
This section lists the upgrade changes after to upgrade.

Purchase Requisition

Following are the changes:
  1. Tables truncated and reloaded:






  2. Tables with records updated:

  3. Tables with data model changes:
    • Introduced W_LOT_GENEALOGY_F.QUERY_SET column

      This design change was adopted for the performance improvement:
      • The 1st dataset will have Level-1 (parent / finished good) and Level-2 information (pertaining to QUERY_SET=1). Hence all the level 1 and level-2 columns are populated in the fact stage and fact tables.

      • The 2nd dataset will capture 2 levels of genealogy at a time from Level-2 onwards (pertaining to QUERY_SET=2). Hence all the level 2 and level-3 columns are populated in the fact stage and fact tables.

      • All the remaining columns from Level-4 to Level-9 are blank / not populated.

  4. Metrics calculated differently (RPD calculation-wise) or added newly:

    For Lot genealogy : Till release, the subject area used to have Level 1 to Level-9 and End Level presentation tables (altogether 10 presentation tables). As per design, There are 4 presentation tables (Level-1 to Level-3 and End Level).  Level-1 provides the finished good information. Level-2 and Level 3 provide the issued material and sub-assembly items. Level-2 and Level-3 recursively calls each other till the end level comes.

  5. New features introduced:

    Lot Genealogy was supporting only 9 levels but now it can support N levels.

  6. Issues and bug fixes covered:

    • Bug 20436870: Unique key error on W_MFG_PLANNED_PRODUCTION_F INTEGRATION_ID (For ASCP)

      For ASCP, INTEGRATION_ID to be unique in the system, it should also contain PROJECT_ID since it is based on both Project and Manufacturing. Hence, PROJECT_ID was added in the formation of Integration ID.

    • Bug 20013966 - W_MFG_PLANNED_PRODUCTION_F.INVENTORY_ORG_WID is collected as 0's

      The INVENTORY_ORG_WID column gets populated as 0 when COST_ORG_WID=0 due to the incorrect join condition used for the dimension W_INT_ORG_D in the temporary interface SIL_MfgPlannedProductionFact.W_MFG_PLANNED_PRODUCTION_F_SQ_W_MFG_PLANNED_PRODUCTION_FS which is corrected now.

    • Bug 20118610 - Duplicate records in W_PRC_SPEC_D_TL

      The step Refresh "IS_INCREMENTAL" was not set as first step in the package SIL_ProcessQualitySpecificationDimension_Translate hence every time all the records were sent for insert instead of insert/update. Hence, the step "IS_INCREMENTAL" has been made the first step in the package SIL_ProcessQualitySpecificationDimension_Translate.

    • Bug 19787261 - Unique Constraint Error - W_MFG_JOB_DAILY_SNP_F

      The error was due to duplicates in W_MFG_JOB_DAILY_SNP_F caused by different transaction UOM Codes for the combination of indexed columns. To resolve the issue, add XACT_UOM_CODE to the primary index of W_MFG_JOB_DAILY_SNP_F.

    • Bug 19787228 - Unique Constraint Error - W_MFG_OPERATION_DETAIL_F

    • The error was due to duplicates in W_MFG_OPERATION_DETAIL_F caused by multiple records in GME_MATERIAL_DETAILS table where for the same BATCH_ID, OPERATION_SEQ_NUMBER and INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, multiple WO_CREATION_DATE , CREATED_ON_DATE, CREATED_BY, CHANGED_ON_DATE and LAST_UPDATED_BY values were coming. To resolve the issue, WO_CREATION_DATE was mapped from GME_BATCH_HEADER instead of GME_MATERIAL_DETAILS and other audit columns was not included under group by clause.

    • Bug 19787240- Unique Constraint Error - W_MFG_MATERIAL_USAGE_F

      The error was due to duplicates in W_MFG_MATERIAL_USAGE_F caused by multiple records in GME_MATERIAL_DETAILS table where for the same BATCH_ID, OPERATION_SEQ_NUMBER and INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, multiple WO_CREATION_DATE , CREATED_ON_DATE, CREATED_BY, CHANGED_ON_DATE and LAST_UPDATED_BY values were coming. To resolve the issue, WO_CREATION_DATE was mapped from GME_BATCH_HEADER instead of GME_MATERIAL_DETAILS and other audit columns was not included under group by clause.

    • Bug 18638291 - Lot Genealogy Report to be changed

      Two reports have been created for Lot Genealogy after deleting the existing Lot Genealogy Details reports:
      • The 1st report will show the genealogy from finished good (Level-1) to the Level-2. Conditional Action link will be used on L2 Lot Number based on "PO Header ID is null" condition.

      • The 2nd report will recursively call itself to show 2 levels of genealogy at a time in a report. Conditional Action link will be used on L3 Lot Number based on PO Header ID is null condition.

      • Sub-assembly item joins happen using Inventory Org Name, Lot Number and Product Number between the 2 reports.