3 Installing ACSLS on Linux

ACSLS 8.4 has been developed and tested for the following Linux environments:

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.5 (ACSLS 8.4 base through patch 8.4.0-4)

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.8 (requires ACSLS 8.4 patch 8.4.0-4)

The Oracle Linux Product Pack can be obtained from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:


The procedures described in this chapter conform to Linux environments that include the specific packages detailed in the section, "Installing Linux". By closely following that section and "Linux Installation Tips", your installation should proceed smoothly and you can avoid issues of software incompatibility or unresolved package dependencies. Deviation from the prescribed set of packages is recommended only for experienced Linux administrators.


Logical libraries are not supported in the Linux environment.

A known issue currently prevents use of the ACSLS GUI and the
lib_cmd CLI (both are optional components). When running the install.sh script, reply "No" when asked about installing those components.

The output of "acsss status" should appear as follows (legacy mode):

-bash-4.4$ acsss status
Copyright 1989, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
    acsdb: online
    acsls: online

This chapter includes the following topics:

Preliminary Notes for the Linux Administrator

This section includes the following topics:

User Administration

  • Three ACSLS user accounts, (acsss, acssa, acsdb) are added automatically when you install the ACSLS package.

  • The package install creates an acsls group and assigns all three users to this group. It also adds root to the acsls group.

  • If user accounts for the three acsls users already exist, the user home directory and group id will be adjusted automatically (if necessary) by the package install routine.

  • ACSLS 8.4 allows for a user-defined home directory for the ACSLS application. The parent directory of each user home directory is referenced by the variable, $installDir. The user home directories for ACSLS are:

    acsss      $installDir/ACSSS
    acssa      $installDir/ACSSA
    acsdb      $installDir/acsdb/ACSDB1.0
  • If user accounts already exist for these users and you are changing the $installDir, then these users must be logged out of the system during the installation since their home directory will change.

  • If the user accounts already exist and they are locked, they must be unlocked before you install the package. To check if the acsss account is locked:

    # passwd -S acsss
    acsss L

    The "L" indicates that the account is locked. To unlock the account:

    # passwd -u acsss

    Do this for each user account.

  • If these user accounts exist on an LDAP or NIS server and the root user on the local machine lacks usermod authority on the LDAP or NIS server, then manual intervention by the system administrator is needed to complete the ACSLS installation. Make sure the users are re assigned to the acsls group and their home directories conform to the guidelines in this section. The user shell should be /bin/bash.

Cron Administration

  • Specific automated schedules known as crontabs are created for users acsss, and acsdb when you run the install.sh utility. These crontabs are provided for ACSLS database maintenance backup activities.

  • An optional file /etc/cron.allow (or /etc/cron.d/cron.allow on certain machines) may exist on the system. This file controls which users are allowed to run the crontab command. If cron.allow exists, then user IDs for acsss and acsdb must be included in that file before you run install.sh. Otherwise, crontab creation for these users fail.

    The file cron.deny exists by default on most systems. Any users listed in this file are explicitly denied access to the crontab command. Make sure that acsss and acsdb are not contained in the cron.deny file.

Access Privileges

  • ACSLS 8.4 may be installed in any file system. The ACSLS base and the ACSLS backup directories (example: /export/home and /export/backup) must be mounted to allow SETUID so user acsss can run as root. Super user access is required for scripts that start and stop ACSLS services and for scripts that collect diagnostic information for a support call.

  • The acsss umask is set to 027 during installation.

  • Network services, specifically rpcbind, must be enabled to allow ACSLS client communication unless the firewall security on ACSLS and all ACSAPI clients is configured without the need for the portmapper. For more information, see the ACSLS Administrator's Guide, "Firewall Security Option" for details.

SELinux Security

ACSLS 8.4 is designed to run in optional Security Enhanced Linux environments. SELinux was merged into the Linux 2.6.0 kernel in 2003 in response to initiatives by the US National Security Agency. It provides access control to files, directories, and other system resources that go beyond the traditional protection found standard in UNIX environments. In addition to owner-group-public permission access, SELinux includes access control based on user role, domain, and context. The agent that enforces access control over all system resources is the Linux kernel.

