4 Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Interface

This chapter describes the content and use of the Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface, also known as known as OAKCLI. The current set of oakcli commands along with their syntax and usage notes are included, as well as examples of many of the commands.

About Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Interface

The Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface is used to perform Oracle Database Appliance management tasks such as deploying the software, configuring core keys, applying patches, monitoring and troubleshooting, managing virtual machines, and creating Oracle Database homes and databases.

Depending on your version of Oracle Appliance Manager and your hardware, some of the commands described in this chapter may not be available to you. To see which oakcli commands are supported on your version of Oracle Appliance Manager and your hardware, enter the following command: oakcli -h.

Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Interface Operational Notes

Usage Information

The Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface is in the following directory:


The root user account should have the oakcli PATH variable defined as the path to the directory where oakcli is located.

Oracle Database Appliance maintains logs of oakcli command executions and output in the following directory.



Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface commands and parameters are not case sensitive. An oakcli command uses the following command syntax:

oakcli command object [parameters]

In oakcli syntax:

  • command is a verb such as show, locate, apply, and so on

  • object (also known as a noun) is the target or object on which the oakcli command performs the operation, such as a disk or controller. You can also use object abbreviations.

  • parameters extend the use of a preceding command combination to include additional options for the command. Parameter names are preceded with a dash, for example, -h, which is the help parameter available with every command.

Using Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Interface Help

Run the following command to see the usage information for all oakcli commands:

oakcli -h

Run the following command to see detailed help about a specific oakcli command:

oakcli command -h

Run the following command to see detailed help about a specific oakcli command's objects and its options:

oakcli command object -h

Privileges and Security

You should typically use Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface when logged into Oracle Database Appliance as the root user. If you are not logged in as root, then you will be unable to complete particular tasks. For example, you could view storage information but not modify the storage configuration.

Allowing Root User Access in SUDO

In environments where the system administration is handled by a different group than the database administration or where security is a large concern, you may want to limit access to the root user account and password. SUDO allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run commands as root while logging all commands and arguments.

A SUDO security policy is configured via the file /etc/sudoers. Within the sudoers file, you can configure groups of users and sets of commands to simplify SUDO administration.


Configuring SUDO to allow a user to perform any operation is equivalent to giving that user root privileges. Consider carefully if this is appropriate for your security needs.

To configure SUDO to allow a user to perform any operation as root, add lines to the commands section in the /etc/sudoers file as follows:

## The commands section may have other options added to it.
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere

root ALL=(ALL) ALL

In this example, jdoe is the username. ALL=(ALL) grants the jdoe user permission to run commands as root on any host this sudoers file is on. NOPASSWD allows jdoe permissions without a password. The sudoers file is designed so that one sudoers file can be copied to multiple hosts with different rules on each host. ALL indicates that the jdoe user can run any command.


After you configure the sudoer file with the user, the oakcli commands can be run by jdoe as the following. The root, oracle, and grid passwords will not be prompted.

$ sudo oakcli create database -db newdb

INFO: 2015-08-05 14:40:55: Look at the logfile  '/opt/oracle/oak/log/scaoda1011/tools/' for more details

INFO: 2015-08-05 14:40:59: Database parameter file is not provided. Will be using default parameters for DB creation
Please enter the 'SYSASM'  password : (During deployment we set the SYSASM password to 'welcome1'):
Please re-enter the 'SYSASM' password:
INFO: 2015-08-05 14:41:10: Installing a new home: OraDb12102_home3 at /u01/app/oracle/product/

Please select one of the following for Database type  [1 .. 3]:
1    => OLTP 
2    => DSS 
3    => In-Memory

See Also

For more information about configuring and using SUDO, refer to the SUDO man pages at >http://www.sudo.ws/sudo.html

oakcli Commands

The remainder of this chapter contains syntax and other details about the oakcli commands available in this release, sorted alphabetically. Here is a list of the commands in this release.

oakcli add disk -local

Adds a local disk to the system after physically replacing a failed disk. This command is available only for V1, X4-2, and X3-2.

oakcli apply

Reconfigures Oracle Database Appliance core capacity. This command applies only to Bare Metal implementations.

oakcli clone commands

Commands to clone virtual machines and virtual disks.

oakcli configure commands

Commands for configuring Oracle Database Appliance components.

oakcli copy

Prepares a copy of the configuration file for use during deployment.

oakcli create commands

Commands for creating Oracle Database Appliance components.

oakcli delete commands

Commands for removing Oracle Database Appliance components.

oakcli deploy

Deploys Oracle Database Appliance.

oakcli diskwritecache

Manages disk write cache.

oakcli import vmtemplate

Imports a virtual machine template.

oakcli locate

Locates a shared disk on a storage shelf by turning on an indicator light.

oakcli manage diagcollect

Collects diagnostic statistics and information, primarily for use when working with Oracle Support.

oakcli migrate vm

Migrates a currently running virtual machine to another node.

oakcli modify

Adds, updates, or removes a network from a virtual machine or template configuration.

oakcli orachk

Audits configuration settings.

oakcli resize dbstorage

Resizes the space used for an ACFS storage structure.

oakcli restart oda_base

Restarts ODA_BASE on the local node.

oakcli show commands

Commands for displaying information about various Oracle Database Appliance components.

oakcli start commands

Commands for starting a Domain U or ODA_BASE virtual machine.

oakcli stop commands

Commands for stopping a Domain U or ODA_BASE virtual machine.

oakcli stordiag

Runs tests on a storage shelf or storage expansion shelf device.

oakcli test asr

Checks if Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) is functioning properly.

oakcli unpack

Unpacks the given package to the Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface repository.

oakcli update

Updates software such as the infrastructure, grid infrastructure, and database, and verifies patching.

oakcli upgrade

Upgrades one or more databases to a newer version.

oakcli validate

Validates the state of Oracle Database Appliance or the viability of an operating system patch.

oakcli add disk -local

Use the oakcli add disk -local command to add a local disk to the system after physically replacing a failed disk.


oakcli add disk -local

Usage Notes

  • You cannot add more than two disks per node.

  • You must remove the failed drive and replace it with a new drive before running the oakcli add disk -local command.

  • The new disk must be inserted into the slot before you run this command.

  • The oakcli add disk -local command is supported only on bare metal deployments. It is not supported on virtualized configurations.

oakcli apply

Use the oakcli apply command to reconfigure your Oracle Database Appliance core capacity.


Use the following syntax where core_config_key_file is the full path name of a configuration key file generated on My Oracle Support and copied to Oracle Database Appliance:

oakcli apply core_configuration_key core_config_key_file [-h]


Parameter Description
core_config_key_file Identifies the full path and name of the configuration key file

Usage Notes

  • Run the oakcli apply command from the first node in Oracle Database Appliance as root.

  • After you run the oakcli apply command, Oracle Database Appliance applies the key to both nodes and reboots both nodes.Run the oakcli show core_config_key command to view the core_config_key. See oakcli show core_config_key.

  • The core key application is applicable only to Bare Metal implementations. It is not available on the Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


Reconfigure Oracle Database Appliance with a new core count using the configuration key file /tmp/set8cores.conf:

oakcli apply core_configuration_key /tmp/set8cores.conf
INFO: Cluster will be rebooted after applying the core_configuration_key successfully
INFO: ....................................

INFO: Applying core_configuration_key on ''
INFO: ........................................................................
INFO: Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -1 root /tmp/tmp_lic_exec.pl
INFO: Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -1 root /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli enforce core_configuration_key /tmp/.lic_file
INFO: Applying core_configuration_key on ''

INFO: ........................................................................
INFO: Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -1 root /tmp/tmp_lic_exec.pl
INFO: Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -1 root /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli enforce core_configuration_key /tmp/.lic_file
INFO: Applying core_configuration_key on ''

oakcli clone commands

Use the oakcli clone commands to clone virtual machines or virtual disks.

oakcli clone vdisk

Use the oakcli clone vdisk command to create clones of virtual disks.


oakcli clone vdisk new_vdisk_name -repo repo_name -src source_vdisk_name [-h]


Parameter Description
new_vdisk_name Name given to the clone virtual disk
repo_name Name of the repository source for the virtual disk being cloned
source_vdisk_name Name of the virtual disk being cloned
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Clone a virtual disk named my_vdisk2 from an existing virtual disk named vdisk1 that is stored in the repository named vrepo1:

oakcli clone vdisk my_vdisk2 -repo vrepo1 -src vdisk1

oakcli clone vm

Use the oakcli clone vm command to create clones and snap clones of virtual machines.


To create a virtual machine from a template:

oakcli clone vm vm_name -vmtemplate template_name -repo repo_name [-node 0|1]

To create a snapshot clone of an existing virtual machine:

oakcli clone vm vm_name -vm src_name -snap

To create a virtual machine snapshot from a template:

oakcli clone vm vm_name -vmtemplate template_name -snap


Parameter Description
vm_name Name given to the cloned virtual machine.
-vmtemplate vmtemplate_name Name of the template containing the virtual machine that you want to clone.
-repo repo_name Name of the repository that contains the template being cloned.
-node 0 | 1 Identifies the Oracle Database Appliance node that contains the shared repository from which the virtual machine is to be cloned.

The -node parameter must be used when cloning from a shared repository and is invalid for non-shared repositories.

-vm src_name Name of the virtual machine that is to be cloned.
-snap Creates a snapshot of the source virtual machine or virtual machine template.


Creating a virtual machine image from the virtual machine template

Create a virtual machine image named myol6u_test from the virtual machine template named myol6u_15gb1, which is stored in the shared repository named repo2 on Node 0:

oakcli clone vm myol6u_test -vmtemplate myol6u_15gb1 -repo repo2 -node 0

oakcli configure commands

Use the oakcli configure commands to configure components on Oracle Database Appliance.

oakcli configure additionalnet

Configures any un-configured public networks in Bare Metal, Domain 0, and ODA_BASE.

oakcli configure additionalnet

Configures Oracle Auto Service Request for Oracle Database Appliance

oakcli configure cpupool

Configures a CPU pool

oakcli configure firstnet

Configures initial network connection.

oakcli configure ib2fiber

Configures 10GbE SFP+ (fiber) cards after they have replaces InfiniBand cards.

oakcli configure network

Configures the network after either replacing a network card or swapping the public network from copper to fiber and vice versa

oakcli configure oda_base

Configures CPU core count, memory allocation, virtual local area networks for ODA_BASE

oakcli configure repo

Configures a shared repository by increasing its size

oakcli configure vm

Configures a virtual machine

oakcli configure vmtemplate

Configures a virtual machine template

oakcli configure additionalnet

Use the oakcli configure additionalnet command to configure any un-configured public networks in Bare Metal, Domain 0, and ODA_BASE. This command automatically detects any un-configured networks and runs a script which guides you through how to configure the network.


oakcli configure additionalnet  [h]


-h displays online help for using the command.

Usage Notes

The oakcli configure additionalnet command runs an interactive script which requires the following input:

  • Interface name

  • DHCP [Y/N]

  • IP

  • Netmask


If you are running the command on a bare metal deployment, then the interface name expects a bond name. If you are running the command on Dom0, then the interface name expects a net name. If you are running the command on Dom1, then the interface name expects an eth name.

oakcli configure asr

Use the oakcli configure asr command to configure Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) on Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli configure asr [-h]


-h displays help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • The oakcli configure asr command initiates an interactive script that requests the following information to implement Oracle ASR on your Oracle Database Appliance:

    • Action to be performed (internal or external install, deinstall, or reconfigure)

    • PROXY server name, port, user ID, and password

    • ASR user ID and password

    • ASR Manager IP and port


# oakcli configure asr

INFO   : Logging all actions in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/scaoda1011-20150805153300.log and traces in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/scaoda1011-20150805153300.trc

Please enter
1 to setup Internal ASR
2 to setup External ASR
3 to Deinstall ASR
0 to Exit

 [1]:INFO   : Logging all actions in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/scaoda1011-20150805153300.log and traces in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/scaoda1011-20150805153300.trc

oakcli configure cpupool

Use the oakcli configure cpupool command to configure a CPU pool on one Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform node.


oakcli configure cpupool poolname -numcpu cpu_count -node nodenum [-h]


Parameter Description
poolname Unique name for the CPU pool.
-numcpu cpu_count Number of CPUs for the CPU pool.
-node nodenum Node where the CPU pool will be created (0 or 1).
-h (Optional) Displays help for using the command


Configuring a Two Core CPU Pool

Configure a CPU pool with two cores on Node 1 of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform:

oakcli configure cpupool twonode -numcpu 2 -node 1

oakcli configure firstnet

Use the oakcli configure firstnet command to configure an initial network on Oracle Database Appliance that enables you to download deployment software.


oakcli configure firstnet


Configuring the Initial Network on Bare Metal Oracle Database Appliance

The oakcli configure firstnet command creates an initial network on a new Oracle Database Appliance using the interactive script, as shown in the following example:

oakcli configure firstnet
Select the interface to  configure network on [bond0 bond1 bond2 xbond0]:bond0
Configure DHCP on bond0?(yes/no):no
       INFO: Static configuration selected
       Enter the IP address to configure:
       Enter the netmask address to configure:
       Enter the gateway address to configure:
Plumbing the IPs now
Restarting the network


Oracle recommends using the oakcli configure firstnet command only one time on Oracle Database Appliance. Subsequent use after configuring the initial network can cause unpredictable changes to your network settings.

oakcli configure ib2fiber

Run the oakcli configure ib2fiber command after replacing Infiniband 10GbE SFP+ cards with (fiber) cards and before deployment to de-configure IB setup and configure fiber cards.


The command is supported only on X5-2. If you are using Oracle Database Appliance virtualized platform, then the command must be executed from Dom0.

Usage Notes

This command must be run before deployment to configure 10GbE SFP+ (fiber) cards.


oakcli configure ib2fiber -h


-h displays help for using the command.

oakcli configure network

Use the oakcli configure network command to configure the network after either replacing a network card or swapping the public network from copper to fiber and vice versa. The meaning of the command changes depending on which parameter you use.


oakcli configure network [-changeNetCard|-publicNet]


Parameter Description
-changeNetCard Configures the network card after it has been replaced. You must run the oakcli configure network -changeNetCard command on each node if the network card has been replaced on each node. This parameter is supported on all Oracle Database Appliance hardware models. This command must be executed from Dom0 on virtualized platforms
-publicNet Used to swap the public network from copper to fiber and vice versa. You must run the oakcli configure network -publicNet command on each node, and this requires the stack to be down. The stack includes GI and RDBMS. When running in virtualization mode, the virtual machines need to be down and may need some configuration changes, especially if they are using VLANs. This parameter is only supported on Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 hardware models.
-h (Optional) Displays help for using the command.

oakcli configure oda_base

Use the oakcli configure oda_base command to:

  • Change the CPU core count assigned to ODA_BASE

  • Add or remove virtual local area networks assigned to ODA_BASE

  • Adjust resource allocation among User Domains and between ODA_BASE and other User Domains.

  • Increase or decrease resource allocation to the ODA_BASE domain.

You must restart the domain for the resource allocation change to take effect.


oakcli configure oda_base


Changing the CPU Core Count in ODA_BASE

Change the CPU core count from six to eight in ODA_BASE:

# oakcli configure oda_base
Core Licensing Options:
        1. 2 CPU Cores
        2. 4 CPU Cores
        3. 6 CPU Cores
        4. 8 CPU Cores
        5. 10 CPU Cores
        6. 12 CPU Cores
        Current CPU Cores       :6
        Selection[1 : 6](default 12 CPU Cores) : 4
        ODA base domain memory in GB(min 8, max 88)(Current Memory 64G)[default
32]     :
INFO: Using default memory size i.e. 32 GB
Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base? (y/n) [n]:
Vlan network to be removed from oda_base (y/n) [n]
INFO: Node 0:Configured oda base pool
INFO: Node 1:Configured oda base pool
INFO: Node 0:ODA Base configured with new memory
INFO: Node 0:ODA Base configured with new vcpus
INFO: Changes will be incorporated after the domain is restarted on Node 0
INFO: Node 1:ODA Base configured with new memory
INFO: Node 1:ODA Base configured with new vcpus
INFO: Changes will be incorporated after the domain is restarted on Node 1

Changing the Amount of Memory Allocated to ODA_BASE

  1. Log in to Dom0.

  2. Execute the oakcli configure oda_base command and change the configuration.

  3. Restart ODA_BASE.

Assigning additional VLANs to ODA_BASE

  1. Log in to Dom0.

  2. Execute the oakcli configure oda_base command.

  3. Change the setting for Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base? (y/n) to y.

  4. Follow the prompts to assign additional VLANs to ODA_BASE.

  5. Restart ODA_BASE.

oakcli configure repo

Use the oakcli configure repo command to increase the size of a shared repository.


oakcli configure repo reponame -incsize size [M|G]
Parameter Description
reponame Name of the shared repository
size Number that can be followed by M to define the size as megabytes or by G to define as size as gigabytes


Increasing the Size of a Shared Repository

Change the size of the repo1 shared repository by 2 gigabytes:

# oakcli configure repo repo1 -incsize 2G

Configured Shared Repo : repo1 with new size 3712.0.

oakcli configure vm

Use the oakcli configure vm command to configure a virtual machine on the Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform and to increase or decrease resource allocation to user domains. You must restart the domain for the resource allocation change to take effect.


oakcli configure vm name [-vcpu cpucount -maxvcpu maxcpu -cpuprio priority 
-cpucap cap -memory memsize -maxmemory max_memsize -os sys -keyboard lang -mouse 
mouse_type -domain dom -network netlist -autostart astart -disk disks -bootoption
bootstrap -cpupool pool -prefnode 0|1 -failover true|false]


Parameter Description
name The name assigned to the virtual machine.
-vcpu cpucount Number of nodes assigned to the virtual machine. This number depends on your Oracle Database Appliance configuration:
  • On Oracle Database Appliance X5-2, the range is from 1 to 72

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X4-2, the range is from 1 to 48

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X3-2, the range is from 1 to 32

  • On Oracle Database Appliance, the range is 1 to 24

-maxvcpu maxcpu Maximum number of CPUs that the virtual machine can consume. This number depends on your Oracle Database Appliance configuration:
  • On Oracle Database Appliance X5-2, the range is from 1 to 72

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X4-2, the range is from 1 to 48.

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X3-2, the range is from 1 to 32

  • On Oracle Database Appliance, the range is 1 to 24

-cpuprio priority Priority for CPU usage, where larger values have higher priority (1 - 256).
-cpucap cap Percentage of a CPU the virtual machine can receive (1 - 100).
-memory memsize Amount of memory given to the virtual machine: (1-88)G or (1-90112)M. Default is M.
-maxmemory max_memsize Maximum amount of memory allowed for the virtual machine: (1-88)G or (1-90112)M. Default is M.
-os sys Operating system used by the virtual machine (WIN_2003, WIN_2008, WIN_7, WIN_VISTA, OTHER_WIN, OL_4, OL_5, OL_6, RHL_4, RHL_5, RHL_6, LINUX_RECOVERY, OTHER_LINUX, SOLARIS_10, SOLARIS_11, OTHER_SOLARIS, or NONE).
-keyboard lang Keyboard used by virtual machine (en-us, ar, da, de, de-ch, en-gb, es, et, fi, fo, fr, fr-be, fr-ca, hr, hu, is, it, ja, lt, lv, mk, nl, n--be, no, pl, pt, pt-br, ru, sl, sv, th, or tr).
-mouse mouse_type Mouse type used by the virtual machine (OS_DEFAULT, PS2_MOUSE, USB_MOUSE, or USB_TABLET).
-domain dom Domain type from the following options:
  • Hardware virtualized guest (XEN_HVM)

    - The kernel or operating system is not virtualization-aware and can run unmodified.

    - Device drivers are emulated.

  • Para virtualized guest (XEN_PVM)

    - The guest is virtualization-aware and is optimized for a virtualized environment.

    - PV guests use generic, idealized device drivers.

  • Hardware virtualized guest (XEN_HVM_PV_DRIVERS)

    The PV drivers are hypervisor-aware and significantly reduce the overhead of emulated device input/output.

-network netlist MAC address and list of networks used by the virtual machine.
-autostart astart Startup option for virtual machine (always, restore, or never).
-disk disks List of disks (slot, disktype, and content) used by virtual machine.
-bootoption bootstrap Boot option used to bootstrap virtual machine (PXE, DISK, or CDROM).
-cpupool pool Named CPU pool assigned to the virtual machine.
-prefnode 0|1 Node 0 or 1 where the virtual machine should attempt to start. This parameter is only valid for virtual machines created in shared repositories.
-failover true|false Allow (use the keyword "true") or disallow (use the keyword "false") the virtual machine to start or restart on a node other than the node defined by the -prefnode parameter. This parameter is only valid for virtual machines created in shared repositories.

Usage Notes

  • All of the parameters, except for name, are optional.

  • You must include at least one optional parameter for the command to work.

  • When you create a virtual machine, select the Processor Cap as a percentage, between 10 and 100%. The default is 100%. This value is then converted to a CPU utilization limit in the vm.cfg file for the virtual machine. The value set in the vm.cfg file limits the amount of CPU a guest is allowed to consume. If the Processor Cap is set at 100% in Oracle Virtual Machine, then the value set in vm.cfg is 0, which means there is no limit to CPU utilization.

See Also:

Oracle VM Release 3.1 documentation at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E27300_01 for more information about the options in the preceding table. For example, see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E27300_01/E27309/html/vmusg-ovm-vms.html for details about the -domain dom options


Changing the Virtual Machine Count and Virtual Memory Size for a Virtual Machine

Change the number of virtual CPUs to 3 and the virtual memory size to 4GB in a virtual machine named sample_odarep01:

oakcli configure vm sample_odarep01 -vcpu 3 -memory 4196 

oakcli configure vmtemplate

Use the oakcli configure vmtemplate command to configure a virtual machine template on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli configure vmtemplate name [-vcpu cpucount -maxvcpu maxcpu -cpuprio
 priority -cpucap cap -memory memsize -maxmemory max_memsize -os sys -keyboard
 lang -mouse mouse_type -domain dom -network netlist -disk disks]


Parameter Description
name Name assigned to the virtual machine template.
-vcpu cpucount Number of nodes assigned to virtual machines cloned from the template.
  • On Oracle Database Appliance X5-2, the range is from 1 to 72

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X4-2, the range is from 1 to 48.

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X3-2, the range is from 1 to 32

  • On Oracle Database Appliance, the range is 1 to 24

-maxvcpu maxcpu Maximum number of CPUs that virtual machines cloned from the template can consume.
  • On Oracle Database Appliance X5-2, the range is from 1 to 72

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X4-2, the range is from 1 to 48.

  • On Oracle Database Appliance X3-2, the range is from 1 to 32

  • On Oracle Database Appliance, the range is 1 to 24

-cpuprio priority Priority for CPU usage, where larger values have higher priority (1 - 256).
-cpucap cap Percentage of a CPU that virtual machines cloned from the template can receive (1 - 100).
-memory memsize Amount of memory given to virtual machines cloned from the template (1G - 88 G or 1M - 90112M).
-maxmemory max_memsize Maximum amount of memory allowed for virtual machines cloned from the template.
-os sys Operating system used by virtual machines cloned from the template (WIN_2003, WIN_2008, WIN_7, WIN_VISTA, OTHER_WIN, OL_4, OL_5, OL_6, RHL_4, RHL_5, RHL_6, LINUX_RECOVERY, OTHER_LINUX, SOLARIS_10, SOLARIS_11, OTHER_SOLARIS, or NONE).
-keyboard lang Keyboard used by virtual machines cloned from the template (en-us, ar, da, de, de-ch, en-gb, es, et, fi, fo, fr, fr-be, fr-ca, hr, hu, is, it, ja, lt, lv, mk, nl, n--be, no, pl, pt, pt-br, ru, sl, sv, th, or tr).
-mouse mouse_type Mouse type used by virtual machines cloned from the template (OS_DEFAULT, PS2_MOUSE, USB_MOUSE, or USB_TABLET).
-domain dom Domain type from the following options:
  • Hardware virtualized guest (XEN_HVM)

    - The kernel or operating system is not virtualization-aware and can run unmodified.

    - Device drivers are emulated.

  • Para virtualized guest (XEN_PVM)

    - The guest is virtualization-aware and is optimized for a virtualized environment.

    - PV guests use generic, idealized device drivers.

  • Hardware virtualized guest (XEN_HVM_PV_DRIVERS)

    The PV drivers are hypervisor-aware and significantly reduce the overhead of emulated device input/output.

-network netlist MAC address and list of networks used by virtual machines cloned from the template.
-disk disks List of disks (slot, disktype, and content) used by virtual machines cloned from the template.

Usage Notes

  • All of the parameters, except for name, are optional.

  • You must include at least one optional parameter for the command to work.

See Also:

Oracle VM Release 3.1 documentation at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E27300_01 for more information about the options in the preceding table. For example, see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E27300_01/E27309/html/vmusg-ovm-vms.html for details about the -domain dom options


Configuring a Virtual Machine Template

Set values for the following configuration values in the virtual machine template named myol5u7_10gb:

oakcli configure vmtemplate myol5u7_10gb
-vcpu 2 -maxvcpu 4 -cpucap 40 -memory 1536M -maxmemory 2G
-network "['type=netfront,bridge=net1']" -os OTHER_LINUX
  • -vcpu 2 = 2 CPUs will assigned when the virtual machine starts up

  • -maxvcpu 4 = The maximum number of CPUs that can be assigned to the virtual machine is 4.

  • -cucap 40 = The maximum percentage of a CPU's capacity that will be assigned to the virtual machine is 40%.

  • -memory 1536M = The amount of memory assigned when the virtual machine starts up is 1536 MB.

  • -maxmemory 2G = The maximum amount of memory that can be assigned to the virtual machine is 2 GB.

  • -network type=netfront,bridge=net1 = The list of networks used by virtual machines cloned from the template.

  • -os = The operating system used by the virtual machine is OTHER_LINUX.

oakcli copy

Use the oakcli copy command to prepare a copy of the configuration file for use during the configuration of Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli copy -conf absolute_conf_file [-h]


Parameter Description
-conf absolute_conf_file Specifies the full path name of the configuration file.
-h (Optional) Displays help for using the command.


Preparing a copy of the configuration file

If you created a configuration file previously and copied this file to Oracle Database Appliance, then prepare the configuration file to be used during the configuration process. For example, if you copied the file myserver1.conf to /tmp, then enter the following command:

oakcli copy -conf /tmp/myserver1.conf

oakcli create commands

Use the oakcli create commands to create components on Oracle Database Appliance.

oakcli create cpupool

Creates a new CPU pool

oakcli create database

Creates a new database

oakcli create dbhome

Creates a new database home

oakcli create dbstorage

Creates a new ACFS storage structure

oakcli create db_config_params

Creates a database configuration file

oakcli create repo

Creates a virtual local area network on a Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform node

oakcli create snapshotdb

Creates a snapshot database from an existing database

oakcli create vdisk

Creates a virtual disk in a shared repository on the Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform

oakcli create vlan

Creates a virtual local area network on a Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform node

oakcli create cpupool

Use the oakcli create cpupool command to create a CPU pool on one Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform node.


oakcli create cpupool poolname -numcpu cpu_count -node nodenum [-h]


Parameter Description
poolname Uniquely names the CPU pool.
-numcpu cpu_count Defines the number of CPUs for the CPU pool.
-node nodenum Defines the node where the CPU pool will be created (0 or 1).
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Creating a Two Core CPU Pool

Create a CPU pool with two CPUs on Node 1 of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform:

oakcli create cpupool twonode -numcpu 2 -node 1

oakcli create database

Use the oakcli create database command to create additional databases on Oracle Database Appliance.

When you run oakcli create database, the command prompts you for further inputs.


oakcli create database -db db_name [[[-oh home] | [-version version]] [-params params_file] [-cdb]]


Parameter Description
-db db_name Name of the database that you want to create.
-oh home (Optional) Name of an existing Oracle home to use when creating the database. By default, the command creates a new database home.
-version version (Optional) Version of the database that you want to create. By default, Oracle Database Appliance uses the highest version that you have downloaded.
-params params_file (Optional) Name of the configuration file. By default, Oracle Database Appliance uses the default configuration file.
-cdb (Optional) Creates the database as a container database.

Usage Notes

  • The -oh and the -version parameters are mutually exclusive. Attempting to use both in the same command will generate an error.

  • When a database is created without identifying an Oracle Home, a new Oracle Home is created, using a standard naming convention, for example, OraDb11203_home3. The number at the end of the name is incremented by one for each new home created with the same version number.

  • When you upgrade the database, infrastructure, and Oracle Grid Infrastructure, you must specify an existing home to create a new database.

  • If you try to create a database using the option -version version before downloading and unpacking the specific version DB clone files, then the command will fail.

  • You can create configuration files with the oakcli create db_config_params command.

  • The prompt "Do you want to keep the data files on FLASH storage: [ Y | N ] " is only shown if you choose the OLTP database type and if there is some free space available on flash storage. See "Improving I/O Performance for Database Files" for more information about this option.


Creating a new database showing prompts

When you run oakcli create database you are prompted for several inputs. The options listed for each input requested depend on the platform you run the command on. For example, Database Class options 9 and 10 are only available on Oracle Database Appliance X5-2.

oakcli create database -db mydb -oh OraDb12102_home1
Please enter the 'root'  password :
Please re-enter the 'root' password:
Please enter the 'oracle'  password :
Please re-enter the 'oracle' password:
Please enter the 'SYSASM'  password : (During deployment we set the
SYSASM password to 'welcome1'):
Please re-enter the 'SYSASM' password:
Please select one of the following for Database type  [1 .. 3]:
1    => OLTP
2    => DSS
3    => In-Memory
Selected value is : OLTP
Please select one of the following for Database Deployment  [1 .. 3]:
1    => EE : Enterprise Edition
2    => RACONE
3    => RAC
Selected value is : RAC

Do you want to keep the data files on FLASH storage: [ Y | N ]?N
Specify the  Database Class (1. odb-01 '1 core, 8 GB memory'   2.
Others) [1]:2
Please select one of the following for Database Class    [1 .. 10]:
1    => odb-01s  (   1 cores ,     4 GB memory)
2    =>  odb-01  (   1 cores ,     8 GB memory)
3    =>  odb-02  (   2 cores ,    16 GB memory)
4    =>  odb-04  (   4 cores ,    32 GB memory)
5    =>  odb-06  (   6 cores ,    48 GB memory)
6    =>  odb-12  (  12 cores ,    96 GB memory)
7    =>  odb-16  (  16 cores ,   128 GB memory)
8    =>  odb-24  (  24 cores ,   192 GB memory)
9    =>  odb-32  (  32 cores ,   256 GB memory)
10    =>  odb-36  (  36 cores ,   256 GB memory)

