Payroll Manager (Secured by Department List) AU BI Data

The Payroll Manager Department list is determined at user sign-on via one or more initialization blocks.


Variable Name Initialization Block Name


Not applicable, this is a multi source variable population see below.


HR - Payroll Manager - Department List (EBS)


HR - Payroll Manager - Department List (PeopleSoft)

Data Security Role Filters

The Payroll Manager Department list Security is applied depending on the roles the user is granted, and when it is applied it is supported by the following HR logical facts and dimensions:

Name Filter

Dim - Department

"Core"."Dim - Department"."Department Number" = VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.HR_SEC_DEPT_PYRLMGR_LIST)

Fact - HR - Payroll Balance Detail

"Core"."Dim - Department"."Department Number" = VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.HR_SEC_DEPT_PYRLMGR_LIST)

Fact - HR - Payroll Balance Summary

"Core"."Dim - Department"."Department Number" = VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.HR_SEC_DEPT_PYRLMGR_LIST)