The root user on a Linux system can set enforcement on or off with the setenforce command.

setenforce [Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ]

Use Enforcing or 1 to put SELinux in enforcing mode. Use Permissive or 0 to put SELinux in permissive mode.


  • This command requires that SELinux is enabled. Use the command sestatus to view the status of SELinux.

  • To view the current system enforcement status, use the command getenforce.

Three SELinux policy modules are loaded into the kernel when you install ACSLS: allowPostgr, acsdb, and acsdb1. These modules provide the definitions and enforcement exceptions that are necessary for ACSLS to access its own database and other system resources while SELinux enforcement is active. With these modules installed, you should be able to run normal ACSLS operations, including database operations such as bdb.acsss, rdb.acsss, db_export.sh and db_import.sh without the need to disable SELinux enforcement.

For more information, refer to the "Troubleshooting" Appendix in the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

Removing Previous ACSLS Version

  1. Is this a new installation?

  2. Shut down ACSLS:

    You must be logged in as acsss to do this.

    acsss shutdown

    Remove any acsss and acsdb crontab entries:

    crontab -r acsss
    crontab -r acsdb
  3. Remove ACSLS for Linux 8.3:

    rpm -e ACSLS-8.3.0.i686
  4. Verify that no database processes are running before you begin the install. If in doubt, reboot.

Before Installing Linux

Before you begin installing Linux, check with your IT system administrator to obtain the following information. The graphical installer requires the kdelibs package, which is included in the Linux Installer Media Pack.

  • Hostname and IP address for the ACSLS server.

  • Gateway IP address and netmask for your network, as well as the primary and secondary DNS.

  • IP address.

  • Network proxy information, if available.

In this procedure, you install key software components, including the following:

  • GNOME desktop environment.

  • Internet support.

  • X Windows.

  • Resource Package Manager (RPM), Yellowdog Updater, and Modified (yum).

  • Java.

Do not install (or enable) the following:

  • Software Development

  • Web Server

  • Database

  • Dial-up network

Exporting the Database and Control Files

If you are porting an earlier release of ACSLS from a Solaris or AIX machine, be sure to export your database and control files from that machine. The control files include those files in the data/external directory that have been customized to your local library environment. If you are moving the database and control files to the ACSLS 8.4 Linux platform, you must export the database and control files. As user acsss, run the command:

db_export.sh -f myExport

In the example above, myExport is the name you assign to your export file. You should save myExport and myExport.misc to a non-volatile location. If you are updating your OS, then transfer these files to a remote machine for safe keeping.

For more information and procedures, refer to Exporting the Database in the "Database Administration" chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

If you have created additional ACSLS GUI users on ACSLS 8.1 or later releases, record those user IDs so you can re-add them after installing the new version of ACSLS. To do this:

  1. Login in as root and source the ACSLS operating environment:

    .  /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env
  2. Go to the $ACS_HOME/install directory.

  3. Run ./userAdmin.sh to get a list of existing users of the ACSLS GUI:

    Select the List Users option and then the Exit option when you have finished.

  4. Record the user IDs so you can re-add them later as described in "Adding Users of the ACSLS GUI."

Installation Media

You may install Oracle Linux from DVD media, from a jump-start server, or from an ISO image that resides on a remote server. Most contemporary Oracle Sun X86 servers are equipped with an advanced service processor using Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM). The ILOM enables you to install the Linux operating system on the same machine using remotely mounted media. Consult your Sun server documentation for details how to use the Oracle ILOM.

Downloading the Linux Media Pack

Use the following procedure to download the Linux installer media pack from the Oracle Software Deliver Cloud. The media pack is delivered as a compressed ISO image file which you can extract and write to portable media of your choice.

  1. Start a web browser on the system and navigate to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following URL.


  2. Click Sign In.

  3. Enter the username and password provided by your Oracle support representative.

  4. Click Accept the on Export Restrictions screen.

  5. Enter acsls for the Product and select StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS).

  6. Click Select Platform and check Linux x86-64. Click Select.

  7. On the Selected Products screen, click Continue.

  8. For Available Releases, check the box next to the Automated Cartridge System Library Software for Linux x86-64 and click Continue.

