Manage Data Load Parameters Dialog

Use this dialog to verify that Data Load Parameter values have been set correctly, and edit values where necessary. For example, you might want to change a Global Currency Code value from USD to EUR.

The Data Load Parameters pane (or master table) displays parameters and values, and the Group Specific Parameter Values for: pane displays associated Fact Groups or Dimension Groups (if there are any) and their values. You can specify different values for associated Fact Groups and Dimension Groups, except for Non-Overridable Application Specific parameters.

Element Description

Data Load Parameters

Use this list to navigate and edit Data Load Parameters.


  • Edit icon. Use this option to display the Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Data Load Parameters), which enables you to update the currently selected Global parameter.

    The Edit icon is grayed out for Application Specific parameters. You edit Application Specific parameters values in the Group Specific Parameter Values for pane.

    If you click Edit for an parameter that is associated with specific Fact Groups and Dimension Groups, then a Warning dialog displays a list of groups that will be affected if you specify a value.

    You can also edit a Global parameter value by clicking on the value in the Global Parameter Value column.


  • Instance displays the instance to which the parameter is applicable (for example, 'Fusion Applications' for a source instance, and 'BI Applications Data-Warehouse' for a target instance).

  • Parameter Name is the human-readable parameter name..

  • Parameter Code is the underlying parameter identifier.

  • Global Parameter Value displays one of the following:

    For Global parameters, the parameter value is displayed. If the parameter is associated with Fact Groups or Dimension Groups (as displayed in the Group Specific Parameter Values for pane), then the Global value can be overridden at the Fact Groups or Dimension Group level.

    For Application Specific parameters, the text 'Group Specific' is displayed. Use the Group Specific Parameter Values for pane to edit the values for associated Fact Groups and Dimension Groups.

  • Description contains additional information about the parameter.

  • Last Updated By displays the login details used to last update the value.

Group Specific Parameter Values for:

Use this list to view and edit parameter values for associated Fact Groups and Dimension Groups. The parameter values specified in this pane are specific to a Fact Group or Dimension Group. For example, you might specify the Time Grain as MONTH for the Order Fulfilment Fact Group, and the Time Grain as WEEK for the Purchase Cycle Fact Group.

Global Parameters that are not associated with any Fact Groups or Dimension Groups do not show any records in this table.


  • Edit icon. Use this option to display the Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Data Load Parameters), which enables you to update the parameter value for the currently selected Fact Group or Dimension Group. If you edit a Non-Overridable Application Specific Parameter, then a Warning dialog is displayed showing a list of Dimension Groups and Fact Groups that will be affected if you change the value.

  • Edit All Use this option to display the Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Data Load Parameters), which enables you to update the parameter value for all associated Fact Groups and Dimension Groups in the Group Specific Parameter Values for list.

    For Global parameters, using this option does not override the Global parameter value (that is, as displayed in the Data Load Parameters pane).


  • Group displays the Fact Group or Dimension Group to which the parameter is applicable (for example, Refresh Period applies to the Fact Group named Inventory Transactions).

  • Parameter Name is the human-readable parameter name, which is taken from the parent Data Load Parameter name.

  • Parameter Value is the parameter value for that Fact Group or Dimension Group. To edit the value, click the value. If a value has not been specified, click <Edit Value> to specify the value. If you edit a Non-Overridable Application Specific Parameter, a Warning dialog is displayed showing a list of Dimension Groups and Fact Groups that will be affected if you change the value.

  • Last Updated By displays the login details used to last update the value.

Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.)

For User Assistance on the Search pane, see Search pane.

Icons on the Data Load Parameters Dialog

The Manage Data Load Parameter dialog provides several icons for common tasks.

Icon or Menu Option Description

Application Specific Parameter or Non-Overridable Parameter

If displayed in the Data Load Parameters pane (or top list), then this icon indicates an Application Specific parameter.

If displayed in the Group Specific Parameter Values For pane (or lower list), then this icon indicates a Non-Overridable Application Specific parameter, which means that each associated Fact Group or Dimension Group must have the same value. In other words, if you change the value for one Fact Group or Dimension Group, then all Fact Groups and Dimension Groups are updated with that value (if you first confirm at a Warning dialog).

Dimension Group

This icon indicates that a Group Specific Parameter applies to a Dimension Group.

Fact Group

This icon indicates that a Group Specific Parameter applies to a Fact Group.

Global Parameter

This icon indicates that the parameter is global (that is, it applies to all (or a majority of) ETL tasks).

Read Only Parameter

The Lock icon indicates that you can cannot edit the parameter value. For example, the value might be read-only, or the value might be set in a different part of the application.

Overridable Parameter

This icon indicates an overridable Application Specific parameter, which means that each associated Fact Group or Dimension Group can have a different value if required.

Set Before A Full Load

The Alert icon indicates that you must set the value of a Data Load Parameter before you perform a Full Data Load.

If you change this value after you have performed a Full Data Load, then you must perform a new Full Data Load.

Parameter Category

This icon denotes a grouping of related parameters, for example, the Configure Time Dimension category is a group of parameters that is related to calendars.

To expand a Parameter Category, click Expand:

To collapse a Parameter Category, click Collapse: