About Aging Bucket Ranges in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable

Oracle Financial Analytics does not support overlapping aging bucket ranges. When you set up aging buckets in Fusion Applications or E-Business Suite, you must use only non-overlapping aging buckets for AP and AR aging analysis in Financial Analytics.

When buckets are defined to separate out due and overdue amounts in different buckets, make sure that the days_from value and days_to value for a bucket are defined so that it takes either due or overdue transactions, but not both. To do this, make sure the days_from for overdue buckets start from 1 or a positive number, not from 0 or a negative number. The following examples illustrate the supported aging bucket ranges.


In this example, a/b/c are 'due' buckets and d/e/f are 'overdue' buckets. The bucket ranges are defined correctly with no overlaps and all overdue buckets start from 1 or above.

a) -60 days to -31 days
b) -30 days to -11 days
c) -10 days to 0 days
d) 1 days to 10 days
e) 11 days to 30 days
f) 31 days to 60 days and so on.

Not Supported: Example 1

In this example, the bucket ranges are not defined correctly. Note that bucket d starts from 0. So this bucket could hold some invoices that are due and some that are overdue. Thus a report that shows only overdue buckets could include some invoices that are not overdue. Furthermore, buckets d and e are overlapping. Therefore, some invoices could be reported in both buckets, thus making the total outstanding amount appear larger than it is.

a) -60 days to -31 days
b) -30 days to -11 days
c) -10 days to -1 days
d) 0 days to 10 days
e) 9 days to 30 days
f) 31 days to 60 days and so on.

Not Supported: Example 2

In this example, the bucket ranges are not defined correctly. Here, bucket d starts from a negative number and ends with a positive number. Similar to the previous example, this bucket could hold some invoices that are due and some that are overdue.

a) -60 days to -31 days
b) -30 days to -11 days
c) -10 days to -6 days
d) -5 days to 5 days
e) 6 days to 30 days
f) 31 days to 60 days and so on.