  9. On the Oracle Terms and Restrictions screen, review and accept the terms of the licenses. Click Continue.

  10. Click Download and save the zip file to the location of your choice.

Installing Linux

ACSLS 8.4 has been tested and verified on Linux releases 6.5 and 6.8, with required changes to system settings. See"Adjusting Tuning Settings for Linux and ACSLS" for more information.

It is recommended that PostgreSQL packages are not included with the base installation of Linux. These packages are installed in the following section.

Installing ACSLS Prerequisites

After Linux installation, add specific packages required for ACSLS from the Oracle yum repository.

If your ACSLS server is behind a firewall, you may need to configure your ACSLS Linux system to use a local proxy server.

  1. Edit /etc/yum.conf and /etc/wgetrc to update proxy and caching parameters:

    Proxy=http://your local proxy server
    #You can set the default proxies for wget to use for http, https, and ftp.
    #They will override the value in the environment.
    http_proxy=http://your local proxy server
    # Remove the comment sign (#) from this line: 
  2. Configure yum to use the Oracle repository for the correct architecture.

    1. Obtain the repository list from the Oracle yum server.

      # cd /etc/yum.repos.d
      # wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo
    2. Edit the file, public-yum-ol6.repo, to include i686 packages. Add the following lines to the bottom of this file.

      name=Oracle Linux 6 Latest 32-bit (i386)
  3. Disable the yum packagekit refresh.

    1. Edit the file:

    2. Set enabled=0.

  4. Install the pre-requisite packages for ACSLS.

    yum install -y glibc.i686 pam pam.i686
    yum install -y libstdc++ libstdc++.i686
    yum install -y libxml2 libxml2.i686
    yum install -y postgresql-libs-8.4.20-6.el6.i686
    yum install -y postgresql-8.4.20-6.el6.i686
    yum install -y postgresql-server-8.4.20-6.el6.i686
    yum install -y unixODBC.i686 postgresql-odbc.i686
  5. Verify that a newer version of Postgresql is not installed on the Linux machine, as newer versions include pathing changes that cause errors for ACSLS:

    rpm -qa | egrep "^postgresql*" | egrep "8.4.2[1-9]"

    If new versions are not returned, proceed with installation.

    If versions newer than 8.4.20 are returned, for example:


    Then remove the newer Postgresql versions:

    rpm -e -nodeps postgresql84-libs-8.4.22-1PGDG.rhel6.i686
    rpm -e -nodeps postgresql84-8.4.22-1PGDG.rhel6.i686
    rpm -e -nodeps postgresql84-server-8.4.22-1PGDG.rhel6.i686

    When you are finished, repeat the initial yum installation steps at the beginning of Step 6.

Once pre-requisite packages are installed, you are now ready to install the ACSLS 8.4 package.

Adjusting Tuning Settings for Linux and ACSLS

If you plan to run ACSLS in a Linux 6.5 or 6.8 environment, you must perform Linux operating system and ACSLS tuning tasks designed to optimize ACSLS performance and stability. See Appendix A, "Linux and ACSLS Tuning Settings" for complete instructions.

Linux Installation Tips

Your Linux installation may not contain all of the packages required for ACSLS. When you install the ACSLS package with rpm -ivh ACSLS-8.4.0*.rpm, this operation may return an error indicating specific missing package dependencies. For each dependency that is identified, your can install that package with yum. Simply copy the package name from the dependency error message and submit that package name to a yum install command.

# yum install <package name>

To get a list of any dependencies in the ACSLS package before you attempt to install it, run the rpm install command with the --test option.

# rpm -ivh --test ACSLS-8.4.0*.rpm

If there are still missing dependencies that remain on your Linux system, those dependencies are displayed with this test option.

Installing the ACSLS Package


ACSLS patch 8.4.0-4 is required in a Linux 6.8 environment. For 8.4.0-4 patch installation instructions, refer to the README.txt file included with the patch.

