5 MTA Concepts

This chapter provides a conceptual description of the Oracle Communications Messaging Server MTA.


The MTA Functionality

The Message Transfer Agent, or MTA is a component of the Messaging Server (see Figure 5-1, "High Level Message Store and MTA Architecture"). At its most basic level, the MTA is a message router. It accepts messages from other servers, reads the address, and routes it to the next server on way to its final destination, typically a user's mailbox.

Over the years, a lot of functionality has been added to the MTA, and with it, size, power, and complexity. These MTA functions overlap, but, in general, can be classified as follows:

  • Routing. Accepts a message, expands or transforms it if necessary (for example if it is an alias), and routes it to the next server, channel, program, file, or whatever. The routing function has been expanded to allow administrator specification of the internal and external mechanics of how messages are routed. For example, it is possible to specify things such as SMTP authentication, use of various SMTP commands and protocol, TCP/IP or DNS lookup support, job submission, process control and message queueing and so on.

  • Address Rewriting. Envelope addresses are often rewritten as part of the routing process, but envelope or header addresses can also be rewritten to a more desired or appropriate form.

  • Filtering. The MTA can filter messages based on address, domain, possible virus or spam content, size, IP address, header content, and so on. Filtered messages can be discarded, rejected, modified, sent to a file, sent to a program, or be sent to the next server on its way to a user mailbox.

  • Content Modification. Message headers or content can be modified. Example: making a message readable to a specific client or in a specific character set or checking for spam or viruses.

  • Auditing. Tracking who submitted what, where and when.

A number of subcomponents and processes support these functions and are shown in Figure 5-2, "MTA Architecture". This information describes these subcomponents and processes. In addition, a number of tools allow system administrators to enable and configure these functions. These include Unified Configuration options, mapping tables, channel options, channels, and rewrite rules. These are described in the following MTA information:

Figure 5-1 High Level Message Store and MTA Architecture

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-1 High Level Message Store and MTA Architecture''

MTA Architecture and Message Flow Overview

This section provides a short overview of MTA architecture and message flow (see Figure 5-2). The MTA is a highly complex component and this figure is a simplified depiction of messages flowing through the system. In fact, this picture is not a perfectly accurate depiction of all messages flowing through the system. For purposes of conceptual discussion, however, it must suffice.

Dispatcher and SMTP Server (Slave Program)

Messages enter the MTA from the Internet or intranet via SMTP sessions. When the MTA receives a request for an SMTP connection, the MTA dispatcher (a multithreaded connection dispatching agent), executes a slave program (tcp_smtp_server) to handle the SMTP session. The dispatcher maintains pools of multithreaded processes for each service. As additional sessions are requested, the dispatcher activates an SMTP server program to handle each session. A process in the Dispatcher's process pool may concurrently handle many connections. Together the dispatcher and slave program perform a number of different functions on each incoming message. Three primary functions are:

  • Message blocking. Messages from specified IP addresses, mail addresses, ports, channels, header strings and so on, may be blocked (see "Mail Filtering and Access Control").

  • Address changing. Incoming From: or To: addresses may be rewritten to a different form.

  • Channel enqueueing. Addresses are run through the rewrite rules to determine which channel the message should be sent.

For more information, see "The Dispatcher."

Routing and Address Rewriting

SMTP servers enqueue messages, but so can a number of other channels including, the conversion channel and reprocess channel. A number of tasks are achieved during this phase of delivery, but the primary tasks are:

  • Alias expansion.

  • Running the addresses through the rewrite rules which do two things:

    • Rewrite the domain part of addresses into a desired format.

    • Direct messages to the appropriate channel queue.


The channel is the fundamental MTA component used for message processing. A channel represents a message connection with another system (for example, another MTA, another channel, or the local message store). As mail comes in, different messages require different routing and processing depending on the message's source and destination. For example, mail to be delivered to a local message store is processed differently from mail to be delivered to the Internet, which is processed differently from mail to be sent to another MTA within the mail system. Channels provide the mechanism for customizing the processing and routing required for each connection. In a default installation, the majority of messages go to a channels handling Internet, intranet, and local messages.

