Updating the Siebel Operational Application

Use this procedure to change the Siebel operational application host name to the host name of the system that runs Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services.

  1. Open your Siebel operational application.
  2. Navigate to View, then Site Map.
  3. Click Integration Administration screen.
  4. Click Host Administration view.
  5. Query for NQHOST in the Virtual Name column:
    • In Windows, change the host name from <AnalyticsServerName> to the host name of the system that runs Oracle BI Presentation Services.

    • In AIX or Solaris, change the host name from <AnalyticsServerName> to the name of the port.

      For example, servername.siebel.com:8080


      For UNIX platforms only: You might need to add the domain name suffix to the server name in order to make sure that action links work on the Oracle Business Intelligence user interface.

  6. Log out of the application and log back in.