Visit the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, and locate the ACSLS_8.4.0 software bundle available for the Linux platform. You will typically download the file to the /opt directory on your ACSLS server. Unzip the file and go into the ACSLS_8.4.0 directory to access the rpm package, ACSLS-8.4.0*.rpm.

ACSLS 8.4 installs in any directory. Determine the base install directory where the ACSLS application should reside. If that directory does not exist, then you must create it before installing the STKacsls package. The directory must be owned by root with permissions set to 755.


Unless otherwise specified by the user, ACSLS will be installed in /export/home.
  1. As root, go into the ACSLS_8.4.0 package installation directory and install the ACSLS package.

    rpm -i $pkg

    This method places the ACSLS application under the default install directory,
    /export/home. To place the application under a different directory, use the following method to extract the package:


    (the file system where you intend for the ACSLS application to reside)

    rpm -Uvh --prefix $path ACSLS-8.4.0*.rpm

    The rpm utility creates user and group IDs for users acsss, acssa, and acsdb. It assigns home directories for these users and places them in the acsls group. The root user is also added to the acsls group.

    When upgrading from a prior ACSLS version, determine whether you intend to change the installation directory. ACSLS users should be logged out whenever their home directory is likely to change.


    Secure administration practices recommend that you to set initial passwords for these users immediately after the package installation.
  2. Once the package installation is complete, you should inherit the new ACSLS environment to your current shell. To inherit the acsls group identity, you must log out and log back in (or simply su -). Verify with the groups command.

    su -
    # groups
       root acsls

    (other groups may be listed)


    To ensure a consistent environment when installing ACSLS 8.4, it is recommended that you complete the installation in a single shell session, logged in as user 'root', in which you have verified root membership in the acsls group.

    Problems caused by incorrect group membership can occur if multiple shell sessions are used during installation (a stale shell session logged in as user 'root', for example, may not have the same group access).

    To verify ACSLS and root accounts for proper Group (GID) association:

    1. Verify ACSLS accounts:

      Submit the following command to verify that all ACSLS accounts (acsss, acssa, and acsdb) are associated with the same 'acsls' Group ID (GID), as defined in the /etc/group file for group named 'acsls':

      egrep "acsss|acssa|acsdb" /etc/passwd

      Account information is displayed. For example:

      acsss:x:505:511:ACSLS control login:/export/home/ACSSS:/bin/bash
      acssa:x:506:511:ACSLS SA login:/export/home/ACSSA:/bin/bash
      acsdb:x:507:511:ACSLS Database Owner:/export/home/acsdb/ACSDB1.0:/bin/bash

      Notice that all ACLS accounts are associated with the same Group ID (511 in this example).

      If the ACSLS accounts are not associated with the same Group ID, submit the following commands as user 'root' to correct the associations:

      usermod -g acsls acsss
              usermod -g acsls acssa
              usermod -g acsls acsdb

      When you are finished, re-submit the initial command to verify that all accounts are associated with the same Group ID:

      egrep "acsss|acssa|acsdb" /etc/passwd
    2. Verify root account:

      Submit the following command to verify that the root user is part of the 'acsls' group:

      egrep "acsls" /etc/group

      Account information is displayed. For example:


      Notice that the root user is listed for the 'acsls' group.

      If root is not listed, submit the following command to add a supplementary 'acsls' group:

      usermod -G acsls root

      When you are finished, re-submit the initial command to verify that the root user is part of the 'acsls' group:

      egrep "acsls" /etc/group
  3. To set your shell to the ACSLS installation environment, source the.acsls_env file.

    . /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env

    This step lets you refer to $ACS_HOME during subsequent installation operations.

Running install.sh

The install.sh utility lets you select from the extracted ACSLS 8.4 package the specific features required for your unique Oracle StorageTek library environment. Flexibility has been added in ACSLS 8.4, allowing you to choose whether to install options including the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and fibre library support. You can run this utility to install the entire product, any portion of the product, or to alter an already-installed product without the need for a full installation.