Specialized channels for specific situations can also be created. For example, suppose that a certain Internet domain processes mail very slowly causing mail addressed to this domain to clog up the MTA. A special channel could be created to provide special handling for messages addressed to the slow domain, thus relieving the system of this domain bottleneck.

The domain part of the address determines to what channel the message is enqueued. The mechanism for reading the domain and determining the appropriate channel is called the rewrite rules (see "Rewrite Rules").

Channels typically consist of a channel queue and a channel processing program called a master program. After the slave program delivers the message to the appropriate channel queue, the master program performs the desired processing and routing. Here is an example of a channel entry:

tcp_intranet smtp mx single_sys subdirs 20 noreverse maxjobs 7 SMTP_POOL \
maytlsserver allowswitchchannel saslswitchchannel tcp_auth

The first word, in this case tcp_intranet is the channel name. The last word is called the channel tag. The words in between are called channel options (formerly called channel keywords) and specify how messages are to be processed. Hundreds of different options enable messages to be processed in many ways. See the discussion on channel options in the Messaging Server Reference for a complete description of channel options.

Message Delivery

After the message is processed, the master program sends the message to the next stop along the message's delivery path. This may be the intended recipient's mailbox, another MTA, or even a different channel. Forwarding to another channel is not shown in the picture, but is a common occurrence.

The local parts of addresses and received fields are typically 7-bit characters. If the MTA reads 8-bit characters in the in these fields, it replaces each 8-bit character with asterisks.

The Dispatcher

The Dispatcher is a multithreaded dispatching agent that permits multiple multithreaded server processes to share responsibility for SMTP connection services. When using the Dispatcher, it is possible to have several multithreaded SMTP server processes running concurrently, all handling connections to the same port. In addition, each server may have one or more active connections.

The Dispatcher acts as a central receiver for the TCP ports listed in its configuration. For each defined service, the Dispatcher may create one or more SMTP server processes to handle the connections after they are established.

In general, when the Dispatcher receives a connection for a defined TCP port, it checks its pool of available worker processes for the service on that port and chooses the best candidate for the new connection. If no suitable candidate is available and the configuration permits it, the Dispatcher may create a new worker process to handle this and subsequent connections. The Dispatcher may also create a new worker process in expectation of future incoming connections. There are several configuration options which may be used to tune the Dispatcher's control of its various services, and in particular, to control the number of worker processes and the number of connections each worker process handles.

For more information, see the discussion on the dispatcher configuration file in the Messaging Server Reference.

Creation and Expiration of Server Processes

Automatic housekeeping facilities within the Dispatcher control the creation of new and expiration of old or idle server processes. The basic options that control the Dispatcher's behavior are service:name.min_procs and service:name.max_procs. The service:name.min_procs option provides a guaranteed level of service by having a number of server processes ready and waiting for incoming connections. The service:name.max_procs option, on the other hand, sets an upper limit on how many server processes may be concurrently active for the given service.

It is possible that a currently running server process might not be able to accept any connections because it is already handling the maximum number of connections of which it is capable, or because the process has been scheduled for termination. The Dispatcher may create additional processes to assist with future connections.

The min_conns and max_conns options provide a mechanism to help you distribute the connections among your server processes. The min_conns option specifies the number of connections that flags a server process as "busy enough," while the max_conns option specifies the "busiest" that a server process can be.

In general, the Dispatcher creates a new server process when the current number of server processes is less than the value of the service:name.min_procs option or when all existing server processes are "busy enough" (the number of currently active connections each has is at least min_conns).

If a server process is killed unexpectedly, for example, by the UNIX system kill command, the Dispatcher still creates new server processes as new connections come in.

For information about configuring the Dispatcher, see the discussion on the dispatcher configuration file in the Messaging Server Reference.

To Start and Stop the Dispatcher

To start the Dispatcher, run the following command:

start-msg dispatcher

This command subsumes and makes obsolete any other start-msg command that was used previously to start up a component of the MTA that the Dispatcher has been configured to manage. Specifically, you should no longer use imsimta start smtp. An attempt to execute any of the obsoleted commands causes the MTA to issue a warning.

