Setting Up Manager Hierarchy-Based Security for PeopleSoft

Manager/Resource hierarchy-based security in PS1 is implemented by using the initialization block Manager Hierarchy Level and one or multiple of the initialization blocks HR Security Person ID List (Fusion), HR Security Person ID List (Siebel), HR Security Person ID List (EBS), and HR Security Person ID List (PeopleSoft) that correspond to the adaptors of your choice. Initialization block Manager Hierarchy Level depends on those HR Security Person ID List initialization blocks.

Although the task title mentions PeopleSoft adaptor, it applies to all AU customers who implement manager or resource hierarchy based security.

  1. In the security implementation, first identify how many of these HR Security Person ID List initialization blocks you have in your BI metadata repository.
    Not all of them might exist in your RPDs depending on the specific Oracle BI Applications products (for example, CRM, HCM, etc) that you are using. The following examples assume that all four of them exist in your RPD.

    By default, the initialization block HR Security Person ID List (Fusion) is disabled. As a security best practice, you should disable unused initialization blocks. If unused initialization blocks are not disabled, then they will be run to populate their corresponding variables. Although different AU adaptors have different data structures and formats to store employee information, this might lead to (in very rare cases) more than one eligible employee login ID value to be used in Manager Hierarchy Level, which will in turn impact the security setting.

    Specifically, let’s look at one use case. If you are implementing both EBS and PeopleSoft, then you must enable HR Security Person ID List (EBS) and HR Security Person ID List (PeopleSoft), and then disable HR Security Person ID List (Siebel).

    This screenshot shows an example of disabling HR Security Person ID List (PeopleSoft).
  2. Click OK after this setting.
  3. Do the same to the initialization blocks corresponding to other AU adaptors that you want to enable/disable.
  4. Save your changes.