While you are still logged in as root, run the following commands:

cd $ACS_HOME/install

The software looks for a fully qualified host name in the /etc/hosts file. Some Postgres utilities require the fully qualified host name. Add the fully qualified hostname to your /etc/hosts file after this installation


Logical libraries are not supported in the Linux environment.

A known issue currently prevents use of the ACSLS GUI and the
lib_cmd CLI (both are optional components). When running the install.sh script, reply "No" when asked about installing those components.

The output of "acsss status" should appear as follows (legacy mode):

-bash-4.4$ acsss status
Copyright 1989, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
    acsdb: online
    acsls: online

Creating the Database

Database creation is first step in the install.sh routine. This step is necessary if you are installing the package for the first time. If your ACSLS database already exists and you do not want to rebuild it, then you have the option to skip this step.

This step creates a new database under PostgreSQL and establishes an automated schedule for database backups. For Linux 6, it loads SE Linux policy modules that provide ACSLS with secure but unrestrained access to the PostgreSQL database engine.

Determine the directory where you intend for database backup files to reside. If that directory does not exist, then you must first create the directory. The directory must be owned by root with permissions set to 755. Unless you specify otherwise, database backups are placed under /export/backup.

The install.sh routine asks:

Which file system will be used to store database backups?

Click Return to select the suggested directory, or specify a different directory. If you assign a relative path, it is placed directly under the desired path that you assigned in step-1 in the previous section, "Installing the ACSLS Package." If yours is an HA configuration, ensure that the backup directory that you choose resides in a file system on the shared disk.

The install routine proceeds to load SE Linux policy modules. Unless you specify otherwise, the routine places the directory for database backups directly under the desired path that you assigned in step-1.

Installing an mchanger Driver

The mchanger driver is relevant only to fibre-attached or SCSI-attached library configurations. The install.sh routine asks:

Shall we install the mchanger driver for fibre-attached libraries? (y/n)

Respond with y or n whether your library environment includes a fibre-attached library such as the SL500 or SL150 library.

If you entered y, the routine scans the attached SAN environment, looking for any StorageTek library devices. It reports the devices it finds and prompts whether any additional libraries are attached. If you have an older SCSI attached L700 or L180 library, respond y to the prompt.

For SCSI attached libraries, simply enter the target:lun address for each library, separating them by a space. For example:

==> 4:0 5:0 5:1

Removing mchanger Device Links

When controlling fibre-attached libraries such as the SL500 or SL150, mchanger is the name that ACSLS uses when referring to the device driver for the SCSI media changer device. On Linux, /dev/mchanger* is a symbolic link to the SCSI Generic sg driver. It is not our purpose to remove sg since sg is a standard device driver on Linux. We simply remove the device links between mchanger and sg. This task is normally accomplished when you remove the ACSLS rpm package. To remove mchanger without removing the ACSLS package, use the following procedure:

  1. Remove the device links for mchanger in /dev.

    # cd /dev
    # rm mchanger*
  2. Remove the rules that created the device links that you removed in step 1.

    # cd /etc/udev/rules.d
    # rm persistent-storage-tape-acsls.rules

To re-create the mchanger device links: 

  1. As user acsss:

    cd $ACS_HOME/install
  2. Type su root.

    Do not type su - root as this causes a loss of your acsss environment.

  3. Source the ACSLS environment:

    # .  /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env
  4. Create the mchanger device links.

    # $ACS_HOME/install/install_scsi_Linux.sh

Installing the Graphical User Interface

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is an option.

If you are co-hosting ACSLS with another application that uses WebLogic, do not install the ACSLS GUI.

To install the GUI:

  1. Enter y at the following prompt:

    Do you want to install the ACSLS Graphical User Interface? (y/n)
  2. If this is a minor update or configuration change (not a new installation) your ACSLS GUI may already be installed.

    In this case, you will have the option to re-install the GUI or to skip this section and retain the current ACSLS GUI domain. The install routine prompts:

    The Acsls GUI Domain exists. Do you want to re-install it? (y/n)
  3. Select one of the following:

    • Enter y if you are installing a new ACSLS release.