To shut down the Dispatcher, run the following command:

stop-msg dispatcher

What happens with the server processes when the Dispatcher is shut down depends upon the underlying TCP/IP package. If you modify your MTA configuration or options that apply to the Dispatcher, you must restart the Dispatcher so that the new configuration or options take effect.

To restart the Dispatcher, run the following command:

imsimta restart dispatcher

Restarting the Dispatcher has the effect of shutting down the currently running Dispatcher, then immediately starting a new one.

Rewrite Rules

Rewrite rules determine the following:

  • How to rewrite the domain part of an address into its proper or desired format.

  • To which channel the message should be enqueued after the address is rewritten.

Each rewrite rule consists of a pattern and a template. The pattern is a string to match against the domain part of an address. The template specifies the actions to take if the domain part matches the pattern. It consists of two things:

  1. A set of instructions (that is, a string of control characters) specifying how the address should be rewritten.

  2. The name of the channel to which the message shall be sent. After the address is rewritten, the message is enqueued to the destination channel for delivery to the intended recipient.

Here is an example of a rewrite rule:

example.org $U%$D@tcp_example-daemon

example.org is the domain pattern. Any message with the address containing example.org will be rewritten as per the template instructions ($U%$D). $U specifies that the rewritten address use the same user name. % specifies that the rewritten address use the same domain separator. $D specifies that the rewritten address use the same domain name that was matched in the pattern. @tcp_example-daemon specifies that the message with its rewritten address be sent to the channel called tcp_example-daemon. See Configuring Rewrite Rules in Unified Configuration for more details.

For more information about configuring rewrite rules, see the MTA configuration file in the Messaging Server Reference and "Configuring Rewrite Rules."


The channel is the fundamental MTA component that processes a message. A channel represents a connection with another computer system or group of systems. The actual hardware connection or software transport or both may vary widely from one channel to the next.

Channels perform a variety of functions, including:

  • Transmitting messages to remote systems, deleting them from their queue after they are sent

  • Accepting messages from remote systems, placing them in the appropriate channel queues

  • Delivering messages to the local message store

  • Delivering messages to programs for special processing

Messages are enqueued by channels on the way into the MTA and dequeued on the way out. Typically, a message enters by one channel and leaves by another. A channel might dequeue a message, process the message, or enqueue the message to another MTA channel.

This section consists of the following subsections:

Master and Slave Programs

Generally (but not always), a channel is associated with two programs: master and slave. The slave program accepts messages from another system and adds them to a channel's message queue. The master program transfers messages from the channel to another system.

For example, an SMTP channel has a master program that transmits messages and a slave program that receives messages. These are, respectively, the SMTP client and server.

The master channel program is typically responsible for outgoing connections where the MTA has initiated the operation. The master channel program:

  • Runs in response to a local request for processing.

  • Dequeues the message from the channel message queue.

  • If the destination format is not the same format as the queued message, performs conversion of addresses, headers, and content, as necessary.

  • Initiates network transport of the message.

The slave channel program typically accepts incoming connections where the MTA is responding to an external request. The slave channel program:

  • Runs in response to an external event or upon local demand.

  • Enqueues a message to a channel. The target channel is determined by passing envelope addresses through a rewrite rule.

For example, Figure 5-3 shows two channel programs, Channel 1 and Channel 2. The slave program in Channel 1 receives a message from a remote system. It looks at the address, applies rewrite rules as necessary, then based on the rewritten address enqueues the message to the appropriate channel message queue.

The master program dequeues the message from the queue and initiates network transport of the message. Note that the master program can only dequeue messages from its own channel queue.

Figure 5-3 Master and Slave Program Interaction

Description of Figure 5-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-3 Master and Slave Program Interaction''

Although a typical channel has both a master and a slave program, it is possible for a channel to contain only a slave program or a master program. For example, the ims-ms channel supplied with Messaging Server contains only a master program because this channel is responsible only for dequeuing messages to the local message store, as shown in Figure 5-4.

