Refreshing Incrementally the Inventory Monthly Balance Table

You can incrementally refresh the Inventory Monthly Balance table.

To incrementally refresh the Inventory Monthly Balance table:

  1. Delete the records from the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F) aggregate table for a certain time.

    The GRAIN parameter determines the time period for the deletion. For example, if GRAIN=MONTH, and the date is May 15, 2005, then all records for April and the current month (May) are deleted in the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F) table.

    Running the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance workflow mapping implements this step.

  2. Retrieve the records in the Inventory Balance (W_INVENTORY_DAILY_BAL_F) fact table and load the records to the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F) table at a certain grain level.

    For example, if GRAIN=MONTH, then the month end balance records in the W_INVENTORY_DAILY_BAL_F fact table are stored in and aggregated to the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F).

    Running the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance session, and the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance mapping implements this step. For the current month balance, balance records of the previous day (if it is in the same month) are deleted from W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F, and balance records of the current day will be loaded from W_INVENTORY_BALANCE_F to W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F.

    Running the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance workflow implements this step.

  3. Remove the old records from the W_INVENTORY_DAILY_BAL_F fact table.

    To remove old records you need to use the KEEP_PERIOD and the NUM_OF_PERIOD parameters. For example, if KEEP_PERIOD=MONTH, NUM_OF_PERIOD=1, and the date is May 15, 2005, then the records for April and the current month (May) are kept and the older records are deleted.

    Running the PLP_InventoryDailyBalance_Trim workflow implements this step.


    The trimming process is to reduce data size in the table. It is important to emphasize that you will not be able to see the old daily balance records. But you will still be able to see the month-end balance. Therefore, make sure that you adjust the NUM_OF_PERIOD values to reflect your data volume and data recency requirements.

Configuring Inventory Monthly Balance and the Inventory Transaction Aggregate Table

Configure the Inventory Monthly Balance and the Inventory Transaction Aggregate Table.

  1. Delete the records from the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F) aggregate table for a certain time.

    The GRAIN parameter determines the time period for the deletion. For example, if GRAIN=MONTH, and the date is May 15, 2005, then all records for April and the current month (May) are deleted in the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F) table.

    Running the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance workflow mapping implements this step.

  2. Retrieve the records in the Inventory Balance (W_INVENTORY_DAILY_BAL_F) fact table and load the records to the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F) table at a certain grain level.

    For example, if GRAIN=MONTH, then the month end balance records in the W_INVENTORY_DAILY_BAL_F fact table are stored in and aggregated to the Monthly Balance (W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F).

    Running the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance session, and the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance mapping implements this step. For the current month balance, balance records of the previous day (if it is in the same month) are deleted from W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F, and balance records of the current day will be loaded from W_INVENTORY_BALANCE_F to W_INVENTORY_MONTHLY_BAL_F.

    Running the PLP_InventoryMonthlyBalance workflow implements this step.

  3. Remove the old records from the W_INVENTORY_DAILY_BAL_F fact table.

    To remove old records you need to use the KEEP_PERIOD and the NUM_OF_PERIOD parameters. For example, if KEEP_PERIOD=MONTH, NUM_OF_PERIOD=1, and the date is May 15, 2005, then the records for April and the current month (May) are kept and the older records are deleted.

    Running the PLP_InventoryDailyBalance_Trim workflow implements this step.


    The trimming process reduces the amount of data in the table. It is important to emphasize that after data trimming you will not be able to see the old daily balance records. However, you will still be able to see the month-end balance. Therefore, make sure that you adjust the NUM_OF_PERIOD values to reflect your data volume and data recency requirements.