      The WebLogic server package is extracted and the default GUI admin user account is created with the user name, acsls_admin.

      You are then asked to assign a password for the admin user. The password must be between eight and sixteen characters using both alpha and numeric characters.

      The install procedure unpacks and deploys the ACSLS GUI application and then creates the Acsls user group. At a later time, you can add GUI users to this group using the administrative tool, userAdmin.sh.

    • If you enter n, you have the option (y/n) whether to remove the existing GUI configuration.

    When you install WebLogic on your ACSLS server, a simple 512-bit public key is automatically available to support basic https exchanges with client browsers. Normally, no further configuration should be necessary. However, some browsers, notably the Microsoft Internet Explorer, require a lengthier key of no less than 1024 bits. Refer to "Configuring a Self-Signed Digital Certificate for HTTPS" for a description of and procedures for configuring an SSL encryption key.

Installing lib_cmd

The lib_cmd feature is a command-line interface that performs many of the same operations that can be performed in the ACSLS GUI. This tool installs automatically if you choose to install either the GUI or logical library support.

While many lib_cmd operations apply to logical library functions, this feature is also useful for displaying the status of physical libraries, volumes and drives. If you do choose to install neither the GUI nor logical library support, you are given the option to install lib_cmd.

Shall we install the optional lib_cmd interface (y or n):

Installing ACSLS Services

Depending on the set of features that you have selected in the above installation dialog, this final step installs Linux init.d services to control the automatic start, stop, and status functions for each selected ACSLS feature.

The service list includes any subset of the following:


Adding Users of the ACSLS GUI

During install.sh, you created the acsls_admin user. This user can now create accounts and assign passwords for other users of the ACSLS Web-based GUI application. You can refer to the list of GUI users that you saved earlier. To add a user, follow this procedure:

  1. As root, go to the /export/home/ACSSS/install directory.

  2. Run ./userAdmin.sh

  3. Enter the acsls_admin password that you assigned in "Installing the Graphical User Interface."

  4. From the menu, select (1) to add a new user.

  5. Enter the ID of the user you want to add.

  6. Assign a password for that user.

Passwords must contain eight characters with a combination of alpha and numeric or special characters.

You can use the userAdmin.sh utility at any time to add or delete users or to change passwords for all ACSLS GUI users. See userAdmin.sh in the Utilities chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

Installing the XAPI Service with ACSLS

The XML API (XAPI) is an API that allows Enterprise level mainframe clients and servers to communicate using a common Enterprise Library Software (ELS) protocol over TCP/IP. ACSLS 8.4 and later releases can be configured with XAPI support.

The XAPI component is install separately from ACSLS and after ACSLS has been installed.

To install the XAPI component:

  1. Ensure you have installed the ACSLS package and run install.sh to finish the ACSLS installation.

  2. Ensure you are logged in as root to the ACSLS server.

  3. Source key ACSLS environment variables:

    .  /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env

    (There is a period and space before /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env).

  4. Install the XAPI component:

    cd $ACS_HOME/install
    Installing the XAPI component for Oracle IBM mainframe clients. Continue? (y)

Importing the Database and Control Files

Control files are customized files, user preferences, and local configuration files that are unique to your specific ACSLS environment.

If you have exported the database and control files, you now need to import them. For information, refer to Importing the Database in the "Database Administration" chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

Installing and Configuring your Library Hardware

  1. Verify the server system hardware is properly configured, connected, powered on, and ready.

  2. Verify each of the physical connections (example: Ethernet, fibre, SCSI) connections between the server and the library hardware.

  3. Before configuring ACSLS to your library complex, make sure all libraries, rails, and CAPs are fully configured, powered on, and ready.

  4. Create or import the Library Configuration. Refer to the ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide for details.

    To import the configuration from an earlier ACSLS release, see the section Importing the Database in the "Database Administration" chapter.

    To create a new library configuration, see the section Configuring or Reconfiguring Library Hardware in the "Installing and Configuring Your Library Hardware" chapter.