Channel Message Queues

All channels have an associated message queue. When a message enters the messaging system, a slave program determines to which message queue the message is enqueued. The enqueued messages are stored in message files in the channel queue directories. By default, these directories are stored at the following location: MessagingServer_home/data/queue/channel/*. For more information, see the discussion on message queue sizing in the Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


Do not add any files or directories in the MTA queue directory. When using a separate file system for the MTA queue directories, create a subdirectory under that mount point and specify that subdirectory in the SERVERROOT environment variable. Sites may change it by using either a symbolic link or using it as a file system mount point. The default value is: IMTA_ROOT:data/queue/.

Channel Definitions

In Unified Configuration, use the msconfig edit channels and msconfig edit rewrites commands to view and edit the channel block. (See "Configuring Rewrite Rules" for information about setting up channels.)

A channel definition contains the name of the channel followed by an optional list of keywords that define the configuration of the channel, and a unique channel tag, which is used in rewrite rules to route messages to the channel. Channel definitions are separated by single blank lines. Comments, but no blank lines, may appear inside a channel definition. The following represents the channel format.

[blank line]
! sample channel definition
<Channel_Name> <keyword1> <keyword2>
[blank line]

Collectively, the channel definitions are referred to as the channel host table. An individual channel definition is called a channel block. In the following example, the channel host table contains three channel definitions or blocks.

! test.cnf - An example configuration file.
! Rewrite Rules


a_channel defragment charset7 usascii

b_channel noreverse notices 1 2 3

A typical channel entry looks something like the following, shown in legacy format as would display using the msconfig edit channels command:

tcp_intranet smtp mx single_sys subdirs 20 noreverse maxjobs 7 SMTP_POOL \
maytlsserver allowswitchchannel saslswitchchannel tcp_auth

The first word, in this case tcp_intranet, is the channel name. The last word, in this case tcp_intranet-daemon, is called the channel tag. The channel tag is the name used by rewrite rules to direct messages. The words in between the channel name and channel tag are called channel options (formerly channel keywords) and specify how the message is to be processed. Hundreds of different keywords allow messages to processed in many ways. A complete listing of channel keywords is listed and described in the discussion on channel options in the Messaging Server Reference.

The channel host table defines the channels Messaging Server can use and the names of the systems associated with each channel.

On UNIX systems, the first channel block in the file always describes the local channel, l. (An exception is a defaults channel, which can appear before the local channel.) The local channel is used to make routing decisions and for sending mail sent by UNIX mail tools.

You can also set global options for channels or set options for a specific channel. For more information on the option files and the TCP/IP (SMTP) channel option files, see the Messaging Server Reference. For details on configuring channels see the Messaging Server Reference. For more information about creating MTA channels, see "About MTA Services."

The MTA Directory Information

For each message that it processes, the MTA needs to access directory information about the users, groups, and domains that it supports. This information is stored in an LDAP directory service. The MTA directly accesses the LDAP directory. This is fully described in "MTA Address Translation and Routing."

The Job Controller

Each time a message is enqueued to a channel, the Job Controller ensures that there is a job running to deliver the message. This might involve starting a new job process, adding a thread, or simply noting that a job is already running. If a job cannot be started because the job limit for the channel or pool has been reached, the Job Controller waits until another job has exited. When the job limit is no longer exceeded, the Job Controller starts another job.

Channel jobs run inside processing pools within the Job Controller. A pool can be thought of a "place" where the channel jobs are run. The pool provides a computing area where a set of jobs can operate without vying for resources with jobs outside of the pool. For more information on pools, see the discussion on processing pools for channel execution jobs in the Messaging Server Reference.

Job limits for the channel are determined by the channel:name.maxjobs option. Job limits for the pool are determined by the job_controller.job_pool:name.job_limit option for the pool.

Messaging Server normally attempts to deliver all messages immediately. If a message cannot be delivered on the first attempt, however, the message is delayed for a period of time determined by the appropriate backoff option. As soon as the time specified in the backoff option has elapsed, the delayed message is available for delivery, and if necessary, a channel job is started to process the message.

