Deploying Audit Trail Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are a group of SQL statements that perform particular tasks on the database. For example, stored procedures can help improve the performance of the database. You deploy stored procedures by copying the stored procedure files from your Oracle BI Applications installation and deploying them to Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

Some sessions might fail if these procedures are not compiled in the database before running the workflows.

  1. Navigate to the <ORACLE_BI_HOME>/biapps/etl/etl_stored_procs/<database technology folder> folder.

    For example, for Oracle database, navigate to <ORACLE_BI_HOME>/biapps/etl/etl_stored_procs/oracle.

  2. Execute the sql script 'FIND_AUDIT_VALUES.sql' to deliver stored procedure into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
  3. Compile the stored procedures in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

    The schema is typically named something like: %PREFIX%_DW. For example, BIAPPS_DW.


If you have problems deploying the stored procedures, refer to your database reference guide, or contact your database administrator.