer's Guide for more information.

Features Delivered in 8.0

This section lists the new features released in Calendar Server 8.0.

Support for Monitoring

Calendar Server 8.0 uses a managed bean (MBean) created in Oracle GlassFish Server to collect monitoring data. By using the GlassFish Server's Java Management Extension (JMX) interface, you can then access this data by using a JMX-compliant client. The JMX client connects to the platform's MBeanServer by using a JMX Service URL. Once a client connects to the MBeanServer, it uses the Calendar Server monitoring MBean object name to access the MBean's attributes.

In addition to using monitoring data gathered by the Calendar Server monitoring MBean, you can also check the health of your hosts by using the Calendar Server supplied responsetime script. This script sends a set of basic requests to Calendar Server and measures the amount of time needed to process those requests. When the responsetime script shows a spike or a large increase in response time, this indicates a potential issue with Calendar Server that needs to be addressed.

For more information, see the chapter on monitoring in Calendar Server System Administrator's Guide.

New LDAP Attributes

This release of Calendar Server supports the following global inet*status attributes, at the domain, end user, and resource levels:

  • davcore.ldapattr.inetresourcestatus

  • davcore.ldapattr.inetuserstatus

davadmin repair Includes Domain Migration

The davadmin repair command now includes domain migration support.

Fixes in This Release

This section lists issues fixed in Oracle Communications Calendar Server


For the list of issues that have been fixed in 8.0 patch sets, refer to the patch readme documents on My Oracle Support.

Table 1 lists and describes the issues fixed in this release of Calendar Server.

Table 1 Fixes in Calendar Server 8.0

Bug Number Customer SR Notes



Timezone stripping sometimes removes latest RDATE.



Domain caching is not honored.



The davadmin passfile create command failed.



An event remains in the invitee agenda after being removed from the owner agenda.



Oracle DB incorrectly calculates timestamp due to session timezone.



The davadmin command displays erroneous message.



Cal:last segment of URI should be made opaque for calendar created by using davadmin command.



The davadmin repair command should support moving users between domains.



A wcap import fails with error 500 when UID is same for event and todo.



The inetuserstatus and inetresourcestatus attributes are not working as expected.



The import.wcap response should provide the total count of imported entries.



An attachment file should be handled properly if the file name has more than 230 characters.

Known Problems in 8.0 Patch Sets

This section lists the known problems in Calendar Server 8.0 patch sets.

Calendar Server Configuration Fails in WebLogic Server but Works with WebLogic Server

Patch Set onwards

Bug number: 32187735

Configuration of Calendar Server fails only on WebLogic Server but works with WebLogic Server

Workaround: Before configuring Calendar Server on WebLogic Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the required mysql-connector-java-5.1.x connector jar version to the lib directory of your WebLogic domain.

    For example, if you want to deploy Calendar Server on domain 1, copy the jar to: WebLogic_home/user_projects/domains/domain1/lib/


    The mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar file is already available in the installation location of Calendar Server: /opt/sun/comms/davserver/lib/jars. Copy this jar to the lib directory of WebLogic domain.
  2. Restart WebLogic Server.

davadmin db -UnsupportedClassVersionError

Patch set onwards

Bug number: 30031880

This impacts only for GlassFish Server 3.x deployments. These deployments are supported only with Java 7.

Workaround: Before running the davadmin command, set your terminal's JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables to JDK 1.8.0_update.

JSP-Based Browse does not Display and Redirects to /principals URI

Patch set onwards

Bug number: 29649135

WebLogic Server deployments do not support the Browse-servlet option of Calendar Server.

Workaround: Use the davadmin CLI Admin tool for all administrative activities.

caldav Configuration Fails on GlassFish Server but Works on GlassFish Server

Patch set: All 8.0 patch sets

Bug number: 30547042

This is applicable only for GlassFish Server 3.x deployments for all releases since 8.0 and patch sets.

Workaround: Use GlassFish Server version

Known Problems in 8.0

This section lists the known problems in Calendar Server 8.0.

The davadmin account repair -D Command Does Not Fix the Email Addresses in the Alarm

SR number: N/A

Bug number: 24818711

After running the davadmin account repair -D command, due to a user being moved from one domain to another, VALARM still shows the user's old email address.

Additionally, the following other problems are noticed:

  • If user B subscribes to user A's calendar, and the domain of user A's email address is changed, then the subscribed calendar is not found in the list of user B's subscribed calendars.

  • If user B grants user A management rights, and the domain of user A's email address is changed, then user B's account properties no longer show that user A has been granted management rights.

responsetime Script Returns Request Failed Error

SR number: N/A

Bug number: 21487603

If the host that the responsetime script queries is experiencing high load, the script might fail and display the message '207: Response Time request failed.'

Event Creation Fails if a User's Email Address Contains Double Quotation Marks

SR number: N/A

Bug number: 20427454

Calendar Server cannot create events for, nor can users invite, users whose email address contains double quotation marks, such as "caluser1"

Some davadmin Configuration Parameters Accept Incorrect Values

SR number: N/A

Bug number: 20606487

The davadmin command accepts incorrect values for the following configuration parameters:

  • log.dav.commands.loglevel

  • log.dav.errors.loglevel

  • log.dav.scan.loglevel

  • log.dav.scheduling.loglevel

  • log.dav.telemetry.loglevel

  • notification.dav.smtpport

If you had inadvertently set an incorrect value on any of these parameters, and then upgrade to the current version of Calendar Server, the server might not start.


To work around this issue:

  1. Stop Calendar Server:

    GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain
  2. Manually edit the file to change any incorrect value of the affected configuration parameters.

    Valid log level values are OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, or ALL.

  3. Start Calendar Server:

    GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin start-domain domain

Cannot Delete Calendar on an iOS 8 Device

SR number: N/A

Bug number: N/A

If you create a calendar by using Convergence, and then try to delete the calendar on a device that is on iOS 8, an iOS 8 device, the calendar is not removed from the Calendar Server database. If you create and delete the calendar on iOS 8, it is removed from the Calendar Server database.

This problem occurs because Convergence creates calendars with both VEVENT and VTODO as supported components. The VTODO component instructs the iOS Calendar app that other VTODO applications can use the calendar, and so the iOS Calendar app does not delete it.

Problem Processing iMIP Message from Yahoo

SR number: N/A

Bug number: 20050746

Calendar Server is capable of processing a calendar event received in an iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol (iMIP) message by using the iSchedule protocol. This capability enables "internal" users to automatically process calendar invitations from "external" users. Currently, however, Calendar Server cannot process a calendar invitation email from Yahoo, and the event does not get added to the user's calendar. The problem is that the Yahoo calendar invitation is improperly formatted. As a result, Calendar Server rejects the event.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications Calendar Server Release Notes, Release 8.0


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