OracleNotificationRequest Class

An OracleNotificationRequest class represents a notification request to be subscribed in the database. It contains information about the request and the characteristics of the notification. Using the OracleNotificationRequest class, Oracle Data Provider for .NET can create the notification registration in the database.

Class Inheritance




// C#
public sealed class OracleNotificationRequest


Provider ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver ODP.NET, Managed Driver
Assembly Oracle.DataAccess.dll Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
Namespace Oracle.DataAccess.Client Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client
.NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6 4.0, 4.5, 4.6

Not supported in a .NET stored procedure

Thread Safety

All public static methods are thread-safe, although methods do not guarantee thread safety.

OracleNotificationRequest Members

OracleNotificationRequest members are listed in the following tables.

OracleNotificationRequest Static Method

The OracleNotificationRequest static method is listed in Table 9-12.

Table 9-12 OracleNotificationRequest Static Method

Static Method Description


Inherited from System.Object

OracleNotificationRequest Properties

OracleNotificationRequest properties are listed in Table 9-13.

Table 9-13 OracleNotificationRequest Properties

Properties Description


Indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification


Indicates whether or not the notification message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery


Specifies the time that the registration remains alive


Specifies whether grouping notification is enabled or not


Specifies the type of grouping notification


Specifies the interval between grouping notifications, in seconds

OracleNotificationRequest Methods

OracleNotificationRequest methods are listed in Table 9-14.

Table 9-14 OracleNotificationRequest Methods

Methods Description


Inherited from System.Object


Inherited from System.Object


Inherited from System.Object


Inherited from System.Object

OracleNotificationRequest Static Methods

The OracleNotificationRequest static method is listed in Table 9-15.

Table 9-15 OracleNotificationRequest Static Method

Static Method Description


Inherited from System.Object

OracleNotificationRequest Properties

The OracleNotificationRequest properties are listed in Table 9-16.

Table 9-16 OracleNotificationRequest Properties

Properties Description


Indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification


Indicates whether or not the notification message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery


Specifies the time that the registration remains alive


Specifies whether grouping notification is enabled or not


Specifies the type of grouping notification


Specifies the interval between grouping notifications, in seconds


This property indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification.


// C#
public bool IsNotifiedOnce{get; set;}

Property Value

A bool value that indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification.


The default value is false for AQ. This is different from change notification where the default value is true.

Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.


This property indicates whether or not the notification message should be queued persistently in the database until delivery.


// C#
public bool IsPersistent{get; set;}

Property Value

A bool value that indicates whether or not the notifications should be stored persistently in the database until delivery.

When the IsPersistent property is set to True, the message is queued persistently in the database and cannot be lost upon database failures or shutdowns. When the IsPersistent property is set to False, the message is stored in an in-memory queue before delivery and could be lost.

This property does not apply to NotificationRegistration which is always persistent.

This property only applies to the notification message after it has been sent.


The default value is false.

The database performs faster if the message is stored in an in-memory queue rather than a database queue.

Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.

This property is ignored for grouping notifications.


This property specifies the time, in seconds, that the registration remains alive.


// C#
public long Timeout{get; set}

Property Value

A long value that specifies the time, in seconds, that the registration remains alive. The valid values for the Timeout property are between 0 and 4294967295.


ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The specified Timeout is invalid.


The default value is 0 (infinite) for AQ and 50000 for change notification. If the Timeout property is set to 0, then the registration does not expire.

If the registration is removed because the Timeout value has been reached, then the database sends a notification indicating the expiration.

Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.


This property specifies whether grouping notification is enabled or not.


// C#
public bool GroupingNotificationEnabled {get; set}

Property Value

A true value indicates that grouping notification is enabled. A false value indicates that grouping notification is disabled.


The default value is false.

Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.


This property specifies the type of grouping notification.


// C#
public OracleAQNotificationGroupingType GroupingType {get; set}

Property Value

An OracleAQNotificationGroupingType enum value


The default value is OracleAQNotificationGroupingType.Summary.

Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.


This property specifies the interval of grouping notification in seconds. The group notifications are delivered at intervals specified by this property.


// C#
public int GroupingInterval {get; set}

Property Value

An integer specifying the grouping interval in seconds.


The default value is 600 seconds.

The range of GroupingInterval is from 0 to Int32.MaxValue.

Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.

OracleNotificationRequest Methods

OracleNotificationRequest methods are listed in Table 9-17.

Table 9-17 OracleNotificationRequest Methods

Methods Description


Inherited from System.Object


Inherited from System.Object


Inherited from System.Object


Inherited from System.Object