Creating a New Database in an Existing Oracle Home

Create a database called sales1 in OraDb11203_home2:

oakcli create database -db sales1 -oh OraDb11203_home2

Creating a New Database From a Template

Create a database called sales2 from the salesdbtemplated.dbconf file (by appending the default file extension to the file name provided). This example also creates a new Oracle Home:

oakcli create database -db sales2 -params salesdbtemplate

Creating A New Database as a Container Database

Create a container database called sales3:

oakcli create database -db sales3 -version -cdb

oakcli create dbhome

Use the oakcli create dbhome command to create a new database home on Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli create dbhome [-version version] [-h]


Parameter Description
-version version (Optional) Version that you want to install. If not provided, Oracle Database Appliance uses the latest available version.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Create a database home called sales1 using version

oakcli create dbhome -version

oakcli create dbstorage

Use the oakcli create dbstorage command to create a storage structure for migrating databases from ASM to ACFS.


oakcli create dbstorage -db db_name [-cdb]


Parameter Description
-db dbname Sets up the required ACFS storage structure for the database to be created called db_name
-cdb Must be passed if you are creating a multitenant container database
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


The oakcli create dbstorage command requests user input to determine the size of the storage structure to create as shown in this example.

oakcli create dbstorage -db sales
Please enter the 'root' password :
Please re-enter the 'root' password:
Please enter the 'oracle' password :
Please re-enter the 'oracle' password:
Please enter the 'SYSASM' password : (During deployment we set the SYSASM password to 'welcome1'):
Please re-enter the 'SYSASM' password:
Specify the Database Class (1. odb-01 '1 core, 8 GB memory' 2. Others) [1]:2
Please select one of the following for Database Class [1 .. 8] :
1 => odb-01s ( 1 cores , 4 GB memory)
2 => odb-01 ( 1 cores , 8 GB memory)
3 => odb-02 ( 2 cores , 16 GB memory)
4 => odb-04 ( 4 cores , 32 GB memory)
5 => odb-06 ( 6 cores , 48 GB memory)
6 => odb-12 ( 12 cores , 96 GB memory)
7 => odb-16 ( 16 cores , 128 GB memory)
8 => odb-24 ( 24 cores , 192 GB memory)
Selected value is: odb-01s ( 1 cores , 4 GB memory)

oakcli create db_config_params

Use the oakcli create db_config_params command to generate a database configuration file. The configuration file is created in /opt/oracle/oak/install/dbconf and is given the default extension .dbconf.


oakcli create db_config_params -conf filename -h


Parameter Description
-conf filename Name you want to give to the configuration file, without its pathname.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Create the database parameter file: /opt/oracle/oak/install/dbconf/newconf.dbconf:

# oakcli create db_config_params -conf newconf

Please select one of the following for Database Block Size  [1 .. 4]:
1 ==> 4096
2 ==> 8192
3 ==> 16384
4 ==> 32768
Selected value is: 8192

Specify the  Database Language (1. AMERICAN 2. Others) [1]:
Selected value is: AMERICAN

Specify the  Database Characterset (1. AL32UTF8 2. Others) [1]:2

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset [0 .. 10] :
0 => Others
1 => AL32UTF8
2 => AR8ADOS710
3 => AR8ADOS710T
4 => AR8ADOS720
5 => AR8ADOS720T
6 => AR8APTEC715
7 => AR8APTEC715T
10 => AR8ASMO8X
Selected value is: AL32UTF8

Specify the  Database Territory (1. AMERICA 2. Others) [1]:2

Please select one of the following for Database Territory [0 .. 10] :
0 => Others
Selected value is: AMERICA

Specify the  Component Language (1. en 2. Others) [1]:2

Please select one of the following for Component Language [0 .. 10] :
0 => Others
1 => en : English
2 => fr : French
3 => ar : Arabic
4 => bn : Bengali
5 => pt_BR : Brazilian Portuguese
6 => bg : Bulgarian
7 => fr_CA : Canadian French
8 => ca : Catalan
9 => hr : Croatian
10 => cs : Czech
Selected value is: en
Successfully generated the Database parameter file 'newconf'

oakcli create repo

Use the oakcli create repo command to create a new shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli create repo repo_name -size size [M|G] -dg DATA|RECO  -h


Parameter Description
repo_name Name assigned to the shared repository
-size size [M|G] Amount of storage to be assigned to the shared repository which can be defined as megabytes, with the M option or in gigabytes with the G option.
-dg DATA|RECO ASM disk group in which the shared repository is to be stored, either the DATA+ disk group or the RECO+ disk group, selected by using the DATA or RECO option respectively.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • The -size parameter requires a whole number for size.

  • The minimum value for size is 500 when M is used or 1 when G is used for the sizing unit.

  • The default sizing unit for size is G (gigabytes).

  • A shared repository should only be used for the virtual machine and not as a file staging area. Avoid copying or moving files into a shared repository.


Create a 25 gigabyte shared repository named repoprod1 in the DATA+ disk group:

oakcli create repo repoprod1 -dg DATA -size 25

oakcli create snapshotdb

Use the oakcli create snapshotdb command to create a snapshot database from an existing database.


oakcli create snapshotdb [-db snap_dbname -from dbname] | [-h]


Parameter Description
snap_dbname Name of the snapshot database to be created
dbname Name of the source database
-db This parameter precedes the name to be given to the new snapshot database
-from This parameter precedes the name of the database from which the snapshot database is to be built
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Create a new snapshot database, name snapprod, from the database named prod:

oakcli create snapshotdb database -db snapprod -from prod

oakcli create vdisk

Use the oakcli create vdisk command to create a new virtual disk in a shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli create vdisk vdisk_name -repo repository_name -size size -type shared|local -sparse -h


Parameter Description
vdisk_name Name assigned to the virtual disk that is unique within the name repository
-repo repository_name Name of the shared repository where the virtual disk will be created and from which it will acquire its storage
-size size Amount of storage to be assigned from the shared repository to the shared disk, where the default unit is G (for gigabytes) and the minimum size is 500M
-type shared | local Sets the option of allowing the virtual disk to be shared by more than one virtual machine (shared) or used by only one virtual machine (local)
-sparse Creates a sparse vdisk
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Create a virtual disk named t2g in the shared repository named repoprod1 for use by only one virtual machine at a time in that repository:

oakcli create vdisk t2g -repo repoprod1 -type local -size 2G

oakcli create vlan

Use the oakcli create vlan command to create a new virtual local area network (VLAN) on an Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform node.


oakcli create vlan vlan_name -vlanid tag_id -if interface_name -node 0|1 -h


Parameter Description
vlan_name Name assigned to the VLAN.
-vlanid tag_id Tag number, used for packet routing, from 2 to 4096 inclusive that uniquely identifies the VLAN on a node. The same tag number can be used on both nodes.
-if interface_name Name of the interface on which the VLAN network is created.
-node 0 | 1 Node on which the VLAN is created, either 1 or 2.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Creating a New VLAN

Create a VLAN named sample10 on Node 1 using the bond1 interface and a tag with the number 10:

oakcli create vlan sample10 -vlanid 10 -if bond1 -node 1

Duplicating a VLAN on the Second Node

Create the a VLAN named sample10 on Node 0:

oakcli create vlan sample10 -vlanid 10 -if bond1 -node 0

oakcli delete commands

Use the oakcli delete commands to delete components from Oracle Database Appliance.

oakcli delete cpupool

Deletes an existing CPU pool

oakcli delete database

Removes an existing database

oakcli delete dbhome

Deletes an existing database home

oakcli delete dbstorage

Deletes an ACFS storage structure

oakcli delete db_config_params

Deletes a database configuration file

oakcli delete repo

Deletes an existing shared repository

oakcli delete vdisk

Deletes a virtual disk from a shared repository

oakcli delete vlan

Deletes an existing virtual machine

oakcli delete vm

Deletes an existing virtual machine

oakcli delete vmtemplate

Deletes an existing VM template

oakcli delete cpupool

Use the oakcli delete cpupool command to delete a CPU pool from one Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform node.


oakcli delete cpupool poolname -node nodenum [-h]


Parameter Description
poolname Name of the CPU pool to be deleted
-node nodenum Node from which the CPU pool will be deleted (0 or 1).
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Deleting a CPU Pool

Delete the CPU pool named twonode from Node 1 of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform:

oakcli delete cpupool twonode -node 1

oakcli delete database

Use the oakcli delete database command to delete a database from Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli delete database -db db_name [-h]


Parameter Description
db_name Name of the database to be deleted.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Deleting a database

Delete the database named sales1:

oakcli delete database -db sales2

oakcli delete dbhome

Use the oakcli delete dbhome command to delete a database home from Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli delete dbhome -oh oracle_home [-h]


Parameter Description
oracle_home The database home to be un-installed.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Deleting an existing database home

Delete a database home called ora11_1:

oakcli delete dbhome -oh ora11_1

oakcli delete dbstorage

Use the oakcli delete dbstorage command to delete a storage structure that was created for the purpose of migrating databases from ASM to ACFS. For example, run this command if you created a storage structure using create dbstorage that is no longer required.


oakcli delete dbstorage -db  db_name [-cdb]


Parameter Description
db dbname Name of the database structure to be deleted
cdb Must be passed if you are deleting a multitenant container database
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Delete a storage structure:

oakcli delete dbstorage -db sales

oakcli delete db_config_params

Use the oakcli delete db_config_params command to delete a database configuration file.


oakcli delete db_config_params -conf filename -h


Parameter Description
conf filename Name of the configuration file that you want to remove, without its path name.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command

oakcli delete repo

Use the oakcli delete repo command to remove a shared repository.


oakcli delete repo repository_name [-h]


repository_name is the name of the shared repository to be deleted.


Deleting a shared repository

Delete the testrepo01 shared repository:

oakcli delete repo testrepo01

The command will not succeed if testrepo01 is active on one or both nodes.

oakcli delete vdisk

Use the oakcli delete vdisk command to remove a virtual disk from a shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli delete vdisk vdisk_name -repo repository_name -h


Parameter Description
vdisk_name Name assigned to the virtual disk
repository_name Name of the shared repository where the virtual disk was created
-h Shows the help text for the command


Remove a virtual disk named t2g from the shared repository named repoprod1:

oakcli delete vdisk t2g -repo repoprod1

oakcli delete vlan

Use the oakcli delete vlan command to remove a virtual local area network.


oakcli delete vlan vlan_name -node node_number [-h]


Parameter Description
vlan vlan_name Name of the virtual local area network to be deleted
-node node_number Oracle Database Appliance node from which you want to remove the virtual local area network
-h (Optional) Displays the help text


Deleting a Virtual Local Area Network

Delete the sample1 virtual local area network from node 1:

oakcli delete vlan sample1 -node 1

oakcli delete vm

Use the oakcli delete vm command to remove a virtual machine.


oakcli delete vm vm_name [-server node_number] [-h]


Parameter Description
vm vm_name (Optional) Name of the virtual machine to be deleted.
-server node_number Oracle Database Appliance node from which you want to remove the virtual machine. If this optional parameter is not included, then the virtual machine is removed from both nodes.
-h (Optional) Displays help for using the command.