  5. For help with connectivity problems, refer to the "Troubleshooting" chapter in the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

  6. Refer to the "Installing and Configuring Your Library Hardware" chapter in the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide. See the section "Using acsss_config to Configure Your Library Hardware".

Testing a New ACSLS Release Without a Library

After installing a new ACSLS release, you want to test it before using it to manage production libraries. If you do not have a library or library partition to use as a test environment, it's possible to test a new ACSLS release in a limited way without having a test library for ACSLS to access.

See "Testing a New ACSLS Release Without a Library" for more information and procedures.

Verifying ACSLS Installation

Use the following procedure to verify ACSLS. You should be logged in as acsss. This procedure mounts or dismounts a cartridge.

To start ACSLS Software, log in as user acsss and run the acsss enable command. Refer to acsss in the "Utility" chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

For instructions on using cmd_proc, refer to "Using a cmd_proc" in the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

  1. Query the server from the cmd_proc by entering

    query server

    If messages are displayed indicating that the server is in waiting mode, wait for a message indicating that the server is running.

  2. Verify the following are online. You must have at least one of each online. If not, bring them online with the vary command.

    query port all
    query acs all
    query lsm all
    query drive all
  3. Do you have at least one cartridge in an LSM?

    • YES - continue with the procedure.

    • NO - Enter a cartridge into an LSM.

  4. Mount a volume by entering:

    mount vol_id drive_id

    Use the query drive command to get the ID of an available drive and the query volume command to get the ID of a library cartridge. Refer to the "Installing and Configuring Your Library Hardware" chapter in the ACSLS Administrator's Guide.

  5. Did you see a message indicating a successful mount?

    A successful mount message is:

    Mount: vol_id mounted on drive_id
    • YES - Procedure is complete.

    • NO - If an error message appears, run this verification procedure again, ensuring that you specified a valid, available drive and a library cartridge. If the mount/dismount still fails, call Oracle Support for assistance.

  6. Dismount the cartridge by entering:

    dismount vol_id drive_id force

    where vol_id is the volume and drive_id is the drive you specified in Step 4.

Auditing Your Library

The last step of your installation is auditing your libraries. You must audit your libraries if:

  • This is a new installation.

  • You are adding new libraries to an existing configuration.

Refer to "Auditing the Library" in the Library Management chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

Uninstalling the XAPI Service

The XAPI component can be removed without uninstalling ACSLS. To do this:

  1. Log in as root to the ACSLS server.

  2. Source key ACSLS environment variables:

    .  /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env

    (There is a period and space before /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env).

  3. Uninstall the XAPI component.

    cd $ACS_HOME/install
    Do you wish to remove the xapi service? (y)

Uninstalling ACSLS 8.4


If you are upgrading to another release of ACSLS, make sure to export your ACSLS database by using the db_export.sh utility command discussed in the "Utility" chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Administrator's Guide.

To uninstall ACSLS:

  1. Log in as acsss.

  2. Enter acsss shutdown.

  3. Remove package:

    • Log in as root.

    • Enter rpm -e ACSLS

    The rpm script removes many, but not all ACSLS file systems and it keeps the user accounts in place for acsss, acssa, and acsdb. This approach allows for faster upgrades of ACSLS.

  4. To remove the contents of the ACSLS database backup directory:

    rm -rf <previous ACSLS install directory>
  5. WebLogic and the ACSLS GUI are not removed automatically during a package uninstall for the following reasons:

    • Upgrading ACSLS may not require an upgrade of WebLogic or the ACSLS GUI.

    • Uninstalling WebLogic and the ACSLS GUI removes ACSLS GUI users and their passwords.

    • Uninstalling WebLogic and the ACSLS GUI removes any custom SSL keystore that may have been configured for the ACSLS GUI.

    • Reinstalling WebLogic takes time (five minutes or more) to complete.

    To completely remove ACSLS from your system, perform the following steps:

    cd <previous ACSLS database backup directory>
    rm -rf Oracle SSLM
    userdel acsss
    userdel acssa
    userdel acsdb
  6. Reboot.