Manage Load Plans Main Page

Use the Manage Load Plans main page to view and edit existing load plans and to create new load plan definitions.

You can search for an existing load plan by clicking Search above the master list panel. The search input fields are not case sensitive.The Load Plans list displays the load plans in the Configuration Manager repository. See Manage Load Plans Toolbar Options for a description of the toolbar options on this page.

Manage Load Plans: Fact Groups Tab

Use this tab to view the fact groups associated with a load plan selected in the Load Plans list. Fact groups displayed may belong to a hierarchy of fact groups. You can expand the fact group node to view the hierarchy. If a fact group is a child of another fact group in a hierarchy, it appears twice in the tree table, since it is associated with both the functional area and the parent fact group.

Manage Load Plans: Data Load Parameters Tab

Use this tab to view and edit the data load parameters associated with a load plan selected in the Load Plans list. The Data Load Parameters list includes both application-specific and global parameters. Application-specific parameters are associated with one or more fact groups included in the load plan definition. Global parameters apply to all applications and can also be associated with specific fact groups.

Key points about the Data Load Parameters tab:

  • If a listed parameter requires a value but a value has not been assigned, the respective row in the table is tagged with an error icon. Parameters that do not require a value (value can be null) are not tagged even if no value has been assigned.

  • You can filter the list of parameters to display only the data load parameters that have no value by using the Show drop-down list in the toolbar.

  • You can export and save content displayed in the table to a Microsoft Excel formatted file by clicking the Export icon in toolbar.

  • You can change a parameter value by selecting the parameter in the list, and then clicking the Edit icon in the toolbar. The Edit Parameter Value dialog is displayed. To change a parameter value, the user must have been assigned a role that has the appropriate privilege.

Manage Load Plans: Domains and Mappings Tab

Use the Domains and Mappings tab to view and edit domains and mappings related to a load plan selected in the Load Plan list. The domains and mappings are associated with the fact group included in the load plan definition.

Key points about the Domains and Mappings tab.

  • If a source domain in the list contains members that have not been mapped to an appropriate warehouse domain member, the row in the table is tagged with an error icon. Some source domain members are not applicable, and, therefore, are not tagged even if they are unmapped.

  • You can filter the list of mappings to display only the domains that have unmapped source members using the Show drop-down list in the toolbar.

  • You can export and save content displayed in the table to a Microsoft Excel formatted file by clicking the Export icon in toolbar.

  • You can change a domain mapping by selecting the mapping in the list, and then clicking the Edit icon in the toolbar. The Edit Domain Member Mappings dialog is displayed. To change a domain member mapping, the user must have been assigned a role that has the appropriate privilege.

Manage Load Plans: Schedules Tab

Use the Schedule tab to view, create, edit and delete schedules for the execution of a load plan. A load plan schedule includes the following required properties:

  • Context — The ODI context to be used when the load plan is run. Note that Global is the only supported context.

  • Logical Agent — The ODI Agent to be used when the load plan is run.

  • Recurrence — Frequency of occurrence. Possible values are the following:

    • On Agent Startup

    • Simple

    • Hourly

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly (day of the month)

    • Monthly (week day)

    • Yearly

  • Status — Status of the schedule. Possible values are the following:

    • Active

    • Inactive

    • Active for the period

  • Scheduled Time — Date and time the load plan is to be executed.

The toolbar icons provide the following functionality:

  • Add — This command invokes the Schedule Load Plan dialog, which enables you to define a new schedule for the selected load plan.

  • Edit — Applies to a selected schedule. This command invokes the Schedule Load Plan dialog, which enables you to make changes to the selected schedule.

  • Remove — This command removes the schedule from the repository.

  • Update Schedules - This command adds the schedule to the ODI Agent scheduler if the agent is already started in ODI. Note that if the ODI Agent is already running at the time you define the schedule in the Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, you must click Update Schedules to add the schedule to the ODI Agent scheduler.