Deleting a virtual machine

Delete the ovu22 virtual machine from node 1:

oakcli delete vm ovu22 -server 1

oakcli delete vmtemplate

Use the oakcli delete vmtemplate command to remove a virtual machine template.


oakcli delete vmtemplate template_name [-server=node_number][-h]


Parameter Description
vmtemplate template_name Name of the virtual machine template to be removed.
-server node_number Oracle Database Appliance node from which you want to remove the virtual machine template. If this optional parameter is not included, then the virtual machine template is removed from both nodes.
-h (Optional) Displays help for using the command.


Deleting a Virtual Machine Template

Delete the ovu22 virtual machine template from both nodes:

oakcli delete vmtemplate ovu22

oakcli deploy

Use the oakcli deploy command to deploy Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster on Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli deploy [config] [-conf config_file] [-advance][-h]


Parameter Description
-config (Optional) Runs the Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator.
-conf config_file (Optional) Preloads the configuration stored in the named configuration file, config_file..
-advance (Optional) Performs the deployment, or runs the deployment configurator, in advance mode.
-h (Optional) Displays the help text.


Deploying the Complete Oracle Database Appliance

oakcli deploy

Running the Oracle Database Appliance Configurator

oakcli deploy -config

Preloading an Existing Configuration File

Preload the configuration stored in the MYCONFIG-VM configuration file:

oakcli deploy -conf myconfig-vm_file

Viewing the Log File

The oakcli deploy command creates a log file with the file name STEP* at /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/

oakcli diskwritecache

Use the oakcli diskwritecache command to locate disks with write cache enabled and to disable disk write cache for those disks. Enabled write caches should be disabled as soon as downtime for Oracle Database Appliance can be scheduled. During the downtime, use this command with the disable option for each disk in turn that has an enabled write cache.


oakcli diskwritecache [disable disk_name | enable disk_name | status ] -h


-h displays the help text for this command.


Identifying disks with cache enabled

Write cache status of all disks:

oakcli diskwritecache status

oakcli import vmtemplate

Use the oakcli import vmtemplate command to import virtual machine templates.


oakcli import vmtemplate vmtemplatename -files image_files | -assembly assembly_file -repo repo_name [- node 0 | 1 ]


Parameter Description
vmtemplatename Name that you want to assign to the template.
-files Use the -files option when importing one or more files that comprise a template.
image_files image_files is one of the following:
  • a single template file name

  • a comma-separated list of files that comprise a single template

  • a URL enclosed in single quotes that links to a template file

-assembly Use the -assembly option when importing an assembly file.
assembly_file An assembly file or a URL enclosed in single quotes that links to an assembly file.
repo_name Name of the repository to store the template or templates that you are importing.
-node Use the -node option when importing into a shared repository with a value of 0 or 1 to identify the node.

Usage Notes

  • Include only one of the options, -files or -assembly, each time you run this command. You cannot include both of these options in the same statement.

  • If the command imports more than one template from an assembly, then each template will automatically be given a unique name. These template names will include the name given in the vmtemplate vmtemplatename clause followed by a sequence number, such as vmtemplatename1, vmtemplatename2, vmtemplatename3, and so on.

  • When importing into a shared repository, you must include the -node option with a valid node number, 0 or 1. Using the -node option for imports into non-shared repositories will cause the command to fail.


Importing a VIrtual Machine Template From Dom0

Import the required template (OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz) from the /OVS directory in Dom0 into the odarepo1 repository:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL5U7 -files /OVS/OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz -repo odarepo1

Importing a Virtual Machine Template From a Remote Server

Import a template from a remote server using a URL to identify the server and the template file:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL5U6 -files 'http://example.com/vm-template/OEL-5/OVM_OL5U6_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz' -repo odarepo2

Importing Virtual Machine Templates From an Assembly on a Remote Server

Import the templates contained in the assembly stored on a remote server at the URL provided:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL6U1 -assembly 'http://example.com/assemblies/OEL6/OVM_OL6U1_x86_PVHVM.ova' -repo odarepo1

Importing Virtual Machine Templates Into a Shared Repository From an Assembly On A Remote Server

Import the templates contained in the assembly stored on a remote server at the URL provided into a shared repository named repo4 on Node 1:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL6U1 -assembly 'http://example.com/assemblies/OEL6/OVM_OL6U1_x86_PVHVM.ova' -repo repo4 -node 1

oakcli locate

The oakcli locate command helps you locate the physical disk that is associated with a named Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk by turning on (or off) the disk's LED light.


oakcli locate disk diskname on|off 


Parameter Description
disk diskname Name of the Oracle ASM disk to locate
on (Optional) Turns on the LED of the named disk
off (Optional) Turns off the LED of the named disk


Turning on the LED of a Selected Disk

Turn on the LED of the ASM disk disk_pd_23:

oakcli locate disk pd_23 on

oakcli manage diagcollect

Use the oakcli manage diagcollect command to collect diagnostic information about your Oracle Database Appliance for troubleshooting purposes, and for working with Oracle Support.


oakcli manage diagcollect [--all | --crs [--crshome crs_home_dir] [--core] | --install | --chmos [--incidenttime time [--incidentduration time] |
--adr adr_location [--afterdate date] [--aftertime time] [--beforetime time] ]
 [excl comp1,comp2,...] [--clean] [--storage]


Parameter Description
--all Collect all of the diagnostic information excluding Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) and Cluster Health Monitor. This is the default option.
--crs Collect Oracle Clusterware diagnostic information.
--crshome crs_home_dir Specifies the location of the Oracle Clusterware home directory.
--core Package core files with the Oracle Clusterware diagnostic data.
--install Collect the installation logs when the installation failed before running the script root.sh.
--adr adr_location Collect diagnostic information for ADR, where adr_location specifies the location of the ADR information.
--afterdate date Collect archives from the specified date. Specify the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
--aftertime time Collect the archives after the specified time. Enter the time using the format YYYYMMDDHHMISS24. Supported only the with the -adr parameter.
--beforetime time Collect the archives before the specified time. Enter the time using the format: YYYYMMDDHHMISS24. Supported only the with the -adr parameter.
--chmos Collect Cluster Health Monitor data.
--incidenttime time Collect Cluster Health Monitor data from the specified time. Enter the time using the format: YYYYMMDDHHMISS24.

If you do not use the --incidenttime parameter, then the command collects data for the past 24 hours.

--incidentduration time Collect Cluster Health Monitor data for the duration after the specified time. Enter the time using the format: HH:MM. If you do not specify a duration, then the commands collects all Cluster Health Monitor data after the specified incident time.
--excl [comp1,comp2] Exclude the specified component logs. Valid components are: acfs, invt, sys, ocr, crs, home, and base.
--clean Remove the diagnosability information gathered by this command.
--storage Collect all of the logs for any storage issues. This can be used when you are experiencing any problems with storage and need support to diagnose the logs.

oakcli migrate vm

Use the oakcli migrate vm command to migrate a currently running virtual machine to another node.


oakcli migrate vm <vmname> -h

vname is the name of the virtual machine to be migrated.


(Optional) -h displays help for using the command.

oakcli modify

Use the oakcli modify command to:

  • attach virtual disks to or detach virtual disks from virtual machines

  • transmit first-boot installation configuration messages to virtual machines

  • assign networks to or delete networks from virtual machines and virtual machine templates


Use the following oakcli modify command syntax to modify a virtual machine or virtual machine template:

oakcli modify [vm vmname [-attachvdisk vdisk_name | -detachvdisk vdisk_name | -s key1:value1;key2:value2;...]] | [[vm vmname | vmtemplate vmtemplatename] [-addnetwork network | -deletenetwork network]] [-h]


Parameter Description
vmname Name of the virtual machine.
vmtemplatename Virtual machine template being modified.
-attachvdisk vdisk_name Attaches the named virtual disk to the named virtual machine.
-detachvdisk vdisk_name Detaches the named virtual disk from the named virtual machine.
-s key1:value1;key2:value2;... Identifies a message consisting of one or more key/value pairs to send to the ovmd utility, where each key and value is separated by a colon (:) and each key/value pair is separated from the next key/value pair by a semicolon (;).
-addnetwork network Identifies a new network to be assigned to the named virtual machine or template.
-deletenetwork network Identifies the network to be deleted from the named virtual machine or template.
-h (Optional) Displays the help text.

Usage Notes

  • The vmtemplate object is valid with only the -addnetwork or -deletenetwork parameters.

  • Do not use the -attachvdisk or the -detachvdisk option with the -addnetwork, -deletenetwork, or -s parameters.

  • Include only one of the -addnetwork, -deletenetwork, or -s parameters when you use this command.


Modifying The Network Defined in a Virtual Machine Template

Replace the network assigned to the gc_11g virtual machine template with the net1 network:

oakcli modify vmtemplate gc_11g -addnetwork net1

Sending a message to a running virtual machine

Update the root user password for the gc_11g virtual machine:

oakcli modify vm gc_11g -s "com.oracle.linux.root-password:root123"

oakcli orachk

Use the oakcli orachk command to audit configuration settings with the ORAchk utility.


oakcli orachk [-abvhpfm[u -o][o]ct] [-clusternodes list | -localonly] [-debug] [-dbnames list |-dbnone | -dball] [upgrade]


Parameter Description
-a Perform a best practice check and recommended patch check.
-b Perform a best practice check only without the recommended patch check.
-v Display version.
-h Display command usage (help).
-p Perform patch check only.
-f Run the command offline.
-m Exclude checks for Maximum Availability scorecards.
-u -o Perform check on pre-upgrade best practices (-u -o pre) or on post-upgrade best practices (-u -o post) .
-o As an argument to an option, if -o is followed by v, V, Verbose, or VERBOSE, output will display checks that pass on the display. Without the -o option, only failures will display on the screen.
-c Determines granularity of information displayed on the screen. For use only when working with Oracle Support.
-clusternodes list list is a comma delimited list containing the names of the nodes where the command should run.
-localonly Run the command only on the local node.
--debug Creates a debug log.
-dbnames list list is a comma delimited list containing the names of the subset of databases on which the command should run.
-dbnone Skip all database-related checks on all databases without prompting to select which database to skip.
-dball Run all database-related checks on all databases without prompting to select which databases to check.
-upgrade Force upgrade of the version of the ORAchk being run.

