Human Resources

This section lists the to upgrade changes.


Following are the upgrade changes:
  1. Issue and bug fixes covered:
    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    19665088 - RCRTMT: Job Requisition Open since(days)has negative values for Drafted Reqs RQSTN_OPEN_TO_EVNT_DAYS is showing negative for Requisition Draft events When Event Date is earlier to Requisition Open Date, RQSTN_OPEN_TO_EVNT_DAYS should be null.
    19835082 - RCRTMT:EBS::ASMT_END_DT when prior application termination happens ASMT_END_DT gets value of Application Terminated Date in cases where Application Terminated Date is prior to Assessment Start Date. This is in case when application is terminated and then is resumed later. The ASMT_END_DT calculation is modified to pick Application Termination Date only if it happens after Assessment Start Date.
    19672983 - RCRTMT: Requisition Closed date should be latest in case Req ws filled twice Enhancement: The requirement is to use latest close date. Closed date in Job Requisition Accumulated Snapshot is calculated using earliest close date.
    19770055 - RQSTN Closed Date High Date when no requisition For Unspecified row in W_JOB_RQSTN_ACC_SNP_F, RQSTN_CLOSED_DT is having high date. RQSTN_CLOSED_DT set to Null for unspecified row.
  2. Data model changes in ODI:

    New columns added to W_RCRTMNT_EVENT_TYPE_D. They will be null for EBS, PSFT adaptors:



Time and Labor

Following are the upgrade changes:
  1. Tables truncated or records deleted:



  2. New columns included in base fact:

  3. Issues and bug fixes covered:


    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    21347039 W_TLB_AGE_BAND_D, CREATED_BY_WID and CHANGED_BY_WID were NULL W_TLB_AGE_BAND_D CREATED_BY_WID and CHANGED_BY_WID set to 0, there is no source for those.


    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    17749933 Add Fusion Time and Labor adaptor support Added Fusion Time and Labor adaptor support
    20197686 Add Primary Extract support (Fusion adaptor only) Added Primary Extract support (Fusion adaptor only)

    E-Business Suite

    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    18871091 DELETE_FLG <> 'Y' missing on the Time and Labor Reported fact staging load causes a Unique Index failure when Soft Delete has been enabled on HR Workforce. Added an additional predicate to the existing filter.
    19564198 E-Business Suite Time Cards (API generated) where not being loaded into the Warehouse (due to a filter on HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_USAGES.TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKOVN = 1). Corrected an incorrect filtering condition and handled duplicates.
    19677544 SDE_ORA_DomainGeneral_FlexfieldValueSet.W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_GS task failure Set the Variable FLEX_VALUE_SET_SKIP_COLUMN_LIST Override check-box, and value to, '__UNASSIGNED__','__NOT_APPLICABLE__','EXP_TYPE_ID_CHAR','OVRD_APPRV_ID_CHAR', 'PO_HEADER_ID_CHAR','PO_LINE_ID_CHAR','PO_PRICE_TYPE','PROJECT_ID_CHAR','TASK_ ID_CHAR'
    20047622 Customer dataset didn't have ORGANIZATION_ID stored correctly for the Worker's Time Card attributes HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY = 'SECURITY' in ATTRIBUTE1. Updated the Mainline code to always take the value from the Workforce Persisted Staging table instead, which we already join to.
    20203994 Issue of superfluous rows from W_TLB_ENTRY_TYPE_D Removed superfluous rows from W_TLB_ENTRY_TYPE_D (which were causing customer confusion with unmapped domains).


    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    18006981 Including certain Source domain names (on W_TLB_ENTRY_TYPE_D) in Answers reports caused the report to show no data found. Added missing Reserved domain members (Not Applicable, Error) and added new domain member tasks (reusing an existing task SDE_PSFT_91_ADAPTOR_SDE_PSFT_DOMAINGENERAL_TIMECARD_TRC) but passing in a different DOMAIN_CODE as the Scenario Variable.
    18320298 On PeopleSoft, records can exist on PS_TL_CALENDAR for the same PERIOD_ID which overlap. This can result in two rows being returned when looking up the period relevant to the Time Card entry. Used a MAX() aggregate function around any attributes pulled off the W_PSFT_TLB_CALENDAR_PS table to avoid the creation of duplicate fact staging rows.
    19049793 The UOM_CODE -> W_UOM_CODE domain was not working as intended - it should have been 'Extensible' - customer should be able to map TRC~TRC UOM on site, e.g. U~MHR Obsolete the existing Domain, 'TIMECARD_TRC_TYPE_CODE~UOM_CODE' and replaced with new Domain, TIMECARD_TRC_TYPE_CODE~TIMECARD_TRC_UOM_CODE'
    19612320 Delete events on the source table PS_TL_PAYABLE_TIME (caused by the PeopleSoft Time Administration processing) are not identified by the incremental ETL processing, causing duplicates in the W_TLB_PRCSD_F and reports based off it. Added a new Update task to set the soft-delete (DELETE_FLG) to 'Y' when a given PS_TL_PAYABLE_TIME [EMPLID , EMPL_RCD , DUR] is re-loaded into the data warehouse persisted staging table W_PSFT_TLB_PAYABLE_TIME_PS (i.e. with a new SEQ_NBR).
    19865279 Potential for duplicate index violation from PSXLATITEM date effective records being loaded into W_TLB_ENTRY_STATUS_DS. Added a MAX(EFFDT) filter to the temporarily (blue) Interface.
    20033426 When a Soft Delete (setting DELETE_FLG = 'Y') occurred on the Workforce object(s) leverage by Time and Labor ETL a duplicate index failure can occur because of a missing filter for those cases. Added an additional join predicate to filter out DELETE_FLG <> 'Y'.
  4. New attributes and dimensions:
    • Time Entry Consumer Configuration Set (Fusion only)

