About Oracle BI Applications Domains

A domain refers to the possible, unique values of a table column in a relational database. In transactional systems, domains are often referred to as list of values (LOVs), which present attribute selections in the user's session language.

The storage of the transaction is independent of the user's language; and, therefore, the field is stored using a language independent identifier. This identifier is typically a character code but can also be a numeric ID. The LOV or domain is then based on an ID-value pair, referred to as a member, and the LOV presents the values in the user's session language. At run time, the IDs are resolved to the value for the user's session language.

In the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, the number of unique values in any particular domain is relatively small and can have a low cardinality relative to the dimension it is associated with. For example, the Person dimension may have the domain 'Gender' associated with. The dimension may have millions of records, but the domain will generally have two or three members (M, F and possibly U). In the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, the Gender Code is stored in the Person dimension which acts as a foreign key to the Domains Translation table which stores the translated values. When a query is run, the user-friendly text associated with the code value is returned in the user's session language.

Depending on certain properties associated with a domain, domains can be configured in the Configuration Manager. In addition to serving as a mechanism for supporting translations, domains can be used to conform disparate source data into a common set of data.

Data Model

Oracle BI Applications domains are associated with dimensions as fields in the dimension table that follow the %_CODE naming convention. For example, the Person dimension W_PARTY_PER_D would store the Gender domain in the GENDER_CODE column.

Oracle BI Applications domains are stored in the domain translation table W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL. This table stores the translated values for each domain member code. Translated values are usually either a Name or a Description value which are stored in the NAME and DESCR columns of this table. The DOMAIN_MEMBER_CODE column acts as a key column when joining with the %_CODE column in the dimension table. As domains come from various systems, a DATASOURCE_NUM_ID column is used to identify which system the translated value comes from and is used as part of the join key with the dimension table. A LANGUAGE_CODE column is used to identify the language the translated values are associated with. Note that the LANGUAGE_CODE column follows the %_CODE naming convention. Language is considered a domain with a given set of unique values.

ETL Process

The W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL table stores both domains that are extracted from the source system as well as internally defined domains that are seeded in the Configuration Manager. For each of the %_CODE columns that have translated values available in the source system, an ETL process extracts the domain members from the transactional system and loads them into W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL. Internally defined domains—usually domains specific to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse and known as conformed domains but can also include source domains—are stored in the Configuration Manager schema and are similarly extracted and loaded into the W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL table through ETL processes.

Only those translation records that match one of the languages that have been installed in the data warehouse are extracted from the transactional system. If translated records are not found in the transactional system matching an installed language, the ETL will generate a 'pseudo-translated' record for that language.

Some source applications store translations that can be extracted and loaded into the translation table. Some source applications do not maintain translations for an entity that corresponds to a dimension table. In these cases, whatever record is available is extracted and used as the Base language record to generate pseudo-translations for all other installed languages.

The figure shows an overview of the Oracle BI Applications domain ETL process.

About Oracle BI Applications Domains and Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

The exact mechanism used to retrieve the translated value in Oracle BI Enterprise Edition is the LOOKUP() function. When the LOOKUP() function is used, Oracle BI Enterprise Edition performs all aggregations before joining to the lookup table. The aggregated result set is then joined to the lookup table. Low-cardinality attributes tend to be involved in several aggregations, so it is useful to be joined after results are aggregated rather than before.

In a logical dimension, a Name or Description attribute will use the LOOKUP() function, passing the value in the %_CODE column associated with that Name or Description to the Domain Lookup Table. The LOOKUP() function includes the Domain Name to be used when looking up values. The results from the Domain Lookup table are filtered to match the user's session language and returned as part of the query results.

Domains can be either source or conformed (internally defined warehouse domains). Source domains can come from a variety of transactional systems and so must include a Datasource_Num_Id value to resolve. Conformed domains are defined as part of the Oracle BI Applications and do not require a Datasource_Num_ID to resolve. As a result, there are two lookup tables implemented in the Oracle BI Repository that are aliases of W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL. When resolving a source domain, the source domain lookup requires Datasource_Num_Id to be passed as part of the LOOKUP() function while the conformed domain lookup does not.