Usage Notes

  • The command offers multiple options that are generic to the ORAchk command when run on servers other than Oracle Database Appliance. You can find details about these options by running the oakcli orachk -h command. The options are grouped into the following categories, but this document does not list the options for each category:

    • Report Options

    • Auto Restart Options

    • Daemon Options

    • Profile Run Options

  • For more information about ORAchk, see the My Oracle Support note 1268927.2, "ORAchk Health Checks for the Oracle Stack" at https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&id=1268927.2.

oakcli resize dbstorage

Use the oakcli resize dbstorage command to resize the space used for a storage structure that was created for the purpose of migrating databases from ASM to ACFS. You can check the current space usage using oakcli show fs and then add or remove space using oakcli resize dbstorage.


oakcli resize dbstorage -data size -reco size -redo size -db  db_name


Parameter Description
-data size Extendable size in GB for the DATA volume
-reco size Extendable size in GB for the REDO volume
-redo size Extendable size in GB for the RECO volume
-db dbname Database for which these volumes must be resized
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command


Increase the size of the volume by 10 GB on the Data disk group.

oakcli resize dbstorage -data 10G

oakcli restart oda_base

Use the oakcli restart oda_base command to stop and restart ODA_BASE on the local node. Use this command when you are not concerned about the current status of ODA_BASE because it performs a forced shut down. You must run this command from Dom0 and, typically, if ODA_BASE needs to be restarted, you need to restart it on both nodes.


oakcli restart oda_base | -h

The ODA_BASE to be restarted is on the same node as the Dom0 from which you run this command.

oakcli show commands

Use the oakcli show commands to display the status of Oracle Database Appliance components.

The oakcli show commands display status information for the node where you run the command. Use the help option, oakcli show -h, to see the list of components available on the current node.

oakcli show asr

Displays the Oracle Auto Service Request configuration

oakcli show cooling

Displays the status of the cooling units

oakcli show controller

Displays information about the disk controllers

oakcli show core_config_key

Displays information about the core deployment

oakcli show cpupool

Displays information about mappings between cores and virtual machines

oakcli show databases

Displays information about the databases

oakcli show dbhomes

Displays information about the database homes

oakcli show db_config_params

Displays configuration file names and parameters

oakcli show dbstorage

Displays database storage information for databases created on ASM Cluster File System (ACFS)

oakcli show disk

Displays information about shared or local disks

oakcli show diskgroup

Displays information about Oracle ASM disk groups

oakcli show env_hw

Displays the current server's environment type and hardware version

oakcli show expander

Displays information about the expanders

oakcli show enclosure

Displays information about the storage enclosure

oakcli show fs

Displays information about all database and cloudfs file systems created on ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) in addition to the local file systems on the Oracle Database Appliance node

oakcli show ib

Displays information about the infiniBand card and port

oakcli show iraid

Displays information about the internal RAID

oakcli show memory

Displays information about the memory subsystem

oakcli show network

Displays information about the network subsystem

oakcli show power

Displays the status of the power supply subsystem

oakcli show processor

Displays processor (CPU) information

oakcli show raidsyncstatus

Displays internal RAID sync information

oakcli show repo

Displays information about virtual machine repositories

oakcli show server

Displays information about the server subsystem

oakcli show storage

Displays information about the storage

oakcli show validation storage

Displays status (enabled or disabled) of validation storage error reporting

oakcli show validation storage errors

Displays hard storage errors

oakcli show validation storage failures

Displays soft storage errors

oakcli show vdisk

Displays information about virtual disks

oakcli show version

Displays version information for the software and firmware

oakcli show vlan

Displays version information about virtual local area networks

oakcli show vm

Displays version information about virtual machines

oakcli show vmconsole

Opens a GUI VM console for a virtual machine.

oakcli show vmtemplate

Displays information about virtual machine templates


Depending on your model and version of Oracle Database Appliance software, the oakcli show command options may differ from the ones shown in the preceding table and explained in the following sections. Run the command oakcli show -h for an annotated list of components covered on your system.

oakcli show asr

Use the oakcli show asr command to display your Oracle Auto Service Request configuration details.


oakcli show asr [-h]


-h displays the help for using this command.

oakcli show cooling


oakcli show cooling [-h]


-h displays the help usage for this command.


Displaying the cooling unit information

Use this command to display the cooling unit information for the node where the command is executed:

oakcli show cooling        NAME   HEALTH HEALTH_DETAILS LOCATION FAN % FAN SPEED        Fan_0  OK     -              FM0      30 %  6300 RPM        Fan_1  OK     -              FM0      19 %  3800 RPM        Fan_10 OK     -              FM2      34 %  6600 RPM        Fan_11 OK     -              FM2      23 %  4100 RPM        Fan_12 OK     -              FM3      32 %  6300 RPM        Fan_13 OK     -              FM3      22 %  3900 RPM        Fan_14 OK     -              FM3      24 %  4700 RPM        Fan_15 OK     -              FM3      14 %  2500 RPM        Fan_2  OK     -              FM0      29 %  6400 RPM        Fan_3  OK     -              FM0      18 %  3700 RPM        Fan_4  OK     -              FM1      32 %  6400 RPM        Fan_5  OK     -              FM1      20 %  3700 RPM        Fan_6  OK     -              FM1      33 %  6400 RPM        Fan_7  OK     -              FM1      22 %  3800 RPM        Fan_8  OK     -              FM2      33 %  6400 RPM        Fan_9  OK     -              FM2      22 %  3900 RPM

oakcli show controller

Use the oakcli show controller command to display information about the controllers.


oakcli show controller controller_id [-h]


Parameter Description
controller_id Specifies the controller for which the information should be displayed.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Displaying information about controller 0 or controller 1

Display details of controller 0:

oakcli show controller 0

oakcli show core_config_key

Use the oakcli show core_config_key command to display information about how to deploy your Oracle Database Appliance cores.


oakcli show core_config_key


Determining Whether The Oracle Database Appliance Core Configuration Key Has Been Applied

Show the core count status on a new Oracle Database Appliance that has not been configured:

oakcli show core_config_key
Optional core_config_key is not applied on this machine yet!

Displaying the Oracle Database Appliance Core Count Status on a Configured Oracle Database Appliance

Show the core count status on a previously configured Oracle Database Appliance:

oakcli show core_config_key
Host's serialnumber = 1132FMW003
Configured Cores = 20

oakcli show cpupool

Use the oakcli show cpupool command to display core allocations to virtual machine mappings.


oakcli show cpupool -node nodenum

nodenum is the number of the Oracle Database Appliance node that you wish to examine, either 0 or 1.


Displaying core allocations to virtual machine mappings for a node

Display the core mapping information for Node 0:

oakcli show cpupool -node 0
         Pool           Cpu List          VM List
default-unpinned-pool   [14, 15, 16, 17,  ['test1_odarepo1','sample5_odarepo1', 
                         18, 19, 20, 21,   'vm_very_long_name_sample1_odarepo1',
                         22, 23]           'win_vm1']
         twocpu          [12, 13]         ['vm1_odarepo1']
      odaBaseCpuPool     [0, 1, 2, 3, 10  ['oakDom1']
                          , 11]

oakcli show databases

Use the oakcli show databases command to display information about each existing database, including database name, database type, database home name and location, and database version.


oakcli show databases [-h]


-h displays the help usage for this command.

oakcli show dbhomes

Use the oakcli show dbhomes command to display information about each existing Oracle database home, including home name, home location, and database version.


oakcli show dbhomes [-detail] [-h]


Parameter Description
-detail (Optional) Include a list of databases associated with each home.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.

oakcli show db_config_params

Use the oakcli show db_config_params command to display information about each existing Oracle database home, including home name, home location, and database version. By default, the command will search for files with the extension .dbconf located in the /opt/oracle/oak/install/dbconf directory.


oakcli show db_config_params [-conf filename] [-detail] [-h]


Parameter Description
-conf filename (Optional) Name of configuration file to be displayed. If not included, then the command displays all configuration files.
-detail (Optional) Display the parameter values stored in the configuration file or files.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Displaying the Default Database Configuration Parameter Values

oakcli show db_config_params -detail
Available DB configuration files are:
          DATABASE_BLOCK_SIZE       =>    8192
          DATABASE_LANGUAGE         =>    AMERICAN
          DATABASE_CHARACTERSET     =>    AL32UTF8
          DATABASE_TERRITORY        =>    AMERICA
          COMPONENT_LANGUAGES       =>    en

oakcli show dbstorage

Use the oakcli show dbstorage command to display database storage information for databases created on ASM Cluster File System (ACFS). By default, all non-cdb databases will be listed together as they share a common set of volumes. Each cdb database will be listed separately.


oakcli show dbstorage [-db dbname]


Parameter Description
-db dbname (Optional) Display the name of the database for the storage information

oakcli show disk

Use the oakcli show disk command to display disk information.


oakcli show  disk  [-shared | -local | <shared_diskname> [-all][-h]


Parameter Description
-local (Optional) Display information for all of the local disks
-shared (Optional) Display information for all of the shared disks
shared_disk_name (Optional) Display information for only the specific shared disk
-asm (Optional) Displays information for an assembly
-all (Optional) Display complete details of the selected disk or disks
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • Running the command with no parameters is identical to running the oakcli show disk -shared command.

  • The -all parameter produces valid output only when used with the shared_disk_name parameter. All other parameters are optional and cannot be combined with other parameters.


Displaying Information About the Local Disks

#oakcli show disk -local

Displaying Information About the Shared Disks

# oakcli show disk -shared

Displaying Information About a Specific Shared Disk

Display information about the shared disk named pd_01:

oakcli show diskgroup

Use the oakcli show diskgroup command to display Oracle ASM disk group information.


oakcli show diskgroup [disk_group_name]


Parameter Description
disk_group_name (Optional) The name of an Oracle ASM disk group for which complete details should be displayed. If you do not specify this parameter, then information for all of the Oracle ASM disk groups is displayed.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.

oakcli show env_hw

Use the oakcli show env_hw command to display the environment type and hardware version of the current node.


oakcli show env_hw [-h]


-h displays the help information for the command.


