13 Uninstalling Messaging Server

This chapter describes how to uninstall Oracle Communications Messaging Server.

About Uninstalling Messaging Server

The following steps gives a high-level overview on how to uninstall Messaging Server.

To uninstall Messaging Server:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Change to the InstallRoot directory.

  3. Run the commpkg uninstall command.

  4. Choose Messaging Server.

  5. When prompted, enter Yes to continue.

Uninstalling Messaging Server

The commpkg uninstall command enables you to uninstall Messaging Server products and shared components.

For information, see the discussion on the commpkg general syntax, other commands and options, in "commpkg Reference."

This chapter includes the following topics:

Uninstalling Messaging Server Components

This command uninstalls Messaging Server products. However it does not remove OS patches or shared components installed by commpkg install.

To uninstall one or more Messaging Server component, change to the InstallRoot directory, and as root, run commpkg uninstall


A fast way to uninstall a Messaging Server component installed in an alternate root is to simply remove the entire alternate root directory.

commpkg uninstall Command Syntax

commpkg uninstall [options] [ALTROOT | name]

You must be logged in as superuser (root) to run this command.

Using the ALTROOT | name Command-line Argument

This argument is supported only on Solaris OS. Specify ALTROOT | name on the command line to uninstall an alternate root directory for the uninstallation.

If you specify the --rootdir option in addition to the ALTROOT | name command-line argument, they must match.

For more information, see the discussion on using the ALTROOT command-line argument in "commpkg Reference."

commpkg uninstall Command Options

The following options are used by the commpkg uninstall command:

Table 13-1 commpkg uninstall Command Options

Options Description

--silent INPUTFILE

Runs the uninstaller silently, taking the inputs from the INPUTFILE and the command-line arguments. Any command-line arguments override entries in the INPUTFILE. Uninstallation proceeds without interactive prompts.

Use --dry-run to test silent uninstallation.

--dry-run or -n

Does not actually uninstall Messaging Server components, only performs checks. The silent uninstallation INPUTFILE is created in /tmp.

--rootdir path

This option is deprecated in favor of using the ALTROOT or name command-line argument.

This option specifies the path of ALTROOT, the alternate root used for multi-installation. Supported on Solaris OS only. If you specify this option and the ALTROOT | name argument the values must be consistent.

Uninstalling Messaging Server in Silent Mode

If you run the uninstaller in Silent mode, you are running a non-interactive session. The uninstallation inputs are taken from a silent uninstallation file (also known as a state file), from command line arguments, or defaults.

To run a silent uninstallation, follow these steps:

  1. Run an interactive uninstallation session.

    A state file similar to /var/opt/CommsInstaller/logs/silent_CommsInstaller_20130130090040 is automatically created.


    The silent installation and uninstallation files have the same syntax and file naming convention. To determine if it is an installation or uninstallation silent file, consult the value of the VERB property.
  2. Copy the state file to each host machine and edit the file as needed.

  3. Run the silent uninstallation on each host.


    Command-line arguments override the values and arguments in the state file.