    • HCM Group (Fusion only)

Workforce, Workforce Gains/Losses (Generic) and Workforce Frozen Snapshots

Following are the upgrade changes:
  1. New attributes and dimensions support in RPD:
    • Added enterprise and fiscal calendar support for workforce fact in RPD and exposed in Workforce Deployment subject area

    • Recruitment source Dimension is now with Workforce Deployment Subject area

  2. Data model changes in ODI:

      RCRTMNT_SOURCE_WID (Recruitment Source Dimension is supported)


      RCRTMNT_SOURCE_WID (Recruitment Source Dimension is supported)

  3. Issues and bug fixes covered:

    E-Business Suite

    Bug Number Issue Resolution


    Could not able to map the source domain WORKER_TYPE_SYSTEM~WORKER_TYPE_USER to the target domain, due to the issue of the values coming in the reverse order

    This impacts the integration_id of data in the W_DOMIAN_MEMBER_G for the domain_code 'WORKER_TYPE_SYSTEM~WORKER_TYPE_USER' So after fixing the issue delete the old domain values and reload from the source, follow the steps given in Post-Apply.


    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    20353001 Issue with Head count and FTE on termination date) Fixed the issue with EVENT_JOIN_DT in W_PSFT_WEVT_JOB_PS


    Incomplete supervisor hierarchy, filters results in dashboards

    Employees shouldn't report to themselves. Added check in JOB PS extract to null out supervisor/reports to if it matches employee Id/ Position number

Succession Planning

This is a new subject area in this release.

  1. New tables (Facts and Dimensions) in this subject area:












  2. New Subject area in the presentation layer: Human Resources - Succession Planning

  3. New security Duty role for the subject area access: Succession Planning Analysis Duty (BIA_HCM_SUCC_PLNING_ANALYSIS_DUTY)

HR Shared/Common Dimensions

Following are the upgrade changes:
  1. Issues and bug fixes covered:

    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    20001599 Some date-tracked VOs do not have any healthchecks for duplicates/overlaps Created Health check queries HCM-231, HCM-232, HCM-233, HCM-234, HCM-235, HCM-236, HCM-237 for following Fusion VO: HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PersonAM.PersonDetailsPVO HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PersonAM.PersonDisabilityPVO HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PersonAM.PersonNamePVO HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PersonAM.VisaPermitPVO   HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PositionAM.PositionLegislativePVO HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PositionAM.PositionPVO HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PositionAM.PositionTranslationPVO
    21340697 Customer has reported Workforce fact records with HR_PERSON_LEG_WID's which do not exist on W_HR_PERSON_LEG_D which are leading to inconsistencies on dashboards. Included the second dataset DS2, which brings in Future dated employees.

    Including necessary steps to support DFF Flex in Fusion for:







    Made required modification to support flexfields for above area.

Workforce Gains/Losses and Supervisor

Following are the upgrade changes:
  1. Issues and bug fixes covered:

    Bug Number Issue Resolution
    21457156 Incremental performance of supervisor tasks was found to be very poor on a customer instance. In SDE_FUSION_AssignmentSupervisorDimension_EventQueue.W_SUPERVISOR_EQ_TMP_SQ_W_F SN_WEVT_EQ_TMP.TAB0 Dataset: CHGS changed, SUP.W_UPDATE_DT>=TO_DATE_VAR('#LOAD_DT') to SUP.W_UPDATE_DT>=TO_DATE_VAR('#BIAPPS.CURRENT_DATE')
    19286092 Including Top level Assignment ID does not render data.Hierarchy itself renders data but not when included with Top level Assignment ID. Incorrect joins fixed as follows:

    Old: "Oracle Data Warehouse"."Catalog"."dbo"."Dim_W_HR_ASSIGNMENT_D_SUPH_0"."ROW_WID" = "Oracle Data Warehouse"."Catalog"."dbo"."Dim_W_SUPERVISOR_RH"."SUB_HR_PERSON_WID"

    New: “Oracle Data Warehouse"."Catalog"."dbo"."Dim_W_HR_ASSIGNMENT_D_SUPH_0"."ROW_WID" = "Oracle Data Warehouse"."Catalog"."dbo"."Dim_W_SUPERVISOR_RH"."SUB_HR_ASSIGNMENT_WID"