3 Configuration

This chapter explains configuration settings that can be set for ACSLS Agent parameters and details the essential system-level SNMP V1 parameters for the ACSLS Agent.

The AcslsAgtd.cfg file

A number of operational parameters in this application can be adjusted by the user of the ACSLS SNMP Agent. Two configuration files can be found in the top-level ACSNMP directory: AcslsAgtd.cfg and AcslsAgtd.url.

Most configuration settings are defined in the file, AcslsAgtd.cfg. There are eight parameters that can be set in this file. The value for each variable is placed between the colon and a semicolon. Where multiple values are defined, they should be separated by a comma.

  • DEST:;

    This parameter defines the host names or ip addresses of the various destination servers that will be listening for specific trap messages from the ACSLS SNMP Agent.Place all destinations between the colon and the semicolon, separating them with commas:

  • SNMP_PORT:161; and SNMP_TRAP_PORT:162;

    These are the default port settings for communications from the ACSLS SNMP Agent. If these ports are in use by other applications, the administrator may redefine the port numbers for the ACSLS Agent as needed.


    The community you define here should also be listed as a V1 rocommunity in the net-snmp configuration file, snmpd.conf. If no community is defined, traps from the Agent are identified with the deprecated public read-only community. The factory setting is acs_user.

  • MIN_RATE:15;

    This setting defines the limit of how often the ACSLS SNMP Agent is allowed to probe ACSLS to update the MIB. It is best to keep MIN_RATE value set to no less than fifteen (15) seconds.

  • CURR_RATE:60;

    This is the actual SNMP polling rate used to update the ACSLS MIB. This setting can be adjusted lower or higher, depending on the need. Probing more frequently with a lower polling rate allows more accurate and up-to-the-second responses for traps and snmpget requests. But with each probe, the ACSLS SNMP Agent submits status queries to ACSLS for every object in the entire MIB. Consequently, in larger library complexes with hundreds of OIDs in the MIB, there can be a detrimental cost to overall ACSLS performance with lower SNMP polling rates.


    This parameter is the reporting level defined for traps that are broadcast from the ACSLS Agent to configured listeners. The level of settings here range from sparsely silent to completely informative.

    1 SILENT - Only the Agent Start-up trap message is sent.

    2 ERROR - After start-up, only messages involving errors are sent.

    3 WARNING - After start-up, report errors and offline status changes.

    4 INFO - Report start-up, error messages, and all status changes

    5 UNCLASSIFIED - Report all of the above plus informational messages.

    If the Agent finds the ACS_TRAP_LEVEL field blank or badly formed, it defaults to UNCLASSIFIED and broadcasts all trap messages. The factory setting is INFO.


    This setting defines the level of verbosity to record messages in the AcslsAgtd.log. There are four possible settings:

    1 SILENT - Produces no messages to the log.

    2 ERROR - Reports only error messages.

    3 WARNING - Reports errors and status notifications.

    4 DEBUG - Prints verbose software debugging messages.

    The factory setting is WARNING.

Any change to the above configuration settings do not take effect until the ACSLS Agent has restarted.

The AcslsAgtd.url file

The file, AcslsAgtd.url, holds the specific URL that a management application uses to identify the ACSLS Agent. This parameter has little use for most applications and the setting normally remains blank. Where a management application requires a URL, the value is set in this file after the expression, AGENT_URL_ENTRY. Once set, the URL can be discovered by a remote SNMP client using a standard snmpget.

# snmpget -v1 -c acs_user localhost

System-level Configuration Settings

The values that were set in AcslsAgtd.cfg and AcslsAgtd.url apply only to parameters in the ACSLS SNMP Agent, but there are other system-level settings on which the ACSLS Agent relies. These are defined in the file, snmpd.conf. The location of this file may be different from one system to another.

On Linux systems, this file may be reliably found at /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.

On Solaris systems, the best method to locate snmpd.conf is to list the config-file/entities property for the net-snmp SMF service:

# svccfg -s net-snmp listprop config-file/entities

This command yields a URL with a localhost location, usually under the /etc/ directory.

The ACSLS Agent was designed solely from the V1 SNMP Protocol, so V1 parameters must be defined for the ACSLS Agent in snmpd.conf. Since the ACSLS MIB contains read-only objects exclusively, a V1 rocommunity must be defined in this file. For security reasons, it is prudent to stay away from well-known community names, such as public. The name you choose is not restricted to convention.

There may be additional V1 parameters that you must define. A sample snmpd.conf file can be found in the ACSNMP/install directory. This file contains a list of sample definitions for each of the essential parameters required in the SNMP V1 protocol.