Setting up the Java IO Temp Location

Cloud adapter uses java IO to manage files (zipstreams) and java uses for the temp files. You must set this java argument to support ETL.

To set up the Java IO temp location:
  1. Login to Weblogic Admin Console.
  2. Click Lock and Edit in the Change Center to make changes.
  3. In the LHS Tree, navigate to the BI domain node.
  4. Expand the Environment node and select Servers.
  5. On the Servers page, click the odi_server1 link to display the odi_server1 details page.
  6. Select the Server Start sub-tab and edit the Arguments field.
  7. Add another entry at the end:<INSTANCE_HOME>/biapps/shared/tmp


    Ensure that you replace <INSTANCE_HOME> with the correct value of your Oracle Instance home location folder as per your environment.
  8. Save the changes.
  9. Click Activate Changes in the Change Center.
  10. Restart the Admin Server.