Showing the environment type and hardware model

The following example shows the output from the oakcli show env_hw command when logged onto ODA_BASE on Oracle Database Appliance X3-2 Virtualized Platform:

oakcli show env_hw

oakcli show enclosure

Use the oakcli show enclosure command to display information about the storage enclosure subsystem on the node where the command is executed.


oakcli show enclosure


-h displays the help information for the command.


Displaying storage enclosure subsystem information

Display the storage enclosure subsystem information of the node where the command is executed:

oakcli show expander

Use the oakcli show expander command to display information about an expander.


oakcli show expander expander_id


expander_id identifies the specific expander.

oakcli show fs

Use the oakcli show fs command to display all database and cloudfs file systems created on ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) in addition to the local file systems on the Oracle Database Appliance node.


oakcli show fs

oakcli show ib

Use the oakcli show ib command to display InfiniBand card and port information if Infiniband exists in the system.


oakcli show ib

oakcli show iraid

Use the oakcli show iraid command to display internal RAID and local disk information. This command is only available on X5-2 systems and later.


oakcli show iraid

oakcli show memory

Use the oakcli show memory command to display information about memory modules.


oakcli show memory


Displaying memory module information

Display the memory information of the node where the command is executed:

oakcli show memory

oakcli show network

Use the oakcli show network command to display information about the network subsystem.


oakcli show network

oakcli show power

Use the oakcli show power command to display information about the power supply subsystem.


oakcli show power


Displaying the Power Supply Information

Display the power supply information of the node where the command is executed:

oakcli show power
        Power_Supply_0  OK     -              7047410  476856F+1242CE0020 PS0      Present     113 watts    33.250 degree C 36.688 degree C
        Power_Supply_1  OK     -              7047410  476856F+1242CE004J PS1      Present     89 watts     37.000 degree C 39.438 degree C

oakcli show processor

Use the oakcli show processor command to display information about CPU processors.


oakcli show processor


Displaying the CPU Processor Information

Display the CPU processor information of the node where the command is executed:

oakcli show processor
        CPU_0 OK     -              060D     P0 (CPU 0)
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690  2.900 GHZ         8           8
        CPU_1 OK     -              060D     P1 (CPU 1)
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690  2.900 GHZ     8           8

oakcli show raidsyncstatus

Use the oakcli show raidsyncstatus command to display the status of the RAID rebuild after a failed local disk is replaced.


The show raidsyncstatus command is only supported on a bare metal platform; it is not supported on the virtualized platform. For general raid information, use the oakcli show iraid command.


oakcli show raidsyncstatus

oakcli show repo

Use the oakcli show repo command to display information about virtual machine repositories. To see all repositories, do not include the repository name and node number. To see a specific shared repository, include the repository name and node.


oakcli show repo [reponame -node 0|1]


reponame identifies a specific repository name.


Displaying the Available Virtual Machine Repositories

Display the virtual machined repositories on the two nodes of your Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform:

oakcli show repo
        odarepo1  local     0
        odarepo2  local     1
        repo1     shared    0
        repo1     shared    1

Displaying Details About a Specific Shared Repository

Display information about the repository named repo1 on Node 1:

oakcli show repo repo1 -node 1
Resource: repo1_1
        AutoStart       :       restore       
        DG              :       DATA          
        Device          :       /dev/asm/repo1-286
        ExpectedState   :       Online        
        MountPoint      :       /u01/app/repo1
        Name            :       repo1_0       
        Node            :       all           
        RepoType        :       shared        
        Size            :       102400        
        State           :       Online

oakcli show server

Use the oakcli show server command to display information about the server subsystem.


oakcli show server

oakcli show storage

Use the oakcli show storage command to display information about the storage for controllers, expanders, and disks.


oakcli show storage -errors


-errors parameter displays detailed information about reported errors.

oakcli show validation storage

Use the oakcli show validation storage command to show whether validation storage is enabled or disabled.


oakcli show validation storage


oakcli show validation storage

oakcli show validation storage errors

Use the oakcli show validation storage errors command to show hard storage errors. Hard errors include having the wrong type of disk inserted into a particular slot, an invalid disk model, or an incorrect disk size.


oakcli show validation storage errors

oakcli show validation storage failures

Use the oakcli show validation storage failures command to show soft validation errors. A typical soft disk error would be an invalid version of the disk firmware.


oakcli show validation storage failures

oakcli show vdisk

Use the oakcli show vdisk command to display information about virtual disks on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli show vdisk [vdisk_name -repo repository_name]


Parameter Description
vdisk_name (Optional) Display information for just one virtual disk
-repo repository_name Required parameter if a vdisk is specified in the command


Display the Information for All Vdisks

Display information about all vdisks on your Oracle Database Appliance:

# oakcli show vdisk

    NAME                         SIZE     TYPE    REPOSITORY
    myvdisk                      10G      local   vdiskrepo
    newv                         1G       local   vdiskrepo

Display Information for a Single Vdisk

Display information for the vdisk named myvdisk:

# oakcli show vdisk myvdisk1
Resource: myvdisk_vdiskrepo
        Name         :     myvdisk_vdiskrepo
        RepoName     :     vdiskrepo
        Size         :     10G
        Type         :     local
        VmAttached   :     0

oakcli show version

Use the oakcli show version command to display patch versions for Oracle Database Appliance software and firmware.


oakcli show version [-detail]


-detail option displays detailed version information.


Displaying Basic Version Information

Display the version information for the software and firmware on your Oracle Database Appliance:

oakcli show version

oakcli show vlan

Use the oakcli show vlan command to display information about virtual local area networks configured on Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli show vlan


Displaying Virtual Local Area Network Information

Display the names, tag ID numbers, networks, and node assignments for the available local virtual area networks:

oakcli show vlan
                       NAME                     ID    INTERFACE   NODENUM
        net1                     1     bond1       0
        net1                     1     bond1       1
        net2                     1     bond2       0
        net2                     1     bond2       1
        net3                     1     bond3       0
        net3                     1     bond3       1
        net4                     1     xbond0      0
        net4                     1     xbond0      1
        priv1                    1     bond0       0
        priv1                    1     bond0       1

oakcli show vm

Use the oakcli show vm command to display information about virtual machines.


oakcli show vm [vm_name | -h]


Parameter Description
vm_name (Optional) The name of the virtual machine for which details should be displayed. If you do not specify this parameter, then information for all the virtual machines is displayed.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Displaying Details for All Virtual Machines

Display the virtual machine names, memory and vCPU allocations, status, virtual disks, and repository name for all virtual machines:

oakcli show vm

NAME                    MEMORY          VCPU         STATE           REPOSITORY
sample5_odarepo1          2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo1      
sample6_odarepo1          2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo2      
test1_odarepo1            2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo1      
test2_odarepo2            2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo2      
vm1_odarepo1              4096             4         ONLINE          odarepo1      
vm2_odarepo2              2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo2      
win_vm1                   1500             1         ONLINE          odarepo1

Displaying Information for a Single Virtual Machine

Display information about the vm1_odarepo1 virtual machine:

oakcli show vm vm1_odarepo1
Resource: vm1_odarepo1
        AutoStart       :       restore       
        CPUPriority     :       100           
        Disks           :       |file:/OVS/Repositories/odarepo1/Vi
        Domain          :       XEN_PVM       
        ExpectedState   :       online       
        FailOver        :       false
        IsSharedRepo    :       false
        Keyboard        :       en-us         
        MaxMemory       :       3000           
        MaxVcpu         :       4             
        Memory          :       4096          
        Mouse           :       OS_DEFAULT    
        Name            :       vm1_odarepo1  
        Networks        :       |mac=00:21:F6:00:00:E4|         
        NodeNum         :       0             
        NodeNumStart    :       
        OS              :       OL_5          
        PrivateIP       :       None          
        ProcessorCap    :       100           
        RepoName        :       odarepo1      
        State           :       Online        
        TemplateName    :       otml_sample1_odarepo1
        Vcpu            :       4             
        cpupool         :       twocpu        
        vncport         :       5901              

oakcli show vmtemplate

Use the oakcli show vmtemplate command to display information about virtual machine templates.


oakcli show vmtemplate [vmtemplate_name | -h]


Parameter Description
vmtemplate_name (Optional) The name of the virtual template for which details should be displayed. If you do not specify this parameter, then information for all of the virtual templates is displayed.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Displaying Details for a Single Virtual Template

Display information about the sample1_odarepo1 virtual template:

oakcli show vmtemplate sample_odarepo1
Resource: sample1_odarepo1
        CPUPriority     :       100           
        Disks           :       |file:/OVS/Repositories/odarepo1/Te
        Domain          :       XEN_PVM       
        Keyboard        :       en-us         
        MaxMemory       :       2048          
        MaxVcpu         :       2             
        Memory          :       2048          
        Mouse           :       OS_DEFAULT    
        Name            :       sample1_odarepo1
        Networks        :       |bridge=priv1||bridge=net1||bridge=
        NodeNum         :       0             
        OS              :       OL_5          
        ProcessorCap    :       100           
        RepoName        :       odarepo1      
        Vcpu            :       2 

oakcli show vmconsole

Use the oakcli show vmconsole command to open a GUI VM console to manage a specific virtual machine.


oakcli show vmconsole vmname [-h]


Parameter Description
vm_name Name of the virtual machine for which you want to open a console.
-h (Optional) Display help for using the command.


Opening a Virtual Machine Console

Open a console for the virtual machine named vm1_odarepo1:

oakcli show vmconsole vm1_odarepo1

oakcli start commands

Use the oakcli start commands to start a virtual machine, to start a shared repository on a node, or to start ODA_BASE on the local node.

oakcli start oda_base

Starts ODA_BASE on the local node

oakcli start repo

Starts a shared repository on the specified node

oakcli start vm

Starts a virtual machine on the specified node

oakcli start oda_base

Use the oakcli start oda_base command to start ODA_BASE on the local node.


oakcli start oda_base [-h]


-h displays help for using the command.


Connect to Dom0 on the desired node and enter the following command to start ODA_BASE on that node:

oakcli start oda_base

oakcli start repo

Use the oakcli start repo command to start a shared repository on a node.


oakcli start repo repo_name [-node node_number] [-h]


Parameter Description
repo_name repo_name is the name of the shared repository to be started.
-node node_number Specifies the node on which to start the shared repository. node_number is the number of the node where it is to be started, either 0 or 1. If -node is not specified, the shared repository is started on both nodes.
-h (Optional) Displays the online help.