The Job Controller's in-memory data structure of messages currently being processed and awaiting processing typically reflects the full set of message files stored on disk in the MTA queue area. However, if a backlog of message files on disk builds up enough to exceed the Job Controller's in-memory data structure size limit, then the Job Controller tracks in memory only a subset of the total number of messages files on disk. The Job Controller processes only those messages it is tracking in memory. After a sufficient number of messages have been delivered to free enough in-memory storage, the Job Controller automatically refreshes its in-memory store by scanning the MTA queue area to update its list of messages. The Job Controller then begins processing the additional message files it just retrieved from disk. The Job Controller performs these scans of the MTA queue area automatically.

In previous versions of Messaging Server, the Job Controller read all the files in the queue directory in the order in which they are found. It now reads several channel queue directories at once. This makes for much more reasonable behavior on startup, restart, and after max_cache_messages has been exceeded. The number of directories to be read at once is controlled by the Job Controller option rebuild_parallel_channels. This can take any value between 1 and 100. The default is 12.

If your site routinely experiences heavy message backlogs, you might want to tune the Job Controller by using the max_cache_messages option. By increasing the max_cache_messages option value to allow Job Controller to use more memory, you can reduce the number of occasions when message backlogs overflow the Job Controller's in-memory cache. This reduces the overhead involved when the Job Controller must scan the MTA queue directory. Keep in mind, however, that when the Job Controller does need to rebuild the in-memory cache, the process will take longer because the cache is larger. Note also that because the Job Controller must scan the MTA queue directory every time it is started or restarted, large message backlogs mean that starts or restarts of the Job Controller will incur more overhead than starts or restarts when no such backlog exists.

You do not want to overwhelm the job controller by keeping information about huge numbers of messages in memory. For this reason, there has to be a and upper and lower limit. The number specified by max_cache_messages is the number of messages that the job controller will hold in memory. It will get this high if there are new messages delivered, for instance ones received by tcp_smtp_server. Beyond this number, messages are queued (put on disk), but not put into the job controller memory structure. The job controller notices this condition and when the number of messages in memory drops below half this maximum, it starts scanning the disk queues for more messages. It always looks for untried messages "ZZ..." files first, then previously tried messages.

In addition, the job controller limits the number of messages reclaimed from disk. It only reads from disk up to three-quarters of the max_cache_messages to allow for headroom for new messages (if messages are being reclaimed from disk, they have been delayed, which is an undesirable state).

Furthermore, you want to avoid cluttering up the memory structure with delayed messages (those that cannot be processed yet). When a message is delayed because it cannot be delivered immediately (a delivery attempt has failed if the number of messages the job controller knows about is greater than 5/8 of max_cache_messages and the number of delayed messages is greater than 3/8 of max_cache_messages) the message is forgotten until the next sweep of the on disk structures, which will be when the number of messages drops below 1/2 max_cache_messages.

The only obvious problems with having max_cache_messages too small is that the scheduling of jobs will become suboptimal. The scanning of the disk queues is also a bit simplistic. If you have huge numbers of messages backlogged in both the tcp_local and ims_ms queues, then the rebuild thread finds all the messages for one channel first, then the ones for the next channel. This can result in alarmed administrators reporting that they've fixed one issue, but are only seeing only one specific channel dequeuing.

This is not a problem. There is a memory cost of approximately 140 bytes for each message. Having a message limit of 100000, you are limiting the job controller data structures to about 20 Megabytes (there are other data structures representing jobs, channels, destination hosts and so on). This is insignificant on a big server.

All the named objects in the job controller are tracked in a hash table. This is sized at the next power of 2 bigger than max_cache_messages, and is never re-sized. Each entry in this hash table is a pointer, so we are looking at a memory usage of four times max_cache_messages rounded up to a power of two. Being a hash table, this tends all to be in memory as the hash function is supposed to be random. This is another 0.5 Megabytes in the default case.

For information about pools and configuring the Job Controller, see "Recompiling the MTA Configuration" and the discussion on configuring message processing and delivery in the Messaging Server Reference.

