Deploying Sample Applications

You can deploy Endeca sample applications, which can be downloaded from the BI Applications Media Pack from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, and are used as a basis to create your own applications.

There are eight sample applications, with Data Domains and Studio Applications (.lar files) delivered in the Media Pack under Supporting Files for Endeca Sample Applications for BI Applications, and View XML files deployed by the BI Applications installer. Notice that some sample applications contain tag clouds based on enriched text, so if the Data Domain is reloaded, rules need to be re-run. If the Data Domain is reset, rule need to be recreated.

Importing Sample Data Domains

The data domain files included with the installation should be placed in $DOMAIN_HOME\EndecaServer\offline.

The endeca-cmd utility can import the data domains and enable them using the following commands:

CALL endeca-cmd import-dd my_dd1 --offline-name my_dd_offline1
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd my_dd1

You can use a script to import and enable multiple data domains. The below is an example of a DOS .bat script:

CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_Sales_Order_Lines \--offline-name OEID_Sales_Order_Lines
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_Sales_Order_Lines
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_Project_Performance \--offline-name OEID_Project_Performance
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_Project_Performance
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_SIA_Admissions_and_Recruiting_Student_Response \--offline-name OEID_SIA_Admissions_and_Recruiting_Student_Response
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_SIA_Admissions_and_Recruiting_Student_Response
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_SIA_Admissions_and_Recruiting_Application_Evaluation \--offline-name OEID_SIA_Admissions_and_Recruiting_Application_Evaluation
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_SIA_Admissions_and_Recruiting_Application_Evaluation
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview \--offline-name OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_Manufacturing_Work_Order_Performance \--offline-name OEID_Manufacturing_Work_Order_Performance
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_Manufacturing_Work_Order_Performance
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_Human_Resources_Recruitment \--offline-name OEID_Human_Resources_Recruitment
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_Human_Resources_Recruitment
CALL endeca-cmd import-dd OEID_Manufacturing_Actual_Production \--offline-name OEID_Manufacturing_Actual_Production
CALL endeca-cmd enable-dd OEID_Manufacturing_Actual_Production

For information about using the endeca-cmd utility, refer to the chapter titled, "Endeca Server Command Reference" in the Oracle Endeca Server Administrator's Guide. For information about importing, exporting, enabling, or disabling data domains, refer to the chapter titled, "Managing Data Domains" in the Oracle Endeca Server Administrator's Guide.

Refinement Rules

For applications that contain multiple data sets, refinement rules allow you to connect attributes from the different data sets. For example, a sales data set for automotive data includes the make and vehicle ID number (VIN) of cars that were sold. Another data set containing warranty claims also includes the make and VIN of cars for which warranty claims were filed. If you then create refinement rules for the make and VIN attributes, then when users refine one data set by a make or VIN, the other data set also is refined by that make or VIN.

Importing Endeca Studio Application Sample Applications

Import Endeca Studio sample applications.

You are required to have created a new application prior to import.

To create a new application using the default template:

  1. Log in to Endeca Studio as an Administrator.
  2. Click the gear icon on the top right to navigate to the Control Panel, then Endeca Servers.
  3. Click the New Connection button and input the necessary parameters.

    Below is an example of typical parameters:

    Connection ID: OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview
    "dataDomainName": "OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview",
      "name": "OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview",
      "port": "7001",
      "server": "hostname"


    If applying the custom OBIA Studio security manager for the sample apps, the Connection ID needs to match the Data Domain name to be in sync with the Connection ID specified in the delivered security columns configuration file. For more information about the security columns configuration file, refer to Applying the Custom BI Applications Security Manager.

  4. Validate the connection, then click Save.

    Optionally, confirm connectivity using the Test Connection button.

  5. Click the Back to Home button to return to the home page.
  6. Click the New Application button.
  7. Provide an Application name, for example, Employee Expenses, and an Application description.
  8. Under Select a Data Source, select Use a Pre-built Endeca Server.
  9. Select a managed data connection.

    For example, OEID_Employee_Expenses_Overview.

  10. Click Done to create a default template.

Importing the Sample Application

Import a sample application (.lar file) provided in the Media Pack.

  1. On the line of the application, select Actions, then Manage Pages.

  2. Under All Pages, in the Export/Import tab, select the Import tab.
  3. Click Browse or Choose File, and select the appropriate .lar file.
  4. Under the section titled What would you like to import, leave the defaults.

    To delete any pages in the destination environment that do not exist in the ,lar file, check the Delete Missing Pages checkbox. To ensure that the import includes all of the component configuration, check the User Preferences checkbox.

  5. Click Import.

Recreating the Enrichment Pipelines

Some of the sample applications contain tag clouds based on enriched text. The tag clouds should work after importing sample data domains, because the text enrichment pipelines are stored in the data domains and not in Studio. If the sample application data domains are loaded without being imported, the enriched tag clouds display an error message due to missing enriched attributes. The text enrichment pipelines need to be recreated.

  1. In Application Settings, Data Sets, then Enrichments, click Add Enrichment, extract terms, and select the attribute or attributes containing free form text (unstructured content) to be enriched.
  2. Provide an output name, for example Attribute Name (terms).

    The rest of the settings can remain defaults.

  3. Click the Run button to process the enrichment.
  4. Edit the tag clouds settings to replace the invalid output attributes with the new ones.

Rerunning the Enrichment

Whenever data is replaced or reloaded into the Endeca Data Domain, the tag clouds and enrichment pipelines should still work and do not need to be recreated, but the enrichment pipeline needs to be run again, which recreates the enriched data. Otherwise, the enriched tag clouds do not show any data.

  1. Navigate to Application Settings > Data Sets and select the datasets which have enrichment pipelines.
  2. Select the Enrichment tab.
  3. Click the Run button to process the enrichment.