Applying Fusion Middleware Platform Patches for BI Applications

Use these instructions to apply Fusion Middleware platform patches for BI Applications

The Fusion Middleware platform patches are available for download as part of the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications media pack. To use BI Applications, you must have Oracle BI EE release or later. Bundle Patches are included and will be applied to BI EE If you have already applied higher BI EE Bundle Patch as compared to the Bundle patches supplied with media pack, then the BI EE patches will not be applied as part of this step. The release of ODI supported for BI Applications is An ODI patch is applied to as part of this FMW patch application step.

(To apply platform patches:


Run the Perl script available in <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin/ to apply the patches. The Perl script requires a parameter input file apply_patches_import.txt In this procedure, before you run the Perl script, update the parameter input file to reflect the appropriate directory paths.
  1. Ensure that the WebLogic Administration Server, BI and ODI Managed Servers, Node Manager, and BI processes are shut down.
  2. Download all parts of ‘Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patches for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications’ and ‘Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patches for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications for <OS>’ from the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications media pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
  3. Extract files into the same Patch Home directory, for example, C:\patches or PATCH_HOME/patches.
    The directory structure of the extracted contents is not patches4fa/dist/ps6rc3. The patches are contained in folders: biappsshiphome, odi, weblogic, and oracle_common. You do not have to unzip the individual patches.
  4. Update the parameter input file (apply_patches_import.txt) to reflect the paths as specified in the text file:
    1. Create a writable directory where logs and temporary patch files will be stored. In the apply_patches_import.txt file, you will set the WORKDIR parameter to point to the path for this directory.
    2. Open apply_patches_import.txt, which is located in the <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bindirectory.
    3. Specify the following directory paths:
      Directory Path
      JAVA_HOME Path of the JDK. For example: <BI_ORACLE_HOME>/jdk
      INVENTORY_LOC Path of the Oracle\Inventory directory. For example: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
      ORACLE_HOME Path of the BI Oracle Home.
      MW_HOME Path of the Oracle Middleware Home directory.
      COMMON_ORACLE_HOME Path of the oracle_common directory, which is under the Middleware Home directory.
      WL_HOME Path of the Oracle WebLogic Server Home directory.
      ODI_HOME Path of the ODI Home directory.
      WINDOWS_UNZIP_TOOL_EXE If the platform is Windows, then specify the complete path to the executable file of the unzip tool. For example: C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe
      WORKDIR Path of a writable directory where logs and temporary patch files are stored.
      PATCH_ROOT_DIR Path of the patch directory. It should have both this generic patches directory, and the platform specific directory; for example patches64 (Linux 64). For example: C:\patchesor PATCH_HOME/patches
  5. To apply the patch, run the following command from <BI_Oracle_Home>/perl/bin:




  6. Confirm that all patches have been applied successfully by reviewing the following log files in the directory specified by WORDIR:
    • final_patching_report.log (summary of patch application)

    • biappshiphome_generic_patches.log

    • biappshiphome_<OS specific>_patches.log

    • odi_generic_patches.log

    • oracle_common_generic_patches.log

    • weblogic_patching.log


    Do not start the Weblogic servers and BI processes at this time.