To Start and Stop the Job Controller

To start the Job Controller, run the following command:

start-msg job_controller

To shut down the Job Controller, run the following command:

stop-msg job_controller

To restart the Job Controller, run the following command:

imsimta restart job_controller

Restarting the Job Controller has the effect of shutting down the currently running Job Controller, then immediately starting a new one.

On Demand Mail Relay

Support for On Demand Mail Relay as specified in RFC 2645 has been completed. This support piggybacks off existing support for SMTP TURN and doesn't involve any new options. Specifically, the turn_in channel option now enables both TURN and ATRN.

Note that the optional parameter to the ATRN command is only allowed if the ODMR channel is marked single_sys or single. This is so messages sent to a particular email domain can be reliably retrieved without getting messages sent to other domains.

It is strongly recommended that each administrative domain that requires ATRN service be configured as a separate channel rather than relying on ATRN's domain selection capabilities. Specifically, the recommended configuration process to provide relay on demand for a new administrative domain foo is as follows:

  1. Create a new channel for the domain foo:

    tcp_foo mustsaslserver single_sys slave smtp turn_in

    Or in msconfig:

    set channel:tcp_foo.official_host_name tcp_foo-daemon
    set channel:tcp_foo.mustsaslserver
    set channel:tcp_foo.single_sys
    set channel:tcp_foo.slave
    set channel:tcp_foo.smtp
    set channel:tcp_foo.turn_in

    Note the presence of the slave channel option. This prevents the channel from trying to perform regular SMTP deliveries. This can be removed if such delivery attempts are desired.

    Also note the presence of single_sys. multiple can be used instead and will be more efficient if multiple email domains are involved and the ATRN command is always used without an argument.

  2. Create rewrite rules for all email domains associated with the foo administrative domain, for example:

    foo.example.com      $U%$D@tcp_foo-daemon
    foo.example.org      $U%$D@tcp_foo-daemon

    Or in msconfig:

    set rewrite.rule foo.example.com $U%$D@tcp_foo-daemon
    set rewrite.rule foo.example.org $U%$D@tcp_foo-daemon
  3. Create a regular email account for foo with whatever name and credentials are desired. The account should include the LDAP attribute mailSubmitChannel with the value tcp_foo.

  4. (optional) Create a dispatcher configuration identical to the regular service on port 25 except that it listens on port 366, the On Demand Mail Relay port.

  5. (optional) Add a rule to the FROM_ACCESS mapping to block all mail coming from the ODMR port unconditionally.

  6. (optional) Add a rule to the FROM_ACCESS mapping to block all mail from the tcp_foo channel unconditionally. This will prevent the administrative account from being used to send authenticated mail.

At this point ATRN should be usable by connecting, authenticating as the newly created user, and issuing an ATRN.

Priority Message Handling

This chapter describes Messaging Server's support of the MT-PRIORITY SMTP extension defined in RFC 6710. MT-PRIORITY values are always in the range -9 to 9. Priority 0 is the default.

The support for this extension consists of the following parts:

  • The mtprioritiesallowed and mtprioritiesrequired source channel options. Both accept either one- or two-integer arguments. Two-integer arguments specify the range. You can specify the arguments in any order. Table 5-1 shows the channel options and their descriptions.

    Table 5-1 MT-PRIORITY SMTP Extension Support

    Channel Option Description

    mtprioritiesallowed int1 [int1]

    Specifies the range of MT-PRIORITY values that will accepted. MT-PRIORITY values outside this range will be adjusted up or down so they fall within the allowed range. If a single argument is given it specifies the highest priority value that will be accepted. The default if this option is not specified is for the MT-PRIORITY extension not to be offered and for MT-PRIORITY options not to be accepted.

    mtprioritiesrequired int1 [int2]

    Specifies the range of MT-PRIORITY that will be accepted for enqueue. If a single argument is given it specifies the lowest priority value that will be accepted. The message will be rejected if the specified MT-PRIORITY value or the default value of 0 falls outside the required range.