Start the shared repository named repo1 on Node 0:

oakcli start repo repo1 -node 0

oakcli start vm

Use the oakcli start vm command to start a virtual machine on a node.


oakcli start vm vm_name [-node node_number] [-d] [-h]


Parameter Description
vm_name vm_name is the name of the virtual machine to be started.
-node node_number Specifies the node on which to start the virtual machine. node_number is the number of the node where it is to be started, either 0 or 1. If -node is not specified, a virtual machine is started on both nodes.
-d Provides details about the virtual machine starting procedure
-h (Optional) Displays the online help.


Start the virtual machine named vm1_odarepo1 on Node 0.

oakcli start vm vm_odarepo1 -node 0

oakcli stop commands

Use the oakcli stop commands to stop a virtual machine, to stop a shared repository on a node, or to stop ODA_BASE on the local node.


oakcli stop [vm vm_name [-force] | repo repo_name [-node node_number] | oda_base ] [-h]


Parameter Description
vm vm_name vm_name is the name of the virtual machine to be stopped.
-force (Optional) forces the virtual machine to stop.
repo repo_name repo_name is the name of the shared repository to be stopped.
-node node_number node_number is the number of the node where the shared repository is to be stopped, either 0 or 1. The -node parameter is only valid when stopping a virtual machine on a shared repository. If -node is not specified, the shared repository is stopped on both nodes.
oda_base stops ODA_BASE on the local node.
-h (Optional) Displays the online help.


Forcing a Virtual Machine to Stop

Force the virtual machine named vm1_odarepo1 to stop:

oakcli stop vm vm_odarepo1 -force

Stopping a Shared Repository

Stop the shared repository named repo1 on Node 0:

oakcli stop repo repo1 -node 0

Stopping the Local ODA_Base

Connect to Dom0 on the desired node and enter the following command to stop ODA_BASE on that node:

oakcli stop oda_base

oakcli stordiag

Use the oakcli stordiag command to run diagnostic tests on a disk in the storage shelf or storage expansion shelf.


oakcli stordiag resource_type | -h


Parameter Description
resource_type Prefix that depends on the configuration. See "Usage Notes" below.
n Disk number (starting with 0 and increasing to one less than the number of disks)
-h Displays the online help

Usage Notes

Select the value for resource_type based from one of the following options:

  • on Oracle Database Appliance Version 1, use d

  • on Oracle Database Appliance with a single storage shelf, use pd_

  • on Oracle Database Appliance with an expansion storage shelf, use e0_pd_ for a disk in the storage shelf and use e1_pd_ for a disk in the expansion storage shelf

For Oracle Database Appliance systems that have internal storage, use the format d_[..] to identify the disk to be diagnosed, for Oracle Database Appliance system that have connected a connected shelf (and optional storage expansion shelf), use the format e[0..1]_p[0..23] to identify the disk to be diagnosed.


Run Diagnostic Tests on a Disk in a Storage Expansion Shelf

The following command runs the diagnostic tests on disk 4 in the storage shelf where there is no expansion storage shelf:

# oakcli stordiag e1_pd_3
 Node Name : hr0                                                        
 Test : Diagnostic Test Description                                             
   1  : OAK Check                                                               
        NAME          PATH          TYPE          STATE         STATE_DETAILS
        pd_03         /dev/sdw      HDD           ONLINE        Good    
   2  : ASM Check  
. . .
<output truncated>

oakcli test asr

Use the oakcli test asr command to send a test trap to determine if Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) is configured and working correctly. The command returns a success message if Oracle ASR is functioning properly.


oakcli test asr [-h]


-h displays help for using the command

oakcli unpack

Use the oakcli unpack command to unpack packages into the Oracle Appliance Manager repository.


oakcli unpack -package absolute_package_name


Parameters Description
absolute_package_name Identifies the package to be unpacked using the package's full absolute path and file name.
-h Displays help for using the command.


Unpacking A Patch Package into the Oracle Appliance Manager Command-line Interface Repository

Unpack the p13982331_23000_Linux-86-64.zip package, which was previously copied to /tmp on the current node, into the node's Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface repository:

oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p13982331_23000_Linux-86-62.zip

oakcli update

Use the oakcli update command to apply Oracle Database Appliance patches. For upgrading only the Oracle Database software, see the oakcli upgrade command.


oakcli update -patch version [[--infra] | [[--gi][--database]]] [--noreboot] | [--clean] | [--verify]


Parameter Description
-patch version Patch update that you want to install.
--infra Infrastructure is to be patched, including firmware, OS, ASR, HMP, OAK, and so on. This is the default option.
--gi Grid Infrastructure is to be patched.
--database Database homes to be patched.
--noreboot Node will not be rebooted after patching.
--clean Clean up all temporary files on the local node.
--verify Show the patchable components on the node.


Patching a node

Update the current node with the patch:

oakcli update -patch

oakcli upgrade

Use the oakcli upgrade command to upgrade Oracle Databases on Oracle Database Appliance. For patching Oracle Database Appliance itself, see the oakcli update command.


oakcli upgrade database [-db db_names | -from source_home] -to destination_home


Parameter Description
-db db_names Specifies the name or names (in a comma-delimited list) of the database or databases you want to upgrade.
-from source_home Specifies the current Oracle Database home of the databases you are upgrading.
-to destination_home Specifies the Oracle Database home containing the version to which you want to upgrade the databases.
-h (Optional) Displays online help.

Usage Notes

  • You must include either a -db parameter or a -from parameter.

  • Running the command with a -db parameter upgrades only the named databases, regardless of their current Oracle Database homes. If you include a -from parameter, in addition to a -db parameter, then the command ignores the -from parameter. That is, the command upgrades named databases from other homes and ignores the databases in the named home if they are not listed in the -db parameter.

  • Running the command without a -db parameter will upgrade all of the databases in the named Oracle Database home.

  • You must always provide a -to parameter which names an existing Oracle Database home.


Upgrading an Oracle Database

Upgrade an database named tpcc to version using the Oracle Database home directory OraDb11203_home1:

oakcli upgrade database -db tpcc -to OraDb11203_home1

oakcli validate

Use the oakcli validate command to validate the state of an Oracle Database Appliance or the viability of an operating system patch.


Use the following oakcli validate syntax to validate an Oracle Database Appliance:

oakcli validate [[-V | -l | -h]] | [[-v][-f output_file] [-a | -d | -c checklist][-ver patch_version]]


Parameter Description
-v Display the version of oakValidation.
-l List the items that can be checked along with their descriptions.
-h Display the online help.
-v Show verbose output (must be used with a parameter that generates a validation report).
-f output_file Send output to a file with a fully-qualified file name, output_file, instead of to the screen (stdout).
-a Run all system checks, including DiskCalibration. Oracle recommends that you use this command to validate system readiness before deployment. Do not run oakcli validate with this option on a busy production system, because the DiskCalibration system check can cause performance issues.
-d Run only the default checks.
-c checklist Run the validation checks for the items identified in checklist, a comma-delimited list. Use this parameter to check either a single item or subset of items.


Listing all Checks and Their Descriptions

List all of the checks available with oakcli validate along with their descriptions:

oakcli validate -l

         Checkname -- Description
         =========    ===========
         *SystemComponents -- Validate system components based on ilom sensor data
         *OSDiskStorage -- Validate OS disks and filesystem information
         *SharedStorage -- Validate Shared storage and multipathing information
         DiskCalibration -- Check disk performance with orion
         *NetworkComponents -- Validate public and private network components
         *StorageTopology -- Validate external JBOD connectivity
         asr -- Validate asr components based on asr config file and ilom sensor
         data readings

* -- These checks are also performed as part of default checks


The NetworkComponents validation check is not available on hardware prior to Oracle Database Appliance X3-2.

Running All Checks

Enter the following command to run all checks

oakcli validate -a

Validating Storage Cable Connections

Enter the following command to validate the connections to your storage shelf and, if connected, your storage expansion shelf:

oakcli validate -c storagetopology

Validating ASR

Enter the following syntax to validate your ASR configuration:

# oakcli validate -c asr
INFO: oak Asr information and Validations
RESULT: /opt/oracle/oak/conf/asr.conf exist
RESULT: ASR Manager ip:
RESULT: ASR Manager port:1162
SUCCESS: ASR configuration file validation successfully completed
RESULT: /etc/hosts has entry transport.oracle.com
RESULT: ilom alertmgmt level is set to minor
RESULT: ilom alertmgmt type is set to snmptrap
RESULT: alertmgmt snmp_version is set to 2c
RESULT: alertmgmt community_or_username is set to public
RESULT: alertmgmt destination is set to
RESULT: alertmgmt destination_port is set to 1162
SUCCESS: Ilom snmp confguration for asr set correctly
RESULT: notification trap configured to ip:
RESULT: notification trap configured to port:1162
SUCCESS: Asr notification trap set correctly
INFO: --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- --------- -------------- ------------------------------ oda-02-c 1130FMW00D Enabled SNMP ILOM SUN FIRE X4370 M2 SERVER oda-01-c 1130FMW00D Enabled SNMP ILOM SUN FIRE X4370 M2 SERVER
INFO: Please use My Oracle Support 'http://support.oracle.com' to view the activation status.
SUCCESS: asr log level is already set to Fine.
RESULT: Registered with ASR backend.
RESULT: test connection successfully completed.
RESULT: submitted test event for asset:
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.asr.sw is in active state
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.asr.sw-frag is in resolved state
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.asr.sw-rulesdefinitions is in resolved state
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.ServiceActivation is in active state
SUCCESS: ASR diag successfully completed

Checking the Viability of a Patch

Use the oakcli validate ospatch -ver patch_version command to report any reasons for not being able to patch Oracle Database Appliance with the patch named in patch_version. Run this command before attempting to patch Oracle Database Appliance to determine if it will succeed or if changes need to be made before applying the patch. Warning and error labels in the command output are highlighted in magenta and red font, respectively.

# oakcli validate ospatch -ver
INFO: Validating the OS patch for the version
WARNING: 2015-02-10 06:30:32: Patching sub directory /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/orapkgs/OEL/5.10/Patches/5.10.1 is not existing
INFO: 2015-02-10 06:30:32: May need to unpack the Infra patch bundle for the version:
ERROR: 2015-02-10 06:30:32: No OS patch directory found in the repository