2 Security Features of Oracle Database Appliance

Oracle Database Appliance hardware and software are hardened. The following steps have been done to harden Oracle Database Appliance:

  • Trimmed the list of installed packages so that unnecessary packages are not installed on the servers.

  • Turned on only essential services on the Oracle Database Appliance nodes.

  • Enabled auditing of the operating system user.

Oracle also provides recommended secure configurations for services such as NTP and SSH. In addition, the Oracle Database Appliance architecture provides security capabilities to the core components. The capabilities are grouped into the following categories:

The preceding security capabilities are most often applied by organizations seeking to deploy a layered security strategy.

2.1 Using Isolation Policies

Organizations wanting to consolidate IT infrastructure, implement shared service architectures, and deliver secure multitenant services should isolate services, users, data, communications, and storage. Oracle Database Appliance provides organizations the flexibility to implement the isolation policies and strategies based on their needs. The following are the secure isolation levels of Oracle Database Appliance:

2.1.1 Isolating Network Traffic

At the physical network level, client access is isolated from device management and inter-device communication. Client and management network traffic are isolated on separate networks. Client access is provided over a redundant 10 Gbps Ethernet network that ensures reliable, high-speed access to services running on the system. Management access is provided over a physically separate 1 Gbps Ethernet network. This provides a separation between operational and management networks.

Organizations may choose to further segregate network traffic over the client access Ethernet network by configuring virtual LANs (VLANs). VLANs segregate network traffic based on their requirements. Oracle recommends the use of encrypted protocols over VLANs to assure the confidentiality and integrity of communications.

2.1.2 Isolating Databases

Physical separation by dedicating an entire environment to a single application or database is one of the best isolation methods. However, it is expensive. A more cost-effective isolation strategy uses multiple databases within the same operating system image. Multiple database isolation is achieved through a combination of database and operating system-level controls, such as dedicated credentials for users, groups, and resource controls.

All Oracle Database security options are available for Oracle Database Appliance. Organizations wanting finer-grained database isolation can use software such as Oracle Database Vault, Oracle Virtual Private Database, and Oracle Label Security.

Oracle Database Vault includes a mandatory access control model to enforce isolation using logical realms within a single database. Logical realms form a protective boundary around existing application tables by blocking administrative accounts from having ad-hoc access to application data. Oracle Database Vault command rules enable policy-based controls that limit who, when, where, and how the database and application data is accessed. This creates a trusted path to application data. Oracle Database Vault can also be employed to restrict access based upon time, source IP address, and other criteria.

Oracle Virtual Private Database enables the creation of policies that enforce fine-grained access to database tables and views at the row and column levels. Oracle Virtual Private Database provides security portability because the policies are associated with database objects, and are automatically applied no matter how the data is accessed. Oracle Virtual Private Database can be used for fine-grained isolation within the database.

Oracle Label Security is used to classify data, and mediate access to that data based upon its classification. Organizations define classification strategies, such as hierarchical or disjoint, that best support their needs. This capability allows information stored at different classification levels to be isolated at the row level within a single tablespace.

2.2 Controlling Access to Data

To protect application data, workloads, and the underlying infrastructure on which it runs, Oracle Database Appliance offers comprehensive yet flexible access control capabilities for both users and administrators. The control capabilities include network access and database access.

2.2.1 Controlling Network Access

Beyond simple network-level isolation, fine-grained access control policies can be instituted at the device level. All components in Oracle Database Appliance include the ability to limit network access to services either using architectural methods, such as network isolation, or using packet filtering and access control lists to limit communication to, from, and between components and services.

2.2.2 Controlling Database Access

Separation of duties is critical at every layer of the architecture to reduce the risk of collusive behavior, and prevent inadvertent errors. For example, use different operating system accounts to ensure role separation for database and storage administrators, including administrators supporting Oracle ASM. Within Oracle Database, users can be assigned specific privileges and roles to ensure that users have access to only those data objects that they are authorized to access. Data cannot be shared unless it is explicitly permitted.

In addition to the password-based authentication available in Oracle Database, Oracle Advanced Security option enables organizations to implement strong authentication using public key credentials, RADIUS, or a Kerberos infrastructure. Using Oracle Enterprise User Security, the database can be integrated with existing LDAP repositories for authentication and authorization. These capabilities provide higher assurance of the identity of users connecting to the database.

Oracle Database Vault can be used to manage administrative and privileged user access, controlling how, when and where application data can be accessed. Oracle Database Vault protects against misuse of stolen login credentials, application bypass, and unauthorized changes to applications and data, including attempts to make copies of application data. Oracle Database Vault is transparent to most applications, and day-to-day tasks. It supports multi-factor authorization policies, allowing for secure enforcement of policy without disrupting business operations.

Oracle Database Vault can enforce separation of duties to ensure that account management, security administration, resource management, and other functions are granted only to those users authorized to have those privileges.

2.3 Using Cryptographic Services

The requirement to protect and validate information at rest, in transit, and in use often employs cryptographic services. From encryption and decryption to digital fingerprint and certificate validation, cryptography is one of the most-widely deployed security controls in IT organizations.

Whenever possible, Oracle Database Appliance makes use of hardware-based cryptographic engines on processor chips provided by Intel AES-NI and Oracle SPARC. Using hardware for cryptographic operations provides significant performance improvement over performing the operations in software. Both engines provide the ability to perform cryptographic operations in hardware, and both are leveraged by Oracle software on the database and storage servers.

Network cryptographic services protect the confidentiality and integrity of communications by using a cryptographically-secure protocol. For example, Secure Shell (SSH) access provides secure administrative access to systems and Integrated Lights Out Managers (ILOMs). SSL/TLS can enable secure communications between applications and other services.

Databases cryptographic services are available from Oracle Advanced Security. Oracle Advanced Security encrypts information in the database using the transparent data encryption (TDE) functionality. TDE supports encryption of application table spaces, and encryption of individual columns within a table. Data stored in temporary table spaces, and redo logs are also encrypted. When the database is backed up, the data remains encrypted on destination media. This protects information at rest no matter where it is physically stored. For organizations concerned about the confidentiality of stored database content, database encryption, either at the table space level or column-level, Oracle Advanced Security should be considered.

In addition, Oracle Advanced Security can encrypt Oracle Net Services and JDBC traffic using either native encryption or SSL to protect information while in transit over a network. Both administrative and application connections can be protected to ensure that data in transit is protected. The SSL implementation supports the standard set of authentication methods including anonymous (Diffie-Hellman), server-only authentication using X.509 certificates, and mutual (client-server) authentication with X.509.

2.4 Monitoring and Auditing of Oracle Database Appliance

Whether for compliance reporting or incident response, monitoring and auditing are critical functions that organizations must use to gain increased visibility into their IT environment. The degree to which monitoring and auditing is employed is often based upon the risk or criticality of the environment. Oracle Database Appliance has been designed to offer comprehensive monitoring and auditing functionality at the server, network, database, and storage layers ensuring that information can be made available to organizations in support of their audit and compliance requirements.

Oracle Database support of fine-grained auditing allows organizations to establish policies that selectively determine when audit records are generated. This helps organizations focus on other database activities, and reduce the overhead that is often associated with audit activities.

Oracle Audit Vault centralizes the management of database audit settings and automates the consolidation of audit data into a secure repository. Oracle Audit Vault includes built-in reporting to monitor a wide range of activities including privileged user activity and changes to database structures. The reports generated by Oracle Audit Vault enable visibility into various application and administrative database activities, and provide detailed information to support accountability of actions.

Oracle Audit Vault enables the proactive detection and alerting of activities that may be indicative of unauthorized access attempts or abuse of system privileges. These alerts can include both system and user-defined events and conditions, such as the creation of privileged user accounts or the modification of tables containing sensitive information.

Oracle Database Firewall Remote Monitor can provide real-time database security monitoring. Oracle Database Firewall Remote Monitor queries database connections to detect malicious traffic, such as application bypass, unauthorized activity, SQL injection and other threats. Using an accurate SQL grammar-based approach, Oracle Database Firewall helps organizations quickly identify suspicious database activity.

2.5 Using Oracle ILOM for Secure Management

Collections of security controls and capabilities are necessary to properly secure individual applications and services. It is equally important to have comprehensive management capabilities to sustain the security of the deployed services and systems. Oracle Database Appliance uses the security management capabilities of Oracle ILOM.

Oracle ILOM is a service processor embedded in many Oracle Database Appliance components. It is used to perform out-of-band management activities, such as the following:

  • Provide secure access to perform secure lights-out management of the database and storage servers. Access includes web-based access protected by SSL, command-line access using Secure Shell, and IPMI v2.0 and SNMPv3 protocols.

  • Separate duty requirements using a role-based access control model. Individual users are assigned to specific roles that limit the functions that can be performed.

  • Provide an audit record of all logins and configuration changes. Each audit log entry lists the user performing the action, and a timestamp. This allows organizations to detect unauthorized activity or changes, and attribute those actions back to specific users.