  • An INCLUDE_MTPRIORITY MTA option. This is a bit-encoded option. The default value is 0. Table 5-2 shows the bits, corresponding values, and descriptions of the INCLUDE_MTPRIORITY MTA option.


    Bit Value Description



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to the FROM_ACCESS mapping probe immediately after any INCLUDE_SPARES values.



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to the FORWARD mapping probe immediately after the conversion tag field.



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to the ORIG_SEND_ACCESS mapping probe immediately after any INCLUDE_SPARES values.



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to the SEND_ACCESS mapping probe immediately after any INCLUDE_SPARES values.



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to the ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS mapping probe immediately after any INCLUDE_SPARES values.



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to the MAIL_ACCESS mapping probe immediately after any INCLUDE_SPARES values.



    Appends the MT-PRIORITY and actual message size values in the form:


    to the conversion mapping probe immediately after any tag= clause.



    Append the MT-PRIORITY and expected message size as separate fields to any domain catchall mapping probe immediately after the conversion tag.

    The expected message size is the size of the queued message entry for internal channels. It is the value given by the SMTP SIZE extension for incoming SMTP channels. The size is given in MTA blocks.

  • A LOG_MTPRIORITY MTA option. This is a bit-encoded option. The default is 0. Table 5-3 shows the bits, corresponding values, and descriptions of the LOG_MTPRIORITY MTA option. An mp element is used in the new XML log format to log the priority information. For more information about the XML log format, see "Managing Logging."

    Table 5-3 LOG_MTPRIORITY MTA Option

    Bit Value Description



    Enables logging of the MT-PRIORITY associated with each transaction. The MT-PRIORITY appears immediately after the message sensitivity and before the header-based priority in each log entry.



    Message transfer priority appears in the LOG_ACTION mapping table probe, immediately after the sensitivity field and before the header-based priority field.

  • Rewrite rule metacharacters that test both the current MT-PRIORITY value and the expected message size. For each metacharacter, n is a signed integer value. Note that the sign is required even when n is positive. The expected message size is the size of the queued message entry for internal channels. It is the value given by the SMTP SIZE extension for incoming SMTP channels. The size is given in MTA blocks.

    Table 5-4 shows the rewrite rule metacharacters and their descriptions.

    Table 5-4 Rewrite Rule Metacharacters

    Metacharacter Description


    Rule succeeds only if n is less than the current MT-PRIORITY.


    Rule succeeds only if n is less than or equal to the current MT-PRIORITY.


    Rule succeeds only if n is greater than the current MT-PRIORITY.


    Rule succeeds only if n is greater than or equal to the current MT-PRIORITY.


    Rule succeeds only if n is equal to the current MT-PRIORITY.


    Rule succeeds only if n is not equal to the current MT-PRIORITY.


    Rule succeeds only if n is less than the expected message size.


    Rule succeeds only if n is less than or equal to the expected message size.


    Rule succeeds only if n is greater than the expected message size.


    Rule succeeds only if n is greater than or equal to the expected message size.


    Rule succeeds only if n is equal to the expected message size.


    Rule succeeds only if n is not equal to the expected message size.

  • A -mtpriority switch added to imsimta test -rewrite, imsimta calc, and imsimta test -expression utilities. A single integer argument is required specifying the initial MT-PRIORITY value.

  • A Sieve environment item, vnd.oracle.mt-priority. This item returns the current MT-PRIORITY value as a string.

  • A nonstandard Sieve action, setmtpriority. This action accepts a single integer or string argument and sets the current MT-PRIORITY to the argument value. This action is only allowed in system-level Sieves and the argument must be in the -9 to 9 range of valid MT-PRIORITY values.

  • A bit defined in the MESSAGE_SAVE_COPY_FLAGS MTA option. Bit 3 (value 8), if set, causes the MT-PRIORITY value for the current message to be included, delimited by vertical bars, immediately after the conversion tag.

  • An MTPRIORITY_POLICY MTA option. This option is used to specify the priority handling policy the MTA has been configured to support. This name is announced in the SMTP EHLO response on any channel where the MT-PRIORITY extension is enabled. The default is the empty string